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the next advanced classes


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So i've been thinking for awhile about the classes and wondered if there should be a mixing of the classes. What i mean by that is you give one class a mixture of another classes abilities. You should get these options at lv 40 or higher.Examples, a jedi guardian getting a gun as an offhand weapon or a consular wearing heavy armour, jedi sentinel getting to wield double dual lightsabers.
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Consulars wearing heavy armor ? This is SO not meant to be ! This is a crime against the Force !


Seriously, it might look tempting at first, but it would be impossible to balance. Take a look at Runes of Magic ; they did that, and the balance was bad.

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ok ok i get what you mean, but at least the double duel wielded jedi needs to be put in as i have actually seen that on star wars the clone wars, so it exits in the star wars universe.


That was done by a dude with four arms. All our pc's have 2.


A sentinel one day using a double saber is one thing, but using two on the regular? That's a bit insane.

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I think the easiest way to add more classes to the game is to give every class a third Advanced Class. I saw another poster bring up a potential Beast Master and Droid Summoner class, and think those fit better as Advanced Classes than all new classes.



For example:


Bounty Hunter > Mercenary, Powertech, Beast Master (Summon Mobs to fight for you)

Trooper > Commando, Vanguard, Engineer (Summons Droids to fight for you)


Sith Inquisitor > Assassin, Sorcerer, Judicator (DoTs, Party Buffs, Enemy Debuffs)

Jedi Consular > Shadow, Sage, Oracle (DoTs, Party Buffs, Enemy Debuffs)


Imperial Agent > Sniper, Operative, Intelligence (AoE damage, Enemy Debuffs, Tactics)

Smuggler > Gunslinger, Scoundrel, Mogul (AoE damage, Enemy Debuffs, Tactics)


Sith Warrior > Juggernaut, Marauder, Bladesinger (Mid-ranged Damage [saber throws and Force])

Jedi Knight > Guardian, Sentinel, Saberlord (Mid-ranged Damage [saber throws and Force])

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but with all the balance changes, bug fixes, and new content for existing players,






Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe (and thats a big maybe) if there is an expansion. That is the ONLY chance of new classes. And we won't see an expansion for at LEAST a year and a half, two years, maybe three years.


So, sorry.

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