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What's wrong with this game?


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There is plenty to do, just nothing you WANT to do.


Not really.


Outside of daily quest grinds in belsavus and Illum, and queing up for warzones...there isn't really anything to do.


If this game had an effective LFG system it would open up more options.

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I probably read your post wrong then. It's pretty late here and eyes are a little foggy


Understood :)


And I like the constructive criticsm, I just get tired of seeing the self righteous "I quit and here's why" posts (not accusing you, just venting). No one but Bioware really cares why another player dislikes the game. It is fine to let Bioware know what the issues are and give a constructive suggestion that you think may help, but most of the posts I see going out immediately yell "Fanboy" as soon as someone who is enjoying the time they spend playing disagrees with them.

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That's the issue. Working and doing needed chores I'm taking, around, 50 days to reach level 50 with each of my characters. And loving each of them. Yes, I'll admit that I do press the space-key once in a while when I know what the characters are going to say during the Non-Class Based quests.


But the thing is - Watching the Game's different Stories (aka, "rolling alts") IS additional content in this game. It was one of their main selling points, after all.


Of course people who see that has a pain in the bottom will find the game to be sub-optimal when compared to other games, such as WoW (using it as reference since it was my "Main" for a long while), where all they wanted to do was End-Game.


- RL time reference, I don't go to the McDonalds and then complain that what I really wanted was Sushi. I'd go to a Sushihouse instead.

There are plenty of games available around. Each appeal to each's tastes. Luckily that's the world we live on.


(Bah.. wall of text again.. sorry)


It's ok I read it.


Clearly this is a game built for people who like rolling alts at the moment. ON that we agree at least.


And just because I am pointing out a game's flaws and suggesting ways to fix it and improve the game for me doesn't nessasarily mean I'm just complaining. I feel i'm doing what I'm suppose to be doing on a forum afterall, and I invested quite a bit of money and time into this game, have friends who play - so I would like to see it become a better game.


If the endgame stays in the same state it's currently in though I can assure you I will be moving on :)

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It's not that there's no content or endgame, it's that the tools to enjoy it properly simply aren't there, when instead they should have been since day 1 for a late 2011 title.


That's a fair poitn AzKnc.


If they did have an effective LFG system like WoW for example the endgame would be better, as you woudn't be stuck so often with absolutely nothing to do but tedious daily questing over and over and over.

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Not really.


Outside of daily quest grinds in belsavus and Illum, and queing up for warzones...there isn't really anything to do.


If this game had an effective LFG system it would open up more options.


Yes, a better LFG tool would help. But my guild does HMs nightly and we have a weekly operation day, so we always have something going on.


As I see things, it has pretty much all the same endgame options as other MMOs, just not as much of it yet.

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Understood :)


And I like the constructive criticsm, I just get tired of seeing the self righteous "I quit and here's why" posts (not accusing you, just venting). No one but Bioware really cares why another player dislikes the game. It is fine to let Bioware know what the issues are and give a constructive suggestion that you think may help, but most of the posts I see going out immediately yell "Fanboy" as soon as someone who is enjoying the time they spend playing disagrees with them.


Well dont' be too hard on us Tygranir. This game has dissapointed a lot of us, and sometimes dissapointment can lead to people becoming a little too heated with their critques :)

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Nothing is really wrong with it from a technical standpoint that should break your experience.


First thing to realize is that the users on the forum comprise maybe 2-5% of the actual game players, if anywhere near that much.


Second thing to realize is that it is a theme park MMO rather than a sandbox MMO, which means it will have a finite amount of content when it launches, until that content is fleshed out over the months and years of its lifespan.


Third thing is to realize the developers and managers have already spoken about the massive amount of content that is already created, voiced over, and built and in testing for future release. One of them said they were running through some of the content in a testing stage that wouldn't be slated for release into the game until 2013... they're that far ahead.


Fourth thing is that they are fixing things very quickly, and server maintenance times have now dropped from 8-10 hours down to 2-4 hours when they have them (unless it's a critical and extenuating circumstance).


Fifth thing to realize is that there are a number of players here from other games who feel that if this one didn't have all of their favorite pet features at launch, that means this game is a "failure", even if it took the others years to add those features in.



My best advice would be to pick a few characters and play them simultaneously, or play one to 50 and then start another. All of the stories I've engaged in have been well-written and are quite entertaining and enjoyable.


