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The real unknown Sith Warrior


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I am curious, in the world of star wars, how easy is it to tell if a non pureblood is a sith? I play a light side human as my sith warrior and it boggles my mind when amost NPCs can tell my character is a sith right away.


Throughout the game there seems to be numerous hints that the character should be pureblood. Early off he/she defends their lineage in Korriban. Then all other NPCs seems to be able to tell he/she is a sith at first glance throughout the game.


My thought are unless non pureblood Siths typically give off an aura of some sort or that clothing and a light saber is a dead giveaway, characters in the story can only tell that the unknown warrior is a sith because he/she is pureblood. Your thoughts, everyone?

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Well at first you are a well known acolyte (given you are a coddled, all-star advanced student).


Later, you are an apprentice to Baras, a very powerful and influential Sith (and most of the people you are dealing with are at his bidding and forewarning. Outside the story arc, I mean, lightsaber is a giveaway --notice they rarely identify between Inquis and Warrior Sith. You are Sith).


Later on you are a hero in your own right. Having scored major victories on multiple planets, and accomplished various tasks for your master. Most Imperial officers would be briefed on your presence if you arrive. Hell, you suffer that as early as Balmorra.

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I'm on Balmora with my operative (french back-translation : secret agent), on an infiltration mission within the balmorean resistance, when I notice a man (quest giver) wants to talk to me ; he's a civilian, unrelated to the resistance or the mission I'm doing. I've never seen him in my life, and he doesn't seem to have ever seen me. Nonetheless, he immediatly recognizes me as an imperial agent.


Seriously, how come my cover is never blown, except when it doesn't matter ?

Edited by Agifem
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Well at first you are a well known acolyte (given you are a coddled, all-star advanced student).


Later, you are an apprentice to Baras, a very powerful and influential Sith (and most of the people you are dealing with are at his bidding and forewarning. Outside the story arc, I mean, lightsaber is a giveaway --notice they rarely identify between Inquis and Warrior Sith. You are Sith).


Later on you are a hero in your own right. Having scored major victories on multiple planets, and accomplished various tasks for your master. Most Imperial officers would be briefed on your presence if you arrive. Hell, you suffer that as early as Balmorra.


You're right about that for military based situations, I forgot my character was famous, it makes me feel a little better thinking the game was intended to expect you to be a pureblood. The situation that bugs me is how civilians and non military people/republics who never met you before can also tell you are a sith. Maybe some assumptions were thrown in there by the writers as well.

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Mostly by the vibe/aura/look of the person. The red lightsaber is a dead giveaway :p


Some can also hide themselves from force users and make it seem like they are normal people. Kind of like Sidious; he even built up his whole career while living a second life as a sith being trained by Plagueis who also lived a double life.


Many Sith did this after The Old Republic era and the Bane legacy. After that there would onyl be 2 sith at a time usually, so they would live double lives and do their best to influence the galaxy and bring disorder and destruction to the galaxy.


I've gotten pretty into the star wars books lately haha:o

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