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No sprint or leap while carrying ball in Hutball...


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Not sure why necro threads can't rest in peace...but anyway:




You have stealth detection for your end zone and a powerful 360 degree knockback to clear ramps of enemy players.


I feel like that scene from Jurassic Park 1.....

Nedry: "Dodgeson! Dodgeson! Everyone...we have Dodson here! See.....no one cares."


Thats how we feel about stealth scan.


(The real use of the scan is to finish off stealthers who exit combat on you. Its reactive, not proactive as one might assume)

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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DPS scoundrels are practically useless in huttball, I wasn't referring to healing.. an assassin is much better suited, because they have not only stealth, but sprint, a knockback and incredible defensive cooldowns as well.
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Or force S key movement!

The ball carrier should be forced to backpedal it all the way, otherwise he'd be blown into a pile of red paste.


Funny thing happened to me, I loaded into the game and window+tabbed out then in just before it started and I got stuck with my character constantly backpeddling. If I pressed W to move forward he would stop in place but as soon as I let go he would backpeddle. I ended up backpeddling into the centre like a boss. :D

Edited by NotAnyOldName
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Removing leaps and sprints from huttball would be like removing the forward pass from Football. It might make the people who don't play Quarterback or Wide Receiver feel a bit better about themselves but it would mostly just slow the game down and make it more boring.


Mercs being not very valuable in Hutt Ball is not much more different from them not being very valuable in any warzone. It's a symptom of having crap utility and mediocre damage that's easily shut down (which means they aren't great at controlling mid).


Solution is to fix merc/commando.

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Removing leaps and sprints from huttball would be like removing the forward pass from Football. It might make the people who don't play Quarterback or Wide Receiver feel a bit better about themselves but it would mostly just slow the game down and make it more boring.


Mercs being not very valuable in Hutt Ball is not much more different from them not being very valuable in any warzone. It's a symptom of having crap utility and mediocre damage that's easily shut down (which means they aren't great at controlling mid).


Solution is to fix merc/commando.


That's a silly analogy.


This is more like Polo, and some classes get to ride a horse, while others are stuck walking.

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Imagine huttball from an Assassin, Mara, Jug point of view. Then imagine huttball from an Ops, Sniper, Merc point of view. Its just not the same when you are slow as a turtle in a game that is more or less a type of race.


I play a sniper and I frequently group with an operative and a powertech (though the powertech does have a pull, and so is officially Useful Class ). It's not so bad. Think of it as an opportunity to excel. :p


You just have to be more coordinated than the Other Guys.


Mind, if the Other Guys are as well-coordinated and have guardians, well, stiff upper lip.

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Every class has a role in huttball, know your role - simple as that.


My gunslinger for instance is no ball carrier, but he is very good at controlling the mid for pickups.


No sprint or leap with the ball is just plain dumb and incredibly stupid and would render the game pointless. Make that change and you essentially ruin the best pvp map in the game all because someone does not bother to learn to play to the strengths of his/her class.

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learn to play to the strengths of his/her class.


Don't confuse "strength of his/her class" with "the only possible role available"


Currently, toons are valued with only offense (scoring) in mind. If your class isn't good at scoring, you are just filler on the team.


This is how the classes break down in huttball. It shouldn't be this way:


Assassin / Jug / Mara / Sorc

-Can score or assist in scoring

-Can defend


Everyone Else

-Can defend

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You know what I find funny? This thread got more responses after the necro then before.


This has been a topic that has been discussed since before the game officially launched. Yes, my opinion might be biased seeing as I play Jugg and Guard. Hey, at least I'm willing to admidt it.


So think of it like this, not as a class balance issue, but as a warzone balance issue. What do I mean by that? Simple, my Jugg might have an advantage in Huttball but not in say, Voidstar. I can't leave my door to hit the ranged DPS characters attacking me cause as soon as I do, someone is going to start capping it and I won't be able to get back in time. Classes are supposedly balanced against rock/paper/scissors. Well, some warzones favor one class more than the other. The next warzone might favor a different class. That is why these are team based games, so when one class is unfavored, their buddies (and buddets) can help out.


And now for the snarky answer....and I apologize in advance if I offend anyone;

Honestly, complaining about one warzone when it's a random selection between five now is silly. On average you are only going to be playing that zone 1/5th of the time. You really want to complain about something, how about gear gaps, stun locks, glitches, exploits, etc.

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You know what I find funny? This thread got more responses after the necro then before.


This has been a topic that has been discussed since before the game officially launched. Yes, my opinion might be biased seeing as I play Jugg and Guard. Hey, at least I'm willing to admidt it.


So think of it like this, not as a class balance issue, but as a warzone balance issue. What do I mean by that? Simple, my Jugg might have an advantage in Huttball but not in say, Voidstar. I can't leave my door to hit the ranged DPS characters attacking me cause as soon as I do, someone is going to start capping it and I won't be able to get back in time. Classes are supposedly balanced against rock/paper/scissors. Well, some warzones favor one class more than the other. The next warzone might favor a different class. That is why these are team based games, so when one class is unfavored, their buddies (and buddets) can help out.


