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They say there is no endgame...


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Here's the thing, there was only one companion I wanted to make sure I had max affection with, Kira Carsen (for several reasons), but even with 10K affection on her, I have gotten 2-3 emails at max level from her, but absolutely no voiced conversations to continue the relationship. No more personal missions and the emails have stopped now too.


I have no desire to max out any of the other relationships, although Doc is pretty high as well and his story ends at 50 too.


So, as far as I have experienced, as I have said before, it ends and as a cartoon character popularized several years ago, "That's all folks"!


p.s. I refuse to grind affection on all companions for grins and giggles... Some of the companions I wish I could send away.


Yeah they could build on affection. In future content patches, raise the affection level a few thousand and each thousand you get a mission to help your companion out with something personal to him/her. I think it only does it once from 1-50 for only one companion.


They could definately build on that.

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Wow didn't make you do any of that. Do dailies and buy mats off the ah. Achievements were optional as were pets. I couldn't care less about those parts. Oh and my fishing is still lvl 1 on all ny toons. Played since vanilla too. That was the only time I ever actually farmed for mats.


This game has me wanting to do much more than wow did. I'm PvPing again and wanting to do hard/nightmare modes. Can't say that about wow. This game Has me like wow used to. Im glad I don't have to farm mats and such. Gives time to other games. Let's keep it that way. Not having to waste hours over the game is a good thing and makes us to were we can enjoy our other games on top of it.


Sorry for wall of text. On my cell phone.


WoW doesn't make you do anything. It doesn't even make you level. It's all choice. But it still gave you choices.


What choices do we have at 50 in SWTOR? FP's, Op's, WZ's... that's it.

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Cowen & Co analyst Doug Creutz has estimated that EA




The $250mil was an estimation as well... are we still on this? Every figure is an estimation, I pointed that out an hour ago.


Try and keep up

Edited by SirSlayAlot
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I think the game has a really strong core, some people just want more filler.


Fishing and pet grinding and dancing on the mailbox in ironforge were not in any way endgame. They were filler, stuff to do in downtime between raiding and pvp.


If they added pazaak, swoop racing, and added around 20 rare pets I think people would be happy


As a side note with faction imbalance the way it was I'm glad to not have my city raided and such, but I think any future planets should have the enemy base be raidable.

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WoW doesn't make you do anything. It doesn't even make you level. It's all choice. But it still gave you choices.


What choices do we have at 50 in SWTOR? FP's, Op's, WZ's... that's it.


Considering you haven't completed any of the end game content. IE: NM Ops. Then I don't see how you can be bored with it...


But then again, if you can't find a good group to run with, I could see that being boring.


I doubt you have all the achievements that are currently in game. You didn't get all your datacrons, you don't go for end game pvp. Seems like its a personal user problem, then a game problem.


Guess you got lucky with your HM FPs. Going on FE run number 30ish without getting my chest piece.


I think the real problem is you forgot to make friends along the way. Why is it that you rely on devs to make your gaming experience enjoyable. Really that part lies in your court, and take what they have and either make it enjoyable, or get bored and don't play. MMOs aren't going to change anytime soon.

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The $250mil was an estimation as well... are we still on this? Every figure is an estimation, I pointed that out an hour ago.


I like the fact that when you look at the same page linked for source you find:



So in one article they say 80$ million in another $500.


Truth is that no one knows but develop costs of avatar was actually less than $500 and that has been documented.

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WoW doesn't make you do anything. It doesn't even make you level. It's all choice. But it still gave you choices.


What choices do we have at 50 in SWTOR? FP's, Op's, WZ's... that's it.


Datacrons, world pvp, dailies, affection, re to get epic patterns, space missions, legacy levels.


Oh and I see you change your argument to suit your needs after i say you don't HAVE to do that stuff to improve your character.

Edited by Mormack
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Yeah they could build on affection. In future content patches, raise the affection level a few thousand and each thousand you get a mission to help your companion out with something personal to him/her. I think it only does it once from 1-50 for only one companion.


They could definately build on that.