But at 50 at this point, there is a bit of a content gap while they get in gear releasing new features and content additions. If you aren't averse to playing multiple characters, and take your time and enjoy the game rather than racing to the level cap, you should have a good several months of playing time just with just the content they've released.


Epic post. :D

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Yes, a better LFG tool would help. But my guild does HMs nightly and we have a weekly operation day, so we always have something going on.


As I see things, it has pretty much all the same endgame options as other MMOs, just not as much of it yet.


Well I disagree with you on your last point, but I've already typed out my counter argument to that twice already and not really in the mood to do it again so I'll just leave it :) You can scroll up if you want to see my examples of options other MMORPGs have this one doesn't.


Having an active guild that does nightly runs probably does help though and is part of the reason you are more satisfied with it, though I don't think it's the answer. I believe a good endgame needs to give you fun stuff to do that you aren't reliant on having others around to participate in.

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If the endgame stays in the same state it's currently in...

Doubt it will be. After all.. which MMORPG stood the same way since release till their current status\died?

That's the Nature of this kind of game. They are "born", and slowly grow up.

I'm quite sure Bioware will start adding more stuff to do ONCE the game is polished enough and everything is working as intended.


... though I can assure you I will be moving on :)

Not saying this in a rude\trolling way, as I've enjoyed this civil discussion of ours, but:

Be my guest. These games are not free, therefore either one fully enjoys what one is paying for, or they are not worth paying at all.


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Doubt it will be. After all.. which MMORPG stood the same way since release till their current status\died?

That's the Nature of this kind of game. They are "born", and slowly grow up.

I'm quite sure Bioware will start adding more stuff to do ONCE the game is polished enough and everything is working as intended.



Not saying this in a rude\trolling way, as I've enjoyed this civil discussion of ours, but:

Be my guest. These games are not free, therefore either one fully enjoys what one is paying for, or they are not worth paying at all.



I'm willing to give the game more time to get their endgame act together. I don't quit on things after the first month, especially after already investing so much money and time into it. Plus I have friends who play - though a couple of them have already gone back to their old MMORPGs for lot of these reasons.

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Too many dead servers with extreme low population make the game a poor experience for many customers which makes many customers unhappy when they are told give up their current lvl 50 and "reroll" on a different server, thus leading to loss of subs. Thats what is wrong.
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Well I disagree with you on your last point, but I've already typed out my counter argument to that twice already and not really in the mood to do it again so I'll just leave it :) You can scroll up if you want to see my examples of options other MMORPGs have this one doesn't.


Having an active guild that does nightly runs probably does help though and is part of the reason you are more satisfied with it, though I don't think it's the answer. I believe a good endgame needs to give you fun stuff to do that you aren't reliant on having others around to participate in.


I could be wrong, but you sound more like you want single player endgame. For that you would really need a more sandbox type game or prolly just go single player altogether, as endgame (in SWTOR) seems to be more geared for multiplayer content.


LoL and Skyrim work wonders for me when I'm not in the MMO mood.

Edited by Tygranir
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I could be wrong, but you sound more like you want single player endgame. For that you would really need a more sandbox type game or prolly just go single player altogether, as endgame (in SWTOR) seems to be more geared for multiplayer content.


LoL and Skyrim work wonders for me when I'm not in the MMO mood.


I like a mix of both. Singe-player and group-based endgame.


I like to have something fun and productive I can do by myself until I get a group together basically. So I like both.


If they added a LFG tool like WoW had I woudn't mind all of the endgame activity being group-based as much, because then I could easily access it even when not all of my friends were online or it wasn't time for our weekly events.

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Too many dead servers with extreme low population make the game a poor experience for many customers which makes many customers unhappy when they are told give up their current lvl 50 and "reroll" on a different server, thus leading to loss of subs. Thats what is wrong.


This is basically it. If you have chosen good at the start then you might have another opinion. Some servers are really bad, like for instance Bacca's Blade where I play on, we have like 22 people on average in the republic fleet on peak times during the week. Can you imagine how long it takes to spam the chat to get one flashpoint going...


The game has certain bugs and a bad ui and all that but the 1 thing that is really a gamebreaker is the server population !

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This is basically it. If you have chosen good at the start then you might have another opinion. Some servers are really bad, like for instance Bacca's Blade where I play on, we have like 22 people on average in the republic fleet on peak times during the week. Can you imagine how long it takes to spam the chat to get one flashpoint going...


