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Character transfer soon?


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I really hope they add character transfer soon. I'm tired of the current server I'm on. I don't even care about faction changing I just want to transfer my guy to a server filled with my friends. And if or when they do add it, i hope it isn't 25$ like another MMO.
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I really hope they add character transfer soon. I'm tired of the current server I'm on. I don't even care about faction changing I just want to transfer my guy to a server filled with my friends. And if or when they do add it, i hope it isn't 25$ like another MMO.


Not anytime soon i expect.

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I hear that every time someone starts a new thread on this, they push the release date back a week.


i heard that people who say stupid stuff should keep it to themselves..


or do you fancy grinding the same class over again from scratch .. hmm not fun!

Edited by hamsterboom
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I wouldn't even mind paying for the transfer, but i hate to have to start from scratch when i have a lvl 36 already & just want to join my friends on other server than i created it!!


In your particular situation, that's just poor coordination. You probably should've asked them which server they were playing on before making the character and/or levelling him/her so high that you don't want to switch.


However, I'd definitely like to see some server transfers. I've been testing out RP servers trying to find one that isn't garbage, and it's a pain to restart every time. I've also got some other characters that I'd like to transfer around, but that's just personal preference.


It'd be nice of BioWare to give everyone at least one transfer per account when the features becomes available. They could let everyone move around once to either give them a second shot or let them move to where they want to be. This being a new game, I'm sure there are lots of players that have ended up not liking their server for one reason or another, especially since they were just picking a name out of a hat.

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They need to even a standard server seems like it has a low pop, only the fullest servers feel some what alive, they need to move all light servers and even some standard to thicken the pop, to all of you that like playing by yourself, good go play a sp game, some of us want a populated mmo
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They need to even a standard server seems like it has a low pop, only the fullest servers feel some what alive, they need to move all light servers and even some standard to thicken the pop, to all of you that like playing by yourself, good go play a sp game, some of us want a populated mmo


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