The main problem with companions, like life, is that each one has a completely different personality, and quite often, the reason we only have a handful of real friends, is that the majority of people out there would grind on our nerves if we had them stuck inside a spaceship with us for weeks on end... Hello, C2N2, I'm talking about you!! (and some of you feel the same about Tharan, although, I actually LIKE him, he's cool imo)


And that is actually one of the reasons this game is pretty cool, BW could have just given each of us 1 companion with a bland, easy to like, personality that just matched whatever you did; or they could have given us a handful of silent companions who were so cookie cutter as to become ridiculously trite and over-played;


or they could give us a reasonably vibrant collection of weirdos and freak-show candidates who each have their own independent likes/dislikes and may not be suited to you AT ALL! (for instance, T7 for a JK going all dark side is a REAL pain to get any affection with)


I think they made the game much more colorful, and to get max affection with the comps, you have to really be tolerant and understanding of different personalities.

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I think the game has a really strong core, some people just want more filler.


Fishing and pet grinding and dancing on the mailbox in ironforge were not in any way endgame. They were filler, stuff to do in downtime between raiding and pvp.


If they added pazaak, swoop racing, and added around 20 rare pets I think people would be happy


As a side note with faction imbalance the way it was I'm glad to not have my city raided and such, but I think any future planets should have the enemy base be raidable.


I was thinking about this the other day how every world is seperated from each faction. You will still bump into the opposite faction here and there, but mostly, no contact from them.

Not sure if this was a good idea or not.


And I guess that's what my post is about, fillers.


PodRacing would be endgame if it was 50's vs 50's, but would also be classed as a filler.

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No game, and i can bet IRL money on that, will have even a measure of the success of what WoW had with its model.

It's simple logic and simple rules of life. It's like that in every area of the life. You can only have so much success with the same model.

Usually someone starts something, someone good takes it and perfects it, develops it and uses it to its best effect. Then the last ones come thinking they can too benefit from the model, but are too late "for the party" and get there when it already dies.

SWTOR is that late guys. He came to the party, spent a lot of money for food and drink, sadly most ppl are already fed, drunk or not interested and going home.

Games like UO/EQ started it, WoW developed it, perfected it, blossomed this model and had the luck to benefit for years from it.

SWTOR is late for the party.

Instead of trying to blend in this dying model, they had to step to the next lvl and then they would have been the "next WoW". But they just tried to copy it with minor changes here and there and that will be their demise.

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SWTOR, sadly, after the story end and you get to the so called end game, is nothing more the just the next "WoW" wannabe in Star Wars skin.

The MMO genre in this shape is dead, or dying fast. It needs a huge change. WoW sucked the life off it and that's it about this way of MMOs.

I expected a lot of SWTOR, a really new thing, but except the voiced story, nothing is different.

Same old plane boring meaningless stuff to do endgame.

MMOs need to break the mold and create dynamic worlds, that change FOREVER, beased on what players do. Otherwise its just reskinning and it is outdated at this stage.

That's why a lot of ppl leave SWTOR.

It's a good game. It's TONS better, polished, bugless etc. than WoW was at start, but that's not enough now.

The real problem with SWTOR is that it's nothing new.

More FP/OPs/WZ won't cut it because it's just a quantity, not quality solution.

Once you hit 50 there is nothing really meaningful and fun, interesting, new to do, except the grind of same old stuff, the same old way in a static boring world.



I disagree. A lot of times it's not about reinventing the wheel. It's about making improvement upon previous invention and taking it to the next level. Turning the wheel -> cart -> bicycle -> scooter -> car -> truck. You get what i'm saying. SWTOR needed to learn from WOW mistakes and improve upon it/take it to the next level. We often times hate on things are popular. SWTOR offered a few new stuff for mmos for me ( storyline focused, companions, weird crew skill mechanics, medals in warzone ) but in the end it didn't matter because it isn't thoughtout and balanced to matter.



- storyline focused every decision should have come with lasting consequences perhaps? maybe dark and lightside should have a greater impact ? atm the only difference is a white or red mount atm.


-companions um atm I don't use companions for anything. When leveling it just made me ignore people and do quest by myself.


weird crew skill mechanics - atm it doesn't matter because all the crafted items are terrible and you can skip it and get better gears in hardmode raids with your green items. the difficulty isn't tuned properly.


medals in warzone - fun mechanics but in the end it doesn't matter because the brackets are unbalanced. With only 8 max ppl in a warzone we need to have more brackets. Perhaps add a battlemaster bracket or ADD a bracket for each 10 level of VALOR rank. You can solve queue time problem that arise from creating a MULTI server battlegroup similar to wow.

