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Am I the only one who avoids all the romance options with companions?


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I made the mistake of going down that road initially, and it ended up feeling like I had this clingy girlfriend who just HAD to follow me everywhere. All these other romance options with other characters pop up, and there's the girlfriend hovering over my shoulder in the background. Ugh...


And of course, she moved in without my even realizing it. To my ship, I mean.


I looked around at level 35 or something and wondered how I ended up there. Very realistic.

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I avoid them too. Reason why is because companions have no life to them whats so ever. They're just stiff looking robots to me... They have no personality and the way they stand next to my toon just looks ridiculous.


If BW would ever improve on their animations, then I'd consider romancing. Til then? Not interested in lifeless dummies.

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I'd like to take the high road and say that yes, I always play out the romances on my characters because the extra dialogue and story are important to me (which they are). But honestly sometimes I skip it because I just find the companion unappealing. It's been about 50/50 for me so far.
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I also don't romance my companions. My Jedi Consular is Light Side IV at the moment. I'm sticking with the original concept of the Jedi code of nonattachment. It's just how I'm playing this character (but part of the reason is that my companions aren't, in any way, interesting to me in a romance way).
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I don't avoid all, but some. Depends on how I'm roleplaying the character and whether I find the companion romance option interesting/attractive. Doc was fun, so my FemKnight went ahead with the romance. Andronikos was less so, so my Inquisitor ignores him unless she needs an errand-runner.
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