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[PvP]any tips fighting DoT Marauder/Sentinels?


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I have started running into more and more of these DoT Marauder/Sentinels the last couple of weeks. And basically they tear me up in every time. I'm at a loss on how to approach them.


I tried kiting them, which usually works against the non-DoTers, slowing and attacking them from +10 m range.


I tried using Resilience to cleanse their DoTs, but I haven't yet found the optimal timing for the ability.


Does it still use charges of Overloaded Saber, while making me immue? so I should pop resilience when I see the Overloaded Saber animation, or will that just delay the DoT aplications for 3-5 sec.


Or is it better to dispel the DoTs when they have all been applied. But on the other hand, I'm usually at 50% hp when Overloaded Saber hits 3 debuff charges on me.


The damage is insane, even though our Jedi Consular buff offers 10% damage reductions, 10% from expertise and 15% from the Balance treed against DoTs. Yet I melt like butter in a fire.


The only real tip I have found so far against DoT-Marauders/sentinels is to use resilience and vanish away, which I don't think is very useful.


I'm tired of running away and avoiding them. Do you people have any useful DoT-Marauder/Sentinel slaying tips?

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A good ANN warrior is destructive in 1v1, and if he has all CDs available you won't win, if he knows what hes doing.


very likely -


He'll have the 20% damage reduction buff up throughout the whole fight.


Vanish, where he takes no damage at all.


Saber Ward, where chances are you just won't hit him.


Undying Rage, LOL.


And after all that he can generate 30 stacks of fury instantly, or just give you a 90% Accuracy reduction.


If he doesn't have them all available, just watch his stacks of fury. If it's high be ready to pop Resil, because if you don't your health will drop very very quickly.


Just try your very best to kite and remember he will jump every 12 secs, so be ready to stun, and break range quickly. Remember you have Low Slash, when he does leap, which is a low resolve cost, and slow him constantly.


If you are Infiltration Specc'd, you could try stun locking, but as soon as he gets out expect a CD.


One last thing, all of his DoTs are applied via melee attacks, if he misses,parried or dodged, he can't apply his dots so make sure if you do have to trade with him you pop deflection, you give your survival chances a big boost.

Edited by zYNNN
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Use deflection early.


I use Resilience fairly early too, so that he's not CCing me or getting heals from his dots while I pop my burst CDs.


Chain CC early on helps too, if you keep his health below yours he starts to panic.


I seem to be about 50/50 against these guys as a 23/0/18 hybrid, this will likely get worse with the next patch.

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I actually would advise the opposite. Chain CC at about a third their health or a little less (adjust based on how hard you're hitting them) - Guarded by the Force cuts their remaining health by half and gives them 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds, so what you want to do is keep them locked out of being able to cast it in the sweet spot, which is about 20% of their remaining health. They cast it much earlier, they're hurting themselves more than they're helping themselves; they cast it much later, and it won't be sufficient to keep them alive.
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I actually would advise the opposite. Chain CC at about a third their health or a little less (adjust based on how hard you're hitting them) - Guarded by the Force cuts their remaining health by half and gives them 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds, so what you want to do is keep them locked out of being able to cast it in the sweet spot, which is about 20% of their remaining health. They cast it much earlier, they're hurting themselves more than they're helping themselves; they cast it much later, and it won't be sufficient to keep them alive.


What I find is that not CCing them early is suicidal. You're allowing them to stack DoTs while you start DPSing. This particular spec of Marauder gets healed for every crit tic of their DoTs. By the time they are at 1/3 health your health is likely lower than theirs (unless maybe you're tank spec and they let you channel Throw 3 times through the fight, in which case they are bad). What this spec of theirs does not have is huge burst, so once behind in the life race they have a hard time regaining the lead. When they pop the damage reduction you punt them and force speed, or force lift if spec-ed for instant. Get back in for a spinning strike after you see the CD fade from them.

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I handle that by blowing my defensive CDs earlier in the fight, particularly resilience. Running away during Guarded by the Force is certainly also an option, but I generally prefer to take the late-game CC to avoid the possibility of them getting healing aid or escaping themselves.