The game has certain bugs and a bad ui and all that but the 1 thing that is really a gamebreaker is the server population !


A cross-server LFG tool would fix this.

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I've played almost every major MMO that's come out since FFXI most of them at launch and by comparison this game is insanely awesome.


OP, I think you've answered your own question. This thread will produce page after page of opinions masquerading as facts and in a game of opinions no one is right or wrong.


You're playing the game and formulating your own opinion, and that one is the only one that matters. When you get to 50 you will have your own opinion then also. Don't be swayed by anyone elses.

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You wanna start with the space combat... Go check videos on tube...


Also I noticed the classes are really different which is a good thing usually but here it's not, because some of them are just so lame, like the sentinel...


Also the fact that empire vs republic gear-look balance is awful..


And personally I've been playing wow a lot, so the first impression is a wow clone, but now that I played a bit I can start seeing differences, although I would have liked there to be more in what comes to gameplay...

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This is basically it. If you have chosen good at the start then you might have another opinion. Some servers are really bad, like for instance Bacca's Blade where I play on, we have like 22 people on average in the republic fleet on peak times during the week. Can you imagine how long it takes to spam the chat to get one flashpoint going...


The game has certain bugs and a bad ui and all that but the 1 thing that is really a gamebreaker is the server population !


The numbers seem to be slowly dropping. I can only presume people are re-rolling on busy servers or they've given up on the game.

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I just started last week so a little late. I've played almost every major MMO that's come out since FFXI most of them at launch and by comparison this game is insanely awesome. Why all the "this game is gonna fail so hard" talk?


Ok... I get it there's no real "endgame" (so I've read) but I seriously doubt you get to 50 and literally have nothing to do as I see so many claiming. Please tell me why I'm wrong.


It's not so much that this game is bad, it isn't. Bioware basically delivered what they intended. A story-focused MMO. They weren't aiming to revolutionize the genre, I didn't think they once ever claimed that. But I think people that were waiting for this game for years had all these dramatic and somewhat distorted hopes, hoping for more then just voice acted quests. (I'm kind of glad I only really started to follow this game a few months before release.) I guess you can't really blame them. This genre is growing stagnant at this point and I'd say a very sizeable portion of players are really tired of essentially the exact same railroaded themepark formula with a new coat of paint.


That's not to say this game does not deliver an entertaining experience. I'm enjoying myself and that's what basically matters, really. It's just unlikely the game is going to hold interest long-term as an MMORPG unless it delivers something that differentiates itself enough from its competition. A co-op RPG with voice acting isn't enough long-term. It's still too early to speak of doom and goom and this point, though. I think this game will improve greatly over the next year and continue to grow.

Edited by spacepuppy
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Nothing really important is wrong.


The game has bugs, they are being fixed

The customer support is understaffed, Im sure its being dealt with

The game is demanding on hardware, Im sure people will get used to it, and theres hopefully some optimization done at Bioware too.


The game isnt going to fail. Its just the failures whining.

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It's true Radubadu, once you hit 50 there is nothing or very little to do.


As a single-player all you can really do is grind some very boring and tedious daily quests in Illum and Belsavus for credits and daily marks.


Or you can queue for warzones if you like PvP. But that's basically it.


It's very hard to like this game after you hit 50.... so take your time getting there, though it can be hard to do that considering how fast you level on this game.


Trust me, that "insanely awesome" opinion will change :)


Oh really? So operations (raids) don't exist right? And hard mode flashpoints don't exist right? How about crafting? Or space missions? Open world pvp? All these things don't come to mind?

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What mainly makes me mad about SWTOR is the fact that it is - in essence - a WOW-clone but a very poor one. I can understand why a game developer would rather just copy/paste a different game and re-skin it and add some voice acting but then for the love of god copy/paste the GOOD features and make the clone at least as good as the original. So if Blizzard thinks it worth investing lots of time in usability and "comfort" then any WOW-clone has to include these features as well.


Rift was able to copy/paste WOW 10 times better then SWTOR and they included 90% of the important features... how can it be that a large company like BW is not capable of this?


I guess it's simply a problem with prioritization: the people "at the helm" are economists and not game designers (or even semi-decent gamers). Otherwise the priorities wouldn't be so terrible during the copy/pasting process.


tl;dr: the game is a bad WOW-clone with mediocre story and voice acting. It could have been a decent WOW-clone with mediocre story and voice acting and I'd already be fairly happy.

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