And now for the snarky answer....and I apologize in advance if I offend anyone;

Honestly, complaining about one warzone when it's a random selection between five now is silly. On average you are only going to be playing that zone 1/5th of the time. You really want to complain about something, how about gear gaps, stun locks, glitches, exploits, etc.



Funny. I'd say Jugs have an advantage in Voidstar as well, since they can AOE slow everyone near a door. That's very handy for giving your team enough time to get to the door without any opposition. Sorcs and Assassins are also very much preferred due their superior sprint abilities. And leap really isn't a long enough cooldown that you should have many issues leaping to a ranged opponent.


You might say some warzones favor one class over another, but all I really see that is that some warzones are pretty even, and others are very lopsided.

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Don't confuse "strength of his/her class" with "the only possible role available"


Currently, toons are valued with only offense (scoring) in mind. If your class isn't good at scoring, you are just filler on the team.


This is how the classes break down in huttball. It shouldn't be this way:


Assassin / Jug / Mara / Sorc

-Can score or assist in scoring

-Can defend


Everyone Else

-Can defend


Yes it should -because as someone else has pointed out there are disadvantages and advantages to every class in the game, and huttball is not the only map in the game. My main is a dps sage, in huttball our utility will shine, but in other maps its a different story.


Add to the fact you can pass the ball and well yes, some classes are better at defending the mid, pulling people into fire etc than others but to say it shouldnt be like this is just the opinion of a class who is annoyed they dont have leaps or sprints. Likewise I dont have excessive burst or decent defensive cooldowns on my sage, it shouldnt be like this? Well I would say I knew what I was getting when I rolled the class and you should use your class abilities to win.


Any class can assist with scoring, its called passing the ball.

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Funny. I'd say Jugs have an advantage in Voidstar as well, since they can AOE slow everyone near a door. That's very handy for giving your team enough time to get to the door without any opposition. Sorcs and Assassins are also very much preferred due their superior sprint abilities. And leap really isn't a long enough cooldown that you should have many issues leaping to a ranged opponent.


You might say some warzones favor one class over another, but all I really see that is that some warzones are pretty even, and others are very lopsided.


Dont stand where they can leap to you then, its not difficult. If your a sniper/gunslinger they cant, hence why they are good at defending and holding. Yet they are useless because they dont have sprints and leaps? I dont think so pal.

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1. Take 8 of one class

2. Consider which enemy group set up could outshine them

3. Come to the conclusion that a group of monkeys can outplay any other group (except another monkey group) and think again how a particular class is not totally op in one warzone.


What makes Jugg's op in huttball?


- crossing every level with two abilities

- being able to use enemies and teammates to do so

- combining knock back and leap lets you avoid every trap and you can score from past the acid field to the opponents defensive zone in around 5sec.


No other class can excel in any other warzone anyhow similar.


However warzones are not about solo players. It should be a group effort, not a one-man show. It's absolutely ridiculous to neglect something so obvious.


Taking away sprint/ leap is not about reducing classes, it's about making a "ball" centred team game exactly that. How many times did Messi score all on his own from midpoint? Nobody would want to see anything like that on a regular bases and no, it's absolutely no fun to have no way to compete with damage/ heal / or any ability. Heck the abilities have been made even stronger due stun/ root immunity.


People ask to nerf smash specs, other ask to close the gap between gear and personal skill, however people apparently fail to see how these abilities are creating huge performance gaps in one warzone and it could be solved very easily. Why can't you wear the ball in stealth? For the exact same reasons. It would be op.

Edited by Sziroten
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Because taking away skills that only certain classes have will make thing more fair(at least for those that don't get any of their abilities removed)


So how is the sage supposed to get away from the lolsmasher? If there is no sprint in huttball?

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Holy necro, Batman.


People who are still complaining about leaps in Huttball aren't fully aware of the game happening around them.


1. The most powerful skill in the game (Throw huttball) is available to everyone. Zoom out, stop tunnel visioning and pay attention to the game around you.

2. Did you skip PE class as a child? Not everybody is a goal scorer. Play your role. Mercs, patrol catwalks. Snipers, denial. Ops, tactical killing and positioning. Sorcs, utility. Powetechs, kings of mid. DPS Assassins, stop carrying the ball and play defense once in a while. Marauders, killing enemy ball carrier. Juggs, utility (for the love of god, use your CC). Healers: heal. Tanks: Carry the ball or protect the person carrying the ball.

3. There is an easy counter available to leaps and sprints: CC. Stop filling up the resolve of the ballcarrier before he reaches the first obstacle. In other words, stop tunnel visioning and pay attention to the game around you.

4. I still can't believe people are dense enough to think Snipers are bad in Huttball despite their obvious and irreplaceable value.

5. Really, snipers aren't good in Huttball? Seriously?


I'm an Op since launch.