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Considering you haven't completed any of the end game content. IE: NM Ops. Then I don't see how you can be bored with it...


Did you even read my OP? I have done the 2 Op's. Never said I didn't. No idea where you came up with that.


I doubt you have all the achievements that are currently in game. You didn't get all your datacrons, you don't go for end game pvp. Seems like its a personal user problem, then a game problem.


Again.... read my OP. I said I was full Champion.


I think the real problem is you forgot to make friends along the way. Why is it that you rely on devs to make your gaming experience enjoyable. Really that part lies in your court, and take what they have and either make it enjoyable, or get bored and don't play. MMOs aren't going to change anytime soon.


So.... you're telling me I don't have 41 people on my friends list, that I met just from leveling and 50's FP's, is that what you are saying?

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No game, and i can bet IRL money on that, will have even a measure of the success of what WoW had with its model.

It's simple logic and simple rules of life. It's like that in every area of the life. You can only have so much success with the same model.

Usually someone starts something, someone good takes it and perfects it, develops it and uses it to its best effect. Then the last ones come thinking they can too benefit from the model, but are too late "for the party" and get there when it already dies.

SWTOR is that late guys. He came to the party, spent a lot of money for food and drink, sadly most ppl are already fed, drunk or not interested and going home.

Games like UO/EQ started it, WoW developed it, perfected it, blossomed this model and had the luck to benefit for years from it.

SWTOR is late for the party.

Instead of trying to blend in this dying model, they had to step to the next lvl and then they would have been the "next WoW". But they just tried to copy it with minor changes here and there and that will be their demise.


And those changes (no arena and servers actually matter again I'm looking at you) are what saves this gsme for me. the lack of a grind also saves it. I can play my other games on off raid nights or I can do my dailies but Im not at a complete disadvantage for liking more than tor. The story is also a game changer. I'm doing dromound kaas for the third time but I love watching.how different character respond to the quest

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I was thinking about this the other day how every world is seperated from each faction. You will still bump into the opposite faction here and there, but mostly, no contact from them.

Not sure if this was a good idea or not.


And I guess that's what my post is about, fillers.


PodRacing would be endgame if it was 50's vs 50's, but would also be classed as a filler.


Ok, so you are not talking about end-game stuff then, but stuff to just do when bored. Yeah, they have a huge casino on Nar Shaddaa they could implement PVP gambling in (instead of just playing against the computer, play against each other), Pod-Racing on Tatooine, Swoop Tracks that are reopened on Taris, etc...


There could even be worlds that are truly contested and 'winnable' under varying circumstances. I did some of Alderaan, and went, "WOW they missed a golden opportunity here!" What if there was a world like Alderaan filled with political turmoil, that both Republic and Sith are vying for, but do not have control over. Whoever has the upper hand gets a Buff for their entire side (like the buffs we get, so like 5% more damage, or whatever). To get the upper hand on that planet, you have to do quests (dailies) for your side, or engage in conversations (a huge list, and randomized), or even go gather stuff on the planet and bring it back (using your gathering skill), as the planet needs more bio-samples/compounds, needs to scavenge metals, etc etc to be able to continue making stuff for their side of the war... That would give something to do each day for every 50.

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Endgame for me rage at not getting pvp win credit, only find the same groups running HM Black Talon and make an alt.

So far I have a 50 Sniper, 35 Juggernaut, 33 Sorceror, 25 Assassin and 24 Powertech.

Started a Marauder yesterday and thats already 11.

I did play wow, and I never had an alt until cataclysm, and just 1.

This game...

I love how legacy system promotes alts as well, but until its in, it will only penalize those of us with alts already.

So it's like being forcefed the daily pvp and crap endgame

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Datacrons, world pvp, dailies, affection, re to get epic patterns, space missions, legacy levels.


Oh and I see you change your argument to suit your needs after i say you don't HAVE to do that stuff to improve your character.


As I already stated.


Datacrons - in progress

PvP - casual

Affection - borderline pointless

Dailies - done

RE - pointless (my gear is better than any RE)

Space Missions - done

Legacy Levels - they come with time, noone with sanity would try and farm just for this.