It's rare anyone lives long enough for a third throw unless we're well past a 1v1 match-up, and considering how fast the first two ticks get through, Sents don't have a lot of options about it.

Edited by AstralFire
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Knowing when to vanish and letting them waste their short duration power boosts is actually pretty key to outplaying a good Sentinel 1v1.




Their 20% damage reduction only last 6 seconds (refreshed by being attacked up to a total of 30 seconds). So if you vanish after they've popped this or simply cc them and wait 6 seconds before starting to engage it's completely wasted and they can't reapply it for a minute.


I also go the early resilience route, as soon as I see the tell tale blue flame on me from an overload saber proc I pop it.


I'm still assembling my pvp gear (up to 7% expertise) but I find Marauders to be one of my more confident encounters. This may be because I am full kinetic spec and thus I actually get very good use from my defence and shield/absorb stats against them.


Apart from those already given, a good tip is to take advantage of our mix of melee range and 10m range abilities. I kite in and out of the 4m melee box depending on whether my next attack is melee or 10m ranged. It means we can keep a constant stream of damage whilst they miss GCDs with us being outside their melee range.

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Haha, proof that sentinels/mauraders can be viable in pvp. The hardest the for me is getting slowed. If you heal, I'd focus on getting the heal debuff off of you. Once I get that on I know that they are gonna go down fast. Also, I am in a world if hurt if I start missing so use whatever you can to increase you're defenses.
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I used to struggle against them, the key is knowing when to kite (avoid) and when to attack. Sentinels/Marauders buffs are very visible, as soon as I see them pop rebuke and other defensive cooldowns, I kite them the best I can before re-engaging. Interrupt what channels they have Master Strike / Ravage and use resilience early so it takes them longer to get there dots up.
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As said many times, you need to kite them at appropriate times. Now I never played Shadow but I can tell you I have a very easy time defeating Shadows/Assassins who don't know when to kite.


If it's Rebuke/Saber Ward or Guarded by the Force, just go away and wait for these to drop. Pop your defensive cooldowns when the dots are stacked on you.


Watchmen have quite some build up time so if you manage to survive throughout one rotation you have some time again before we stack everything on you again.


It also helps if you're the one to start the fight.

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Ok, I do know about their defensive cooldowns. I play with a full balance spec (0/10/31) so kiting them I can do no problem, with Sever Force, Force Speed&Slow. I have never been hit by a full Master Strike in my life.


Marauders/Sentinels in general I have no problem with. It is only the ones in Juyo stance variant.


Other stances if we are both have equal gear I feel we both have 50% win chance.


Versus a guy in Juyo stance I have 0% chance.


I wish I had a combat log to see where the damage comes from. I'm guessing it is the Zen boosted Cauterize that ticks for crazy amounts. And they generate 30 centering from 10 attack, so I guess they would have access to it every 15-20 sec.


Fotunately there are only a few, maybe 1-3 good Annihilation Marauders on my server that shows up in warzones every week. But they are annoying as hell, I wish they were more ignorable like the other specs of the JK/SW class...


(and on a side note, I have no idea why Watchman/Annihilation/Juyo specs wouldn't be just as good for PvE)

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Had to do some checking around on the Sentinel forum and I'm not imagining them being insane. Here is a post from a watchman Sentinel that streams:


[sTREAM] Sentinel Battlemaster PvP (watchman)


I like to Leap > Overload saber > zealous > cauterize > merciless. This puts 3 stacks of saber dots on the enemy, cauterize dot + snare, and finishes with a big nuke from merciless. Often when I do this, I will pop my adrenal, relic, and instant zen while my global cooldown is on in between my leap and first attack. This allows me to have every dot possible on them with 100% crit and insane power boost on my opener. If all of these go off as planned, I finish the rotation with stasis (and a final Dispatch if needed) and usually this kills 90% of my targets before they have a chance to react. You can't do this without bonus focus from one of the talents, thus heavily gimping your opener.


:confused: -> :mad: -> :(


Insanity, I have to go lvl up my Sentinel, he's only lvl 31. Must go abuse this before it becomes flavor of the month and nerfd. ;)

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