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Taking away sprint/ leap is not about reducing classes, it's about making a "ball" centred team game exactly that. How many times did Messi score all on his own from midpoint? Nobody would want to see anything like that on a regular bases and no, it's absolutely no fun to have no way to compete with damage/ heal / or any ability. Heck the abilities have been made even stronger due stun/ root immunity.


People ask to nerf smash specs, other ask to close the gap between gear and personal skill, however people apparently fail to see how these abilities are creating huge performance gaps in one warzone and it could be solved very easily. Why can't you wear the ball in stealth? For the exact same reasons. It would be op.


Well I will be Captain Obvious here since no one else has bothered to explain it. If you could stealth with the ball then no one would know where the ball was, you could simply stealth with it and sit on it to win a tie breaker even, you cannot do it because it would be completley stupid.


Force speed can be countered with CC, knockbacks. Leaps can be countered by not standing in silly places, or using snipers/gunslingers with hunker down etc. They can be countered by the players you claim have no role in huttball..


Basically the things you are complaining about have a counter..


Not really that hard to fathom if you think about it.

Edited by PloGreen
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Honestly, if all abilities were disabled while holding the huttball, it would make the game significantly more balanced, and make teamwork more important than having the right classes. Why people are so against that is beyond me. I guess they simply don't want more fair huttball matches.
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That's a silly analogy.


This is more like Polo, and some classes get to ride a horse, while others are stuck walking.


This is nothing like that. You're just mad that you're the equivalent of an offensive lineman and don't like that you have to slog it in the mud while the Juggs get all the glory. All removing leaps and sprints while carrying the huttball would do (and I suppose you want to make them unable to be rescued too) is slow the game down ridiculously. Almost certainly to the point where pretty much all games would end in a zero-zero score with a victory awarded to who holds it last.


Honestly, if all abilities were disabled while holding the huttball, it would make the game significantly more balanced, and make teamwork more important than having the right classes. Why people are so against that is beyond me. I guess they simply don't want more fair huttball matches.


In what way would it be significantly more balanced? Because then Tank Spec PTs would be the best ball carriers in the game since they'd have the most survivability when they can't use any of their abilities (best passive mitigation in the game for what it's worth)?


Do you realize why there are only 2 (really more like 1.5) classes in the game that are good at carrying the ball? Do you notice that in both cases it's their mobility and decent cooldowns that make them so (afterall, no one's complaining about those OP sorc Ball Carriers, or even those OP Mara Ball carriers).


It's because, with the exception of teams full of idiot players who are only interested in death matching on the side, teams are generally pretty good about converging on the ball carrier and killing them. Many are also good at finding enemies on their rafters lining up for a score and knocking them off. Do you know what will happen when the only ability you can use while carrying the huttball is "Throw Huttball"? Boredom. It's not that other classes have a harder time running the ball in, even with teamwork, it's that people are very very good at focusing down ball carriers.


The only time you're getting squashed 6-0 in 3 minutes or less is with a good premade where they're able to set up a passing chain quickly, score, and then just go from there. You wanna stop that? Control mid. Cause otherwise I guarantee you Shadows and Guardians need not only their mobility but all their cooldowns, and probably a med pack or two to have any hope of making it to the endzone in tact. Even then, guardians need someone to leap to (which is either your team being dumb or their team using that teamwork you keep wanting so much).


It's the teams using teamwork, like you say you want, that are murdering you. The rest of the time the classes that are good at carrying the ball are the only thing allowing anyone to score. If you're mad that you're PUG keeps getting 4 commandos in it, then do yourself a favor and team up with a Guardian, and while you're at it tell those commandos they're probably better off rerolling.

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Well I will be Captain Obvious here since no one else has bothered to explain it. If you could stealth with the ball then no one would know where the ball was, you could simply stealth with it and sit on it to win a tie breaker even, you cannot do it because it would be completley stupid.


Force speed can be countered with CC, knockbacks. Leaps can be countered by not standing in silly places, or using snipers/gunslingers with hunker down etc. They can be countered by the players you claim have no role in huttball..


Basically the things you are complaining about have a counter..


Not really that hard to fathom if you think about it.


Stealth can be uncovered/ countered and anyone paying attention knows where the ball just landed.


How about that immunity on force speed/ leap?


having 8 snipers in a team (which wouldn't work either as there is no healer...) and juggs would just walk into position and jump/ pass... no problem there.


You can't counter a group of 8 juggernauts.... that's the issue. However you probably never played against 5-6 well played juggs in one team...

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Thank you for rezing a thread nearly a year old to state your piece and have all the angst after this post directed at the possibly long gone OP.


Why can't I revive a thread that ask the exact question i want to ask instead of starting a new one in this infinite sea of thread ? Thread are for everyone, not just the one who started it. Did you mean "raising a thread" and "all the anger against this post", cause you misspelled it.




Also, people should mention the class they are playing before replying to this thread, so we could see if they are against this thread because of their class advantage. I have a vanguard named Fynch, a scoundrel named Deadlyshadow AND a Jedi sentinel named Tabbarnak, all lvl 50 with war hero armour.


Stop ************ each other, a forum is for question and answer arguing about the question asked.

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