I never argued, I discuss. And my discussion views have never changed. Still jack all to do end game for any 50 after a few weeks.

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Did you even read my OP? I have done the 2 Op's. Never said I didn't. No idea where you came up with that.




Again.... read my OP. I said I was full Champion.




So.... you're telling me I don't have 41 people on my friends list, that I met just from leveling and 50's FP's, is that what you are saying?


So you just reinforced again how you have NOT completed ENDGAME content.


OPS NM = End game

Battlemaster pvp = End game

41 random people who cant keep you occupied = priceless.

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I disagree. A lot of times it's not about reinventing the wheel. It's about making improvement upon previous invention and taking it to the next level. Turning the wheel -> cart -> bicycle -> scooter -> car -> truck. You get what i'm saying. SWTOR needed to learn from WOW mistakes and improve upon it/take it to the next level. We often times hate on things are popular. SWTOR offered a few new stuff for mmos for me ( storyline focused, companions, weird crew skill mechanics, medals in warzone ) but in the end it didn't matter because it isn't thoughtout and balanced to matter.



- storyline focused every decision should have come with lasting consequences perhaps? maybe dark and lightside should have a greater impact ? atm the only difference is a white or red mount atm.


-companions um atm I don't use companions for anything. When leveling it just made me ignore people and do quest by myself.


weird crew skill mechanics - atm it doesn't matter because all the crafted items are terrible and you can skip it and get better gears in hardmode raids with your green items. the difficulty isn't tuned properly.


medals in warzone - fun mechanics but in the end it doesn't matter because the brackets are unbalanced. With only 8 max ppl in a warzone we need to have more brackets. Perhaps add a battlemaster bracket or ADD a bracket for each 10 level of VALOR rank. You can solve queue time problem that arise from creating a MULTI server battlegroup similar to wow.


You don't need to reinvent the wheel but the game genre is the wheel.

You need to reinvent the way it is used though, and that is what SWTOR didn't do.

You are talking about minor technical details here and there which would only keep it going in a very restricted way, what i am talking about is new way of representing MMOs. New challenges on a fundamental base. It doesn't matter if i get medals in a WZ if actually i am doing the same old grind just with some minor addition.

You said it as well, in the end it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter because it doesn't change anything structural, not only because of the balance, but because it is non-sequential in the grand scheme. It's an accent over the same old picture.

The picture is what needs to be changed. SWTOR failed at this.

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As I already stated.


Datacrons - in progress

PvP - casual

Affection - borderline pointless

Dailies - done

RE - pointless (my gear is better than any RE)

Space Missions - done

Legacy Levels - they come with time, noone with sanity would try and farm just for this.


I never argued, I discuss. And my discussion views have never changed. Still jack all to do end game for any 50 after a few weeks.



Well SaysALot, you could always work on hacking that white power crystal with Catch, your buddy from Requiem! That'll give you something to do until they ban you.

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As I already stated.


Datacrons - in progress

PvP - casual

Affection - borderline pointless

Dailies - done

RE - pointless (my gear is better than any RE)

Space Missions - done

Legacy Levels - they come with time, noone with sanity would try and farm just for this.


I never argued, I discuss. And my discussion views have never changed. Still jack all to do end game for any 50 after a few weeks.



Re isn't pointless. Just because you can't benefit doesn't mean someone won't buy them. Play the ah with the purples. People will buy them I promise.


Roll an alt. It's fun.

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No game, and i can bet IRL money on that, will have even a measure of the success of what WoW had with its model.

It's simple logic and simple rules of life. It's like that in every area of the life. You can only have so much success with the same model.

Usually someone starts something, someone good takes it and perfects it, develops it and uses it to its best effect. Then the last ones come thinking they can too benefit from the model, but are too late "for the party" and get there when it already dies.

SWTOR is that late guys. He came to the party, spent a lot of money for food and drink, sadly most ppl are already fed, drunk or not interested and going home.

Games like UO/EQ started it, WoW developed it, perfected it, blossomed this model and had the luck to benefit for years from it.

SWTOR is late for the party.

