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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Congratulations, on the worst launch concept ever!


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Brilliant idea! Staggering the launch by pre-order date, much after the fact! Now almost all my guild is in and playing without me, their guild leader.


I guess I was too busy wasting my time beta testing the game to pre-order right away, not that I was told that it would make a difference how soon I would be able to access the game.


Months of work organizing a guild, including a whole prelaunch program wasted because you damned idiots decided to make the launch unfair and not let everyone in at the same time.


The game isn't even close to a finished or stable product.

Edited by Vastalee
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Brilliant idea! Staggering the launch by pre-order date, much after the fact! Now almost all my guild is in and playing without me, their guild leader.


I guess I was too busy wasting my time beta testing the game to pre-order right away, not that I was told that it would make a difference how soon I would be able to access the game.


Months of work organizing a guild, including a whole prelaunch program wasted because you damned idiots decided to make the launch unfair and not let everyone in at the same time.


The game isn't even close to a finished or stable product.


I don't get why you believe this is launch, it isn't it is early access. This is not something you paid for it is a gift a bonus if you will. Launch isn't till midnight 12/20 and based off of WoW's launch this is a downright success. And no I have gotten my early access email yet either. So give them a break it isn't exactly easy or quick getting these games launched.

Edited by Vastalee
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oh cause i am tired of seeing such posts about no one telling you.


this is a pic from the on-site pre-order info releashed on july 21 (the date when preorders started):




it says it quite clearly (even in a seperate paragraph):



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Brilliant idea! Staggering the launch by pre-order date, much after the fact! Now almost all my guild is in and playing without me, their guild leader.


I guess I was too busy wasting my time beta testing the game to pre-order right away, not that I was told that it would make a difference how soon I would be able to access the game.


Months of work organizing a guild, including a whole prelaunch program wasted because you damned idiots decided to make the launch unfair and not let everyone in at the same time.


The game isn't even close to a finished or stable product.



Ala give me strength. What is up with all these people who are complaining? Even if people like you got in two days ago you likely would have been out leveled by someone else. I'd rather play a game come launch day that has servers saying they're standard/heavy/very heavy/full rather then picking a server to early and find out it's a lightly populated server.

Edited by Vastalee
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oh cause i am tired of seeing such posts about no one telling you.


this is a pic from the on-site pre-order info releashed on july 21 (the date when preorders started):




it says it quite clearly (even in a seperate paragraph):




Epic reply :)

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oh cause i am tired of seeing such posts about no one telling you.


this is a pic from the on-site pre-order info releashed on july 21 (the date when preorders started):




it says it quite clearly (even in a seperate paragraph):




It wasn't clear enough! It didn't say it (even though it is in front of my face)! It is a fake!

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Brilliant idea! Staggering the launch by pre-order date, much after the fact! Now almost all my guild is in and playing without me, their guild leader.


I guess I was too busy wasting my time beta testing the game to pre-order right away, not that I was told that it would make a difference how soon I would be able to access the game.


Months of work organizing a guild, including a whole prelaunch program wasted because you damned idiots decided to make the launch unfair and not let everyone in at the same time.


The game isn't even close to a finished or stable product.


I can't believe you are actually using the excuse that you were too busy beta testing to pre-order. Pathetic. :rolleyes:


BTW - I pre-ordered in November and I'm playing now.

Edited by Vastalee
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I was expecting this to happen, given the positively astronomical number of rabid (and I mean that in a nice way) Star Wars fans around the planet. What I don't get, is that I got my 'Your Saga Begins' email, and I thought that gave me access. I have yet to actually be able to access it because of a technical problem, but judging by many other threads of this nature, it didn't matter when you got your email. So I simply wait, hoping by the 20th I can get in or at least contact or be contacted by Tech Support.


There are a lot of disappointed fans out there, some more than others, but I think BioWare could do a lot of damage control by having a more authoritative presence on the boards, email and phone systems. Their lack of such a thing gives the impression they had no idea what to expect, which, given the amount of behind the scenes stuff we got to see, certainly didn't seem to be the case at all.


It's a roll out; there's bound to be problems. My only sniffing point is the lack of enough customer support available.

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This is a launch and if you thinks its not cause bioware fed you some KoolAid and some smooth word play well then you wouldn't possibly understand any logical argument I could make to you so I'll just say it in your language.


Derp herp derpderp see when you look at it like that its a little more clear right?:D

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I can't believe you are actually using the excuse that you were too busy beta testing to pre-order. Pathetic. :rolleyes:


BTW - I pre-ordered in November and I'm playing now.




Just to beat the dead horse a little more, you bought a product with a launch date of 12/20/11. Today is 12/15/11. If you pre-ordered, you were promised early access. Originally the early access (iirc) was 5 days early (today). Yet, because I pre-ordered on 6/21/11, I received access on the 12/13/11. What tremendously gracious gift to the players who ordered early. In this modern world of entitlement and precious snowflakes that "deserve" everything they want, I am unsurprised that people complain that their gift didn't arrive in the timeline they thought they "deserved."


Have some grace and be grateful that the effort was made to reward pre-sales.

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oh cause i am tired of seeing such posts about no one telling you.


this is a pic from the on-site pre-order info releashed on july 21 (the date when preorders started):




it says it quite clearly (even in a seperate paragraph):



How about a screenshot of the ORDER PAGE where this information was given.


That page you're referring to is irrelevant if it wasn't part of the ORDER PROCESS, which that promo page wasn't.

