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Still Valor Farming in Ilum And Yet No Bans or Rollbacks.


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Complaining about Valor farming is pointless. Some mouth-breather can fast track themselves to battlemaster. They can eventually even get full BM gear just from Illum dailies over a long period of time. That mouth breather could possibly be good at nothing but ezmode valor farming and just be a waste of a geared character.


Original Illum changes have already made PvP titles and ranks pointless. Rollbacks won't solve anything. We can only hope that future ranked PvP will be a more legitimate scale of player recognition.

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Unfair thing ranking by exploiting with who acctually pvp and put a lot of time working on it. That's why theres many unskilled Battlemasters.


BW should perma ban those doing that, its not hard to indentify names on these videos and theres a coupple ones on youtube. If they don't start banning them they wont stop.

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This thread might be relevant to your interests. I can't confirm the validity of what the OP is saying, but if it's true, I find it very disturbing.


the worst thing is that the gm said that's not considered as an exploit. So ppl gonna stil doing that of course cuz apparently wont happen anythin to them after that. wich is just sad.

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