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PvP in SWTOR. Thank you Bioware.


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Yo all you butthurt kids gotta bring everyone down, I've had awesome times on Ilum as well so just wait until bioware fixes your problems in upcoming patches and stop the trolling.


No one is butthurt here. Many people just want somekinda meaningfull PvP where you can compete against eachothers and improve your own game. Well option to do so. I got nothing against world PvP but if EA wants the cash of PvPrs like im sure they want, making world PvP as endgame in MMORPG is bad business. Masses just dont want to do it.

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PvP in SWTOR is the best PvP experience I've ever had since vanilla wow-TBC times.

Really, Ilum fights 30+vs30+ are just making me love this game more and more, even tho got some fps probs with it.


For all the haters who say that SWTOR pvp sucks like....WoW died/became ****/call it as u like with release of WOTLK, we all know that, and SWTOR PvP is better balanced at release date than wows after 7 years.


I just wanted to thank you BioWare for your great job with this game, keep working on it, put your soul in it(that is what Blizzard stopped doing with release of wotlk), listen to customers and it will become a N1 MMO eventually.


1st i really think this is just a troll job.. but if your serious i dunno how the hell your getting constant 30vs30 were lucky on my server to even see a pub come out and play half the time and the rare occasion usually on Wednesday because of the weekly we see between 10-20 pubs which get steam rolled by the imps and run off and give up after 3 or so clearings.


balanced maybe wouldn't really say balanced tbh i mean seriously rauders sorcs and bh's pretty much can run Huttball.. not to mention that heal class's at 50 can heal through 3 people dpsing on them, with the 3 being in champion gear, of course this is not always true but i've seen it more times then i have fingers and toes and i have all i should.


Also considering the fact that at 50 your either pvping, running hard modes or waiting on your guild to raid aka ops then most of the time your pvping if your even playing your 50 after a week and personally first few days i pvpd and got all my datacrons including the +10 on the fleet. illum would be fun if it happened... and personally the 3 pvp option we have but mostly seem to be huttball are not all that great really i need a big pvp area with quests for it self and raid boss's and basically think Alterac valley because capture the flag aka huttball just is not working out for me. voidstar and civil war there alright but seriously ... i need something substantial especially for the bullsh*t grind to 60 valor..



edit: i meant the original Alterac Valley before they nerfed it way way way way way down.

Edited by Urieaal
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No, I didnt want to troll or anything, I really DO enjoy this game and I play it because I want to, not because some1 has to say bad things about it.


The PvP itself in this game is better polished than wow has after 7 years, as I already said.


WoW's PvP was good in Vanilla-TBC period, before it became 2-button spam in wotlk and became even worse in cata.


Considering Ilum - On our server we have daily 30v30 fights, sometimes even different mirrors of Ilum running during prime-time.


I really do not understand all the hatred about this game because it is actually pretty damn good and so far I've been enjoying every single moment of it - there are some bugs, yes, but those are minor and some class tweaks also would do good(e.x. operatives) and I believe this game will be longliving.

Edited by Roudyzor
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No, I didnt want to troll or anything, I really DO enjoy this game and I play it because I want to, not because some1 has to say bad things about it.


The PvP itself in this game is better polished than wow has after 7 years, as I already said.


WoW's PvP was good in Vanilla-TBC period, before it became 2-button spam in wotlk and became even worse in cata.


Considering Ilum - On our server we have daily 30v30 fights, sometimes even different mirrors of Ilum running during prime-time.


I really do not understand all the hatred about this game because it is actually pretty damn good and so far I've been enjoying every single moment of it - there are some bugs, yes, but those are minor and some class tweaks also would do good(e.x. operatives) and I believe this game will be longliving.


This has to be a troll or something.


Then again, he is comparing WoW. He might honestly not know any better.

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This has to be a troll or something.


Then again, he is comparing WoW. He might honestly not know any better.


betting he really doesn't know any better :/ and if any thing came into wow after tbc not in vanilla or he would at least have an idea of the better.

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