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Brilliant idea! Staggering the launch by pre-order date, much after the fact! Now almost all my guild is in and playing without me, their guild leader.


I guess I was too busy wasting my time beta testing the game to pre-order right away, not that I was told that it would make a difference how soon I would be able to access the game.


Months of work organizing a guild, including a whole prelaunch program wasted because you damned idiots decided to make the launch unfair and not let everyone in at the same time.


The game isn't even close to a finished or stable product.


Take this game and this launch and shove it up your arse.


So you believe if you joined a guild that all guild members should have got invite over people that pre-ordered day one? That seems more fair to you?


They had to figure a way to stagger invites so they picked the obvious "fair" method; that being inviting on first come first serve. The fact you were lucky enough to get in beta early also means you should play early? I just don't understand that reasoning. I would have loved to play beta more and would have been fine getting invited on 12/19. <shrugs>


To each their own but really man, they are being pretty fair about the process.

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I don't get why you believe this is launch, it isn't it is early access. This is not something you paid for it is a gift a bonus if you will. Launch isn't till midnight 12/20 and based off of WoW's launch this is a downright success. And no I have gotten my early access email yet either. So give them a break it isn't exactly easy or quick getting these games launched.


Actually this is something you paid for... if you look at the $5 extra fee you paid in your preorder it includes early access time with that crystal you get in game to modify the color of your weapon (lightsaber, blaster bolts....)


I am not QQing about not getting in right away as its now the 15th when they said the early access invites would begin and I've had quite a few laughs at the people who are ************ because they haven't gotten the extra 2 days. I look forward to recieving my invite and playing but am not expecting to be in right away since I was a late pre order person.

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lol notice the OP hasn't posted again since everyone jumped on him.


You could argue both sides but in reality what this EGA is is a final beta test before the 20th launch date. We are playing the full release version of the game and they are using this to make their final adjustments/patches/hotfixes.


I got in yesterday and couldn't log in for more than 60seconds due to server error issues, I'm not ************, just researching what I can do.

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Brilliant idea! Staggering the launch by pre-order date, much after the fact! Now almost all my guild is in and playing without me, their guild leader.


I guess I was too busy wasting my time beta testing the game to pre-order right away, not that I was told that it would make a difference how soon I would be able to access the game.


Months of work organizing a guild, including a whole prelaunch program wasted because you damned idiots decided to make the launch unfair and not let everyone in at the same time.


The game isn't even close to a finished or stable product.


Take this game and this launch and shove it up your arse.


Thank you for another entertaining thread. Your going to make my co-worker pee his pants.


I can send you a pic of a QWERTY keyboard to help put your keyboard back together.

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Worst launch concept ever? Really? Because RIFT's early access was so much better..... Let everyone in, not enough servers to handle the numbers they KNEW they would have online, 3+ hour wait time to log onto a server with massive lag, too many people doing the same quests, and then being DCed and having to wait another 3 hours to get back in.


Yes, BioWare doing staggered invites is SO much worse than that.....



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How about a screenshot of the ORDER PAGE where this information was given.


That page you're referring to is irrelevant if it wasn't part of the ORDER PROCESS, which that promo page wasn't.


as far as i remember that was the very first page you got redirected when you clicked "pre-order"


thats more than enough since logically you have to click pre-order to pre-order.


also it was even stated in an interview a whooping 1 day later.


lastly, WHY? they said it, there is proof they have said it. Next thing you people will ask would be to have them call you on your home and tell you.


the info was clearly on their site from the 1st day. the fact that you was lazy and didn't even botherred to check the site is your own damn fault.

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Actually this is something you paid for... if you look at the $5 extra fee you paid in your preorder it includes early access time with that crystal you get in game to modify the color of your weapon (lightsaber, blaster bolts....)


I am not QQing about not getting in right away as its now the 15th when they said the early access invites would begin and I've had quite a few laughs at the people who are ************ because they haven't gotten the extra 2 days. I look forward to recieving my invite and playing but am not expecting to be in right away since I was a late pre order person.


My thoughts exactly.

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This is a game, it isn't like you can't do a marathon after years of training, it's not like someone died, it's just a damn game. I let my wife play and have fun since I got it Wednesday, I played about 4 hours so far. It's the holidays, and I have things to do, I was eagerly awaiting it and when I am done wrapping presents, sending cards, going to the Gym and making meals for my family I will log in and have fun. In the grand scheme of things 1 week is nothing, and people need to calm down. I wish he had told us the guild so I could steer clear of it. I have had enough drama in online games to last a lifetime.
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Actually this is something you paid for... if you look at the $5 extra fee you paid in your preorder it includes early access time with that crystal you get in game to modify the color of your weapon (lightsaber, blaster bolts....)


I am not QQing about not getting in right away as its now the 15th when they said the early access invites would begin and I've had quite a few laughs at the people who are ************ because they haven't gotten the extra 2 days. I look forward to recieving my invite and playing but am not expecting to be in right away since I was a late pre order person.


Most fees are put towards your game and not actually extra cost...if bought fromo origin I am told there is a $5 fee but it is more the equivalent to a sales tax...I bought on Amazon and did not pay an extra fee...my game copy will be here the 16th.

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How about a screenshot of the ORDER PAGE where this information was given.


That page you're referring to is irrelevant if it wasn't part of the ORDER PROCESS, which that promo page wasn't.


"I didn't know shoving a curling up my arse would hurt! I didn't read the tag!"

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