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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Jedi Knight Petition


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If you think Jedi Knight's are underpowered, post (on a scale of 1-10) how much you want this to change, and how stuck you've been - ie longest its taken you to beat a boss that people are saying is easy Edited by Amtor
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I don't think you can boil it down to a single number, but from a personal (guardian's) perspective the top three things we need:


1) A 'large' boost to AoE taunt (without linking it to force sweep please - I'd prefer it to be 'damage free' so I don't break nearby CC). Just a continuous (or reasonable duration) local proximity threat effect (for PvE only) so I'm not forced to run around like an idiot hitting everything that the DPS catch in their AE nukes.


2) A medium boost to mitigation / shields - and better resistances to both internal and elemental damage. Especially in PvP. What's the point in wearing heavy armour if it is apparently made of wet paper bags?


3) A small increase to direct (non-force) damage. Mostly just to help with the threat and so cyclone sweep damage isn't so laughable.


Oh, and fixing our companion quest bugs would be nice too.

Edited by Cybermeister
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I play Guardian, defence spec, and absolutely ruined two Sith Marauders of the same level yesterday on Alderaan it's the same 1 on 1 up to a few levels above me.


Can't speak for any other specs obviously, but I like mine fine!


Are these solo bosses your talking about, if so, is your companion geared up too?

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From what ive seen jedi guardians have WAY BETTER damage mittigation than people are saying. If you disagree you might want to look at your stats. I dont know my stats off hand (seeing as i am at work :D) but i can tell you they dont need any kind of defence boost.



This irritates me. if you think AOE taunt is something you shoukd be blowing EVERY FIGHT stop playing a tank. The order of tanking priority in bigger NON BOSS fights are (enemy icon based):

Gold and silver



ie: there are 3 non elites, 2 silvers, one gold, one silver and gold. saber toss the melee one (which ever that may be) and leap the ranged. Blade storm the melee, which should now be running at you, and tab accordingly to hold them both. Let the off tank or dps take out the elites. they can take the damage with a good healer and so can you. thats what blade barrier and your 2-3 min cds are for. use them. keep min mind, your class si not ment to tank 4,5,6 things. you are for the big boy and MAYBE 2 of his friends..


AOE abilities.. ya i think we need more than one damaging one thats on a faster cd than near 30sec. If anyone has done the HK47 hard mode fight.. you know how inportant AOEs are in that fight. its not good when you have to spin like a moron and to your cleave like attack (its name escapes me), and you can only do it 1 to 3 times depending on focus and cds.


I havent had any bugs in my companion quest line so i cant comment there.

Edited by Polverized
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0. This class is equipment dependent yes. But if know how your roll goes, then you're fine. Yes we have skills that stutter, or just fail, but this doesn't mean we need to be buffed. Think of this as the "easy version of Ninja Gaiden"
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Solo'd all of my class quests (yes the final battle also) as a combat spec'd Sentinel. Were some parts of it difficult? Yes, they took me a few trys but I was never stuck on one part for longer than 30 minutes. We have all the tools to handle any of our fights, just make sure your gear is current, you have medpacs, and your using the correct abilities.


I would like to see our class improved a little, but I don't think it is as dire as some people believe. Knights just have a really tough learning curve, and some people aren't prepared to handle that.


I would give it a 6/10, just a very average feeling class; its difficulty making it feel less than it is.

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I played for a little over a month before making any conclusions about the Jedi Knight (Guardian AC) because I wanted to experience everything at low and endgame levels.


I didn't have much trouble with any class quests as I was proceeding through the game.


Played as a Guardian, using Vigilance spec until 25-ish, then switched to Defense spec using DPS gear beyond that. Used a combination of T-7 and Kira as a companion until I got Doc, then used Doc for most of the rest of the game, unless I was doing under level content, then I used Rusk to speed things along.


Most bosses are trivial with chained interrupts and CC moves. Between Force Kick, Stasis (later talented to be without channel), Force Push, Hilt strike, and Freezing Force combined with Force Leap (with 2 second stun talent which interrupts), any boss that I fought had no opportunity to get their "whammy" move off on me.


I used synthweaving to craft on level gear for myself and made sure that I was as well geared as possible before main story bosses. My light saber was kept religiously up to date for max damage. I used on level stims for most of the game and medpacks as needed.


As for PvP, playing Guardian poses certain challenges that classes that can stand back and spam lightning don't :), but it has been mostly positive. I've used tank gear and DPS gear during warzone matches and find the best results from a Defense spec using DPS gear. It's not maximum damage, but between the damage/guard/objective medals, I'm usually finishing warzones with 8 or 9 medals, sometimes 10.


I've since started a Vanguard, and find the class generally easier to play than the Guardian in most aspects. Having ranged options really assists with tanking, and I have almost as many tools as my defense spec Guard to handle almost any situation.


Playing a Jedi Knight requires far more input and "twitch" than most other MMO games that I've played. I find myself being very active button pressing wise as a Guardian. While I enjoy this as it kept me awake for the first time in my MMO career, people that are not as fast fingered are going to have more difficulty playing this class than other classes. Most of the Jedi Knight's moves are single target, adding the complication of tab targeting. I found great success with cycling CC and stun abilities during fights, many people simply won't be fast enough to do this reliably, however, and I'm not sure there is any way to fix this without major overhauls.


Some quality of life things that I would like to see:


1.) Stronger AoE threat. Guardians are not as well equipped to maintain threat on multiple targets. If it is the goal that we are the single target tank of choice, then fine, but if the devs seek tanking parity, then Guardians need a threat boost on moves like force sweep and cyclone slash, or a threat buff in general. As melee, we have no reliable, high threat maneuvers to use on mobs that get away from the pile.


2.) Greater variety of mods to assist with tanking lower level. Guardians are fairly useless before around 25ish tanking, much of this has to do with gear. I realize that the goal is to "ease" people into their roles, but the class really does not feel anything close to a tank prior to mid-game.


3.) Buffs to tanking companion armor rating. Soresu form gives Guardians a huge armor boost. Companions do not get this boost, which renders them far less useful in a tanking role. I believe that one of the reasons that Sentinels have a tougher time with many quests than Guardians is that T7's survival as a tank is nowhere near what can be achieved as a Guardian's. As a tank spec Guardian with Doc as a companion, I was able to reliably defeat champion mobs my level without much stress. The Sentinels in my guild couldn't dream of this.


In conclusion. I enjoyed my Jedi Knight Guardian quite a bit. With a few changes, the class could be perfect in my view, and much of the ire that folks are feeling could disappear. I won't say that the class is fine by any stretch, but I don't believe that the sky is falling.

Edited by Thordran
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A dps boost would be nice. Many times when I PvP I see Agents, Troopers, Bounty Hunters, Inquisitors, Consulars, Smugglers at or near the top of the PvP charts in the way of damage. Knights and Warriors near the bottom. Usually. After careful observation I notice its the usual Melee/Ranged issue. We hit them a few times, then they dash off and hit us with a slow ability and pop us from beyond range. We need something to compensate. As for PvE, I never really see many issues beyond poor AOEs for handling trash mobs.
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