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Just accept the invite if you're on the same quest.


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If you are 50 in a belsavis dungeon and someone sends you an invite with no whisper, and you decline, you are just wasting your own time.


Why do you think you get to decide for others what is or is not a waste of their time?


If someone decides they would rather solo at a given time, then THEY have decided it is not a "waste of their time" to continue to play in a way they enjoy more at that time - you don't get to decide what is or is not a "waste of time" for anyone but yourself.

Edited by crica
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Also as a stealthy assassin, grouping up with someone who just go go go and plows through the mobs is not my play style which is why I'm an assassin. Someone earlier mentioned it slows them down but I'm the opposite. I want to play at my own pace. I'm not a warrior, I like to sneak up.
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Why do you think you get to decide for others what is or is not a waste of their time?


If someone decides they would rather solo at a given time, then THEY have decided it is not a "waste of their time" to continue to play in a way they enjoy more at that time - you don't get to decide what is or is not a "waste of time" for anyone but yourself.


You have obviously never done belsavis dailies.


You are going to stand in a room where 3 groups of mobs spawn. You aren't going to group with me because you like to solo. I'm going to kill 2/3 groups and you are going to kill 1/3 groups.


After the groups are dead, you are going to stand there with nothing to do. You will be waiting for about 3-5 minutes until your little group of mobs respawn.


But instead, you could just be grouped and get credit for any mission items looted from the other 6 mobs you aren't killing.


Its clearly a waste of your time to stand still and do nothing for 5 minutes. If you say its not, I feel sorry for you.


"No, I like standing still and doing nothing for 5 minutes. I enjoy playing this way and you can't tell me otherwise!"

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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Every now and then i'll get an invite to a group but most of these quests have bonus objectives or stages that we're not equal at. I have things to do, not time to waste. Additionally, because I crafted my epic gear and was thus able to raid to get better gear, I can easily take on missions the average player cannot so I move faster in a zone I've out levled or no longer need to pair up to do (I'm a completionist...do everything once at least). Most of my encounters grouping have been good despite the fact I do it rarely. I often get compliments after I've grouped because I pay attention to what the person of a different class is doing. I'm SI but I'll cc and los to compensate for operatives if I see them doing that without being asked. Only once did I find it annoying and rude when someone tried to group with me to kill an elite mob for a bonus when it was already almost dead. I could handle it fine, but they were 3 levels below me. Given I was distracted I did not accept until it was dead. I was then told I was "on the list" and they hoped they never grouped with me in the future.


I always send whispers to make sure someone is on the same quest and at the same stage. I don't like people tripping me up and I don't like tripping up others. These quests are more designed to group up before you do them, not halfway through which is when I've primarily gotten invites.

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I understand that some people might want to quest alone. I'm one of them. But if I see someone on the same quest as me, and it's a choice between inviting them to a group, or competing for the same objectives like an idiot; I'm going to invite. I really don't understand why some people won't accept when they're nowhere near being finished with the quest.


1) If you can't be bothered to ask first, you won't get an accept from me.


2) if one person is waiting on a mob pop, and someone else walks up behind them, it is polite for the first person to offer an invite to the second person. But if you do not ask first, then you cannot be offended if they do not accept.


3) if they jump your mob, they are douche bags for not waiting their turn. [there are a lot of douche bags in MMOs these days]


And yeah, people who run up and loot nodes or chests while you are beating down some mobs are dispicable, you would not want to group with them anyways.

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Most people are missing the point of this thread.


He is not suggesting to group just because you are in the same area of some random quest. Thats lame.


He is saying - certain missions require you to loot x5 Droid Chip or whatever. Why have 4 people running around, fighting over the 12 mobs in an attempt to get x5 Droid Chips.


Why not GROUP UP, and still run around solo or whatever. This way everyone gets full credit for ANY items found and everyone finishes faster. There are no losers in this method, only winners.

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I think what many people are overlooking in this thread is that there is already an established rule of etiquette in regards to the expectation that a /whisper should be sent before sending an invite.


MMORPGs have been around for many years, and during that time these social "rules" have been established by the gaming community. But don't take my word for it.


Google "MMORPG etiquette guide" and look at the expectations for sending someone a group invite. In nearly all cases the etiquette guide will tell you that it is polite to send a /whisper BEFORE sending an group invite.


Now, having said that, does that mean you HAVE to abide by established rules of etiquette? No, of course not. But if you decide that you don't need to conform to rules that have been in place for YEARS, you can hardly complain about people rejecting your invites.

Edited by mrcaptainpants
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Most people are missing the point of this thread.


He is not suggesting to group just because you are in the same area of some random quest. Thats lame.


He is saying - certain missions require you to loot x5 Droid Chip or whatever. Why have 4 people running around, fighting over the 12 mobs in an attempt to get x5 Droid Chips.


Why not GROUP UP, and still run around solo or whatever. This way everyone gets full credit for ANY items found and everyone finishes faster. There are no losers in this method, only winners.



Why? Because he said this:




"I typically invite when they're out of combat. But I'm not going to whisper them first when it's blatantly obvious why I'm sending out the invite. And I don't spam anything."

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Why? Because he said this:




"I typically invite when they're out of combat. But I'm not going to whisper them first when it's blatantly obvious why I'm sending out the invite. And I don't spam anything."


Yes, it is blatantly obvious why he is sending the invite.


Because everyone in that area is searching for 5 loot items off the trash mobs. There is no other reason to be in the area. And all group members get credit for each item found.


This is common knowledge in belsavis dailies. If this type of quest is new to you, you prolly wont understand why we are saying this.


