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I Just Want to be a Wookiee


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For the love of science Bioware give us a playable alien species expansion that includes at least 6 NON-HUMANOID species. My vote is for Playable Jawas, Ewoks, Trandoshans, Shistavanen, Wookiee, Togruta, Nautolan, Mon Calamari or you know ANYTHING NOT HUMAN. Just saying Bioware, I don't play Star Wars to make believe I'm a human...
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I'm not saying it has to be right now, I'm not saying they need to be able to be every class. . .I just want to play as a Wookiee. If you're worried I'll get tired of my character's voice acting, don't be, if I get sick of it I'll turn off the sound. Make it an unlockable thing in game, big quest line involving lvling multiple toons to 50, just toss it in.


Any other Wookiee enthusiasts out there?


Not to upset you or anything, but this isnt the game you'll be playing a wookie in...


just like you wont be playing a starfighter pilot in first person.

or an AT-AT driver gunning down ewoks.


The game has limitations and one of them is that you wont be playing a wookie because the main drive of the game is the story... and that story wont work with a wookie (they dont speak basic, they wont look right in love scenes and theyre generally not that common)

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It got nothing to with George, but Biowares ******* story and their weird alien hate.


Its easier on the art team to just draw up the vectors for the human form, and tweak it slightly to produce the others. However...


They had to draw up NPC models and audio for quite a few alien races, so no reason why those cant be playable. It wouldnt be too hard to just swap out the character and still use the same dialogue options with subtitles for player controlled alien content.


Its another reason why this game just dosnt feel like the star wars we all know and love. Lack of playable alien races.

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It got nothing to with George, but Biowares ******* story and their weird alien hate.


Go to 1:10. Now don't you feel a tad silly for blaming Bioware?




Yes i did, but that is not the reason that wookiee arent in SWTOR...


George had a huge influence over the class stories. He may have been the reason.

Edited by Darth_Moonshadow
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Rawawrarsar Rarrwwrwrwrawrwrwrw, Rawrwwwrwrrrrrr


Thats what you call a good time?


You know, i been lv 50 for 4months, i cant even remember my story in details, so whats your point.


The story is so short, if they want to try and sell this a story driven game they need to make your class story a hell of alot bigger.

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hehe i like the fact that all of our playable races are humans with diff color skins but what really made me look wrong at it was when i made a cyborg only to find out all chars you make will eventually be abit of cyborg due to implants and what not..

That is just lame tbh


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You know, i been lv 50 for 4months, i cant even remember my story in details, so whats your point.


The story is so short, if they want to try and sell this a story driven game they need to make your class story a hell of alot bigger.


You speed-ran through the content?


No wonder it was so short.

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You speed-ran through the content?


No wonder it was so short.


No, i watched every single line of dialog, 4 months ago.


You know they whole rush argument is really getting old.

Edited by davidpop
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being space racist is the best part about playing a starwars game.


wookies are nothing more than glorified dogs!

i'm gonna look into getting my sith a wookie slave to fetch my slippers!


are you light sided or something? dont have a wookie fetching the slippers, have the slippers made of wookie!


i think jawa's are gonna be playable, they have already introduced force using jawa's, and a translator chip etc should be a good enough excuse to get em speaking basic. if they did do this, then wookies would need to have a posh british accent, that would be hilarious :D

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