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[Poll] Most boring planet?


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Some planets it does depend on which faction you are on. Taris is cooler on the Empire side than the Republic side. It's night you day literally. I did quests in the same area, the crashed ship, on both and found the Empire one more enjoyable.


Taris for me, Republic side, is the most boring or annoying or both.


I liked Nar Shadda, it definitely has potential to be much cooler, gambling in the casinos and more seedy bars, would be good. Nar Shadda has a ton of hidden areas you'll never see if you don't do all the quests, this includes ones you can't get until you do the flash point connected to that planet. This is true on the Empire side at least.

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I have to say Balmorra was the worst followed closely by Nar Shada(or however it's spelt). Balmorra was too big and filled with useless stuff and there was only one good world quest. Balmorra was also ugly (coming from an artist point of view) and very VERY bugy when it came to textures (no eyes and things like that). Nar Shada was better, fewer bugs but didn't live up to my hopes at all. Obsidian made Nar Shada look like Coruscant gone wrong which was perfect. What I see in game? empty streets >.> Bioware just cause it was made by another company doesn't mean you have to make your own version out of spite.
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Just updated OP, so far Taris is our champion, closely followed by Nar Shaddaa.


Personally, although i have vote myself for Nar Shaddaa, i must admit Taris must have been very boring because i barely have memories about it, i haven't skiped any planet, and only rushed Nar Shaddaa, but for any reason i just can't remember Taris.


Also, as promised, i have started a new Poll for most fun planet.

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Bormund Kaas





Bord Shaddaa

BOrd Mantell







Implying themepark MMOs have any real excitement to them.


Ready for Archeage.

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I just don't get this intense hate for Nar Shaddaa. I play in a duo and as a smuggler enjoyed that planet. I guess I'm just a fan of city environments and political intrigue. Yeah there was a couple of tedious long bits, I admit, but its not as bad as peope make it out to be. Same goes with Bamorra. It wasn't mindblowing but it was good. Edited by spacepuppy
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Bormund Kaas





Bord Shaddaa

BOrd Mantell







Implying themepark MMOs have any real excitement to them.


Ready for Archeage.


Ok so you don't like themeparks yet you leveled TWO characters to 50???? And your trolling a themepark game's forum???



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Nar Shaddaa


When I play an mmorpg, I don't want to spend a massive amount of time in tight corridors- I want to be able to choose my own path to get to the objective. I think that's why I love Elwynn Forest and Westfall in WoW so much. You can really just go anywhere you want at your own pace.


I'm currently leveling a bounty hunter and I made it a goal to hit 25 and have a mount before setting foot in Nar Shaddaa. It's made leveling there much less painful (for what it's worth).

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I liked the story on most of them. I liked the design on most of them.


Only real exception was Quesh.


I got the feeling early on that Quesh was thrown in at the last second. I never got to care about the story or the area. Quesh could easily be blasted into bits without anyone ever missing anything as far as I'm concerned.

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I guess players just dont like a puzzle.




For me that place is a playground. Just finding your way around is fun to me. Lots of under represented upper levels and undergrounds. A post apocalypse feel. Its just great!


My vote is for nar shaddar so far. While if I rped it just a little I might be able to enjoy the night life a little more its just a bit bland.


I will say for my part the "rail style" gameplay here is less acute the in other coaster games it is still very much a rail game and I love a truly open world....skill based...bla...bla...bla...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Coruscant and Dromund Kaas. They are both equaly boring and tedious. Coruscant is boring because all you do there is kill these gangsters and oh kill those gangsters too, and while your at it you should kill those gangs aswell. Tedious because you have run around everywhere and everything is spread apart. I say Dromund kaas is boring because nothing thrilling is there. Duh. Its tedious aswell because theres too many elite areas and its just dumb.
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Taris, but Nar Shaddaa is a very close second.


This game seriously needs an alternate leveling path through every range, on planets that are *not* set up like mazes. See which people people choose. I expect it won't be the Nar Shaddaa/Coruscant/Taris worlds.

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For me, the most boring planet is Alderaan. Personally, I find it repetitive, bland, and think the attempt at 'politics' is incredibly simplistic or predictable in nature. I'm glad it gets destroyed. I have no idea why the Empire thought its destruction would have a significant impact, people were probably happy.


As for most fun, I enjoyed Belsavis a great deal due to its aesthetics, the mutual amorality revealed in quests, and the Rakata emphasis.

Edited by Sufran
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On my first way to 50, I absolutely HATED coruscant, taris, nar shadaa and tatooine.


Now, when Ive passed coruscant with 8 chars, taris with 7, nar shadaa with 6 and tatooine with 6, I can safely say that Taris and Tatooine both sucks, but I freakin LOVE nar shadaa and coruscant now.


The first way through it was horrific, ran up and down, back and forth, through the same godamn area 5 times cause you didnt do it all in the right order.


Now, I complete coruscant in like 2 hours, thats 11-12 to 16-18 in 2 godamn hours. Its so *********** fast.


I love the fact that you get a quest, take a speeder to an closed area, get quests and run in a line, killing everything you see til you are at the bottom of that area, quick travel up, and bam, youre done with that area, get a quest, take the speeder to another area and do the same thing.


I just learned to love it perhaps. But boy do I love when my chars hit those areas. Taris and Tatooine can *** something tho :D

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