People are trying to do the belsavis dailies in an hour and change. Fast is key because you do them every day. Little things like this make a big difference.

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I think the invite is a polite, built in method of asking someone if they want to group. Please note that we are talking about when you see someone in the same area, killing the same mobs and/or collecting the same objects. I'm an intuitive kinda guy, and don't need things spelled out for me.


Yes, well, a lot of players (not going to attempt to quantify it or claim any special knowledge about percentage) consider blind invites rude, and a significant portion of them decline blind invites out of principle.

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There are no losers in this method, only winners.


Maybe, maybe not.


if you only want the quest items and are not concered at all about any drops, then yeah. If you are interested in minimizing your time on a quest, sure.


But if you don't bother to chat with someone before inviting, you have no idea what their parameters of play are. Maybe they are having fun and don't want the potential hassle of an insta-pug with you. Maybe they got a bad vibe from you just observing you.


And in reality, you rarely have to compete for anything in this game with other players. Bonus end phase elite mobs is about it, and even that is only a few minutes wait.


My point being, don't be so presumptuous as to think others play with the same motives, experience, and requirements as you. :) Have a short conversation, find out, then group.

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I enjoy playing this way


That is what matters to them - playing the way they enjoy.


You are just upset that you don't get to play the way you enjoy because you are not allowed to force players to do what you want.

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The quests are level 50 only, and there are no chests, no loot drops, nothing. There is a tiny dungeon where you loot quest items. Its like you are suggesting people are there to farm items or credits.


If you want to stand there solo while I kill most of the mobs in the place, fine. Your loss.


That is what matters to them - playing the way they enjoy.


You are just upset that you don't get to play the way you enjoy because you are not allowed to force players to do what you want.


This is ridiculous. You dont even know what we are talking about. I'm the one getting the drops. If I randomly invite people to my group, its because I feel bad for them that I'm killing all the mobs. I allow people to piggyback me to sav ethem time instead of them having to stand there like a fool for 5 mins until the mobs respawn, at which point I will kill them again.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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You have obviously never done belsavis dailies.


You are going to stand in a room where 3 groups of mobs spawn. You aren't going to group with me because you like to solo. I'm going to kill 2/3 groups and you are going to kill 1/3 groups.


After the groups are dead, you are going to stand there with nothing to do. You will be waiting for about 3-5 minutes until your little group of mobs respawn.


But instead, you could just be grouped and get credit for any mission items looted from the other 6 mobs you aren't killing.


Its clearly a waste of your time to stand still and do nothing for 5 minutes. If you say its not, I feel sorry for you.


"No, I like standing still and doing nothing for 5 minutes. I enjoy playing this way and you can't tell me otherwise!"


3-5 minutes? The travesty of it all that I have to wait for a whole 3-5 minutes.

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Yes, it is blatantly obvious why he is sending the invite.


Because everyone in that area is searching for 5 loot items off the trash mobs. There is no other reason to be in the area. And all group members get credit for each item found.


This is common knowledge in belsavis dailies. If this type of quest is new to you, you prolly wont understand why we are saying this.


People are trying to do the belsavis dailies in an hour and change. Fast is key because you do them every day. Little things like this make a big difference.


Ok opinion noted. Doesn't change the fact that it takes 10 seconds to do a /whisper rather than an hour of waiting for mobs to respawn/obtain quest items. Bottom line is you can say its a little thing all you want but your making it into a big thing by not being polite.


I personally will not accept blind anything, trades, grouping etc etc.

Edited by Archangelsaske
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3-5 minutes? The travesty of it all that I have to wait for a whole 3-5 minutes.


You've obviously never done the dailies either. 3-5mins per group to respawn. You need 5 loot items. Your group may not even drop the item. So you are looking at 5-7 respawns to finish the quest.




You could be grouped with me and get 300% more chances at looting your needed items, because you get credit for anything I kill as well.


You're just wasting your own time.

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I always whisper before inviting. And I usually only do it when I know me and the other person are getting close to an end-phase elite mob. I suck having to compete for it, having to wait for a respawn, or making the other guy wait for a respawn. For me, it usually goes something like this:


I whisper, "Are you going after that elite guy?"


If no answer at all, then I guess I'm free to run forward and tag the mob. If he answers "No," then I'm also free to go ahead and tag the mob. If he answers "yes," then I say, "Me, too. Want to group?"


The next stage in that is either him responding by sending me an invite which I accept, or him responding with a "yes," in which case I'm free to invite him.

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I'm the one getting the drops. If I randomly invite people to my group, its because I feel bad for them that I'm killing all the mobs. I allow people to piggyback me to sav ethem time instead of them having to stand there like a fool for 5 mins until the mobs respawn, at which point I will kill them again.


All that is what matters to YOU.


If none of that matters to THEM, and they would prefer to solo at that given time, for ANY reason, then they are not wasting their time to them.


Sorry, just because something matters to you doesn't mean it matters to someone else.


You can be upset that what matters to you doesn't matter to them, but that doesn't magically make it matter to them.

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Ok opinion noted. Doesn't change the fact that it takes 10 seconds to do a /whisper rather than an hour of waiting for mobs to respawn/obtain quest items. Bottom line is you can say its a little thing all you want but your making it into a big thing by not being polite.


I personally will not accept blind anything, trades, grouping etc etc.


Thats a perfectly logical stance and I have no problem with it. I was just making a generalized point about a few specific quests where the intention of players is obvious.


If you are standing here, you are trying to loot a trash item. Why compete when we can group.


In all other instances, of course I would literally "ask" someone to group etc etc

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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