Instead of trying to blend in this dying model, they had to step to the next lvl and then they would have been the "next WoW". But they just tried to copy it with minor changes here and there and that will be their demise.


I had to quote you because you hit the nail on the head.


I read, or heard in a podcast I think, the CEO of Bioware? I think it was, say they weren't trying to re-invent the wheel and right there and then... I thought... this game will not be big nor original.


You can't just copy WoW and hope for the best. That is just short sightness at it's worse.


This games potential is... to re-invent the wheel and have games inside the game. Make it a REAL OPEN WORLD where you have free space for pvp and missions, pod racing on tatooine, gambling at Nar Shaddar.


Millions of people love the movies, you want to bring as much of that as possible and put it in the game, not put WoW in the game as much as possible ........

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And those changes (no arena and servers actually matter again I'm looking at you) are what saves this gsme for me. the lack of a grind also saves it. I can play my other games on off raid nights or I can do my dailies but Im not at a complete disadvantage for liking more than tor. The story is also a game changer. I'm doing dromound kaas for the third time but I love watching.how different character respond to the quest


I don't accept rerolling as a benefit feature for MMO games. That is, actually, a cheap way to buy time and to prolong the life of your game marketing it as mmo when you actually want 15$ a month for a single player game with several playthroughs.

I have the same or better value in the Witcher 2, for example, playing it several different ways (not to mention its way more polished, adult and meaningful storyline) too and without paying monthly sub. How is that justified? What if i don't want to roll an alt?

How is this different from any MMO in the past 7-10 years?

The different story is ok, good, but as i said, that is more of a single player game merit, than a MMO's one.

End game, nothing is different in SWTOR and no amount of minor technical details or minor additions here and there will change it, because fundamentally it's the same old thing.

And this is not exactly bad, for many ppl this could be what they want. But i doubt it is the case and will stay so for long.

Things change, SWTOR didn't change anything significant that worths playing it after the story, instead of all those other N MMOs that do the same out there.

Edited by Asparhruk
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This is where you whole opinion just got shot to crap.


"Newbies" would be satisfied with what is currently on offer.

Regular MMO players expect more, especially from a game worth $500mil and 3 years in the making, at least.


Less assumptions before accusations holds more ground.


maybe you should listen to your own advice ........ i classify myself as a newbie cause prior to this i only played SWG from release till the NGE crap and have not played another MMO from release other than the odd beta to see if i liked them


hell you have wrote some rubbish and im not gonna mention the "it cost 500 million" just these :D :-


"They need something different",....."Open space pvp is my favourite. Brings those stupid planet space stations into play". open space pvp is not diferent or new as a whole MMO called EVE based upon space combat and SWG also had space PvP :eek:


"I had the dailies done in a few days to be geared for FP's. Done."..what do you mean.it costs around 360 daily comendations for the 3 rakata pieces and with the bugged quests you only get 20 to 24 a day from daily quests unless you didnt get the good stuff


"Creating a game with 100 Flashpoints only, will not keep people interested".

After doing just 10 of them most people will stop. " if that was true why the hell do people still play WoW ? :rolleyes:


So you are aware and can stop making assumptions, i am not satisfied with what is on offerbut it has fek all to do with game content and only once i have :-


Finished all the quest on every planet. (just cause you hit 50 does not mean you cant carry on with them to see where the stories end up.)

Got all my companions afection to max and fully kitted them out.(within reason :D )

Complete all that can be done in the codex.

Done all the FP,OP's in normal HM and nightmares.

Got both sets top level PVE and both sets of PVP armour for my Merc incase i want to switch from dps to heal.

Maxed my crafting ,gathering and RE'd all schems till i got all the purples (yeah this one is boring but it can be done in the background ))

Made several different lvl 50 chars (alts) to do the different story lines while ramping

up my legacy ready for when its introduced (though i probaly wont kit out to the degree i will on my main)


and lastly max my PvP lvl


Then i may think i will or atleast be close to actually completing everything that can be done thus actually being at end game and asking for more content.



NOT selectivly picking parts that are of interest only to you, completing them and then having the egotistical mentality and false belief that cause you believe that your so called "REGULAR" / "VETRAN" MMo player and that you can just say " Ineed more stuff I MAY LIKE cause im at END GAME" when you are clearly no where near is actually very sad.

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