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give the leaders more control when it comes to handing out loot.

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The way i see it is the normal mode is like dungeon finder in wow. Mainly pugs are the only ones that are gonna be running these in a few weeks. The fp's drop the same exact loot as them. I can see why some people are discoraged by this becasue they missed a tier drop or something and they wanted to vent out on forums but in the long run this system is gonna be more convenient for pugs. Because despite what people have been saying about "Oh dont worry .. the community will handle the ninja's" i have seen how this goes and its people laugh and joke about the people that get ninja'd or people yell at the person who sees a ninja forming a raid and says something about it in gen chat to warn people. So honestly its not a bad system at all for pugs. And i think just because heroic version has the word heroic in front of it alot of more casual guilds will shy away from it. But i think nightmare is more of the higher end raid guild mode. And anyone who has done a norm mode run through the raids should give hm a try.

But one thing is they could make the gear bound to anyone inthe raid for the first couple hours or something so if they have it or dont need it they can trade it to someone who needs it.

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Does this looting method give priority to people who have less gear? We keep having undergeared people show up (fresh 50's barely even in blues) show up to fill slots because we are a very small guild, and they seem to soak up every single drop. Every week I seem to just get the same crappy downgrade relic and nothing I actually need.
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Does this looting method give priority to people who have less gear? We keep having undergeared people show up (fresh 50's barely even in blues) show up to fill slots because we are a very small guild, and they seem to soak up every single drop. Every week I seem to just get the same crappy downgrade relic and nothing I actually need.


no its not that advanced.

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The way i see it is the normal mode is like dungeon finder in wow. Mainly pugs are the only ones that are gonna be running these in a few weeks. The fp's drop the same exact loot as them. I can see why some people are discoraged by this becasue they missed a tier drop or something and they wanted to vent out on forums but in the long run this system is gonna be more convenient for pugs. Because despite what people have been saying about "Oh dont worry .. the community will handle the ninja's" i have seen how this goes and its people laugh and joke about the people that get ninja'd or people yell at the person who sees a ninja forming a raid and says something about it in gen chat to warn people. So honestly its not a bad system at all for pugs. And i think just because heroic version has the word heroic in front of it alot of more casual guilds will shy away from it. But i think nightmare is more of the higher end raid guild mode. And anyone who has done a norm mode run through the raids should give hm a try.

But one thing is they could make the gear bound to anyone inthe raid for the first couple hours or something so if they have it or dont need it they can trade it to someone who needs it.

The point is not less control but better. Why should this be compared to LFR when LFR pulls from a random assortment of ppl from the whole game. Most normals are done by ppl in their servers on their guilds, why take away that control away from ppl. and dont tell me u dont know how to shame/blacklist ppl on ur server who ninja. If dont know how maybe u should quit now and save urself the hassle. and another thing how do u have a loot system and have not a random roll function?

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Totally agree! This is slowing down our progression to get to Hard modes, because we aren't able to direct gear in the most intelligent way.


I totally get that this has been explained and rationalized. I'm telling you that this is a pain for my guild and a huge source of frustration.


Thank you for your time and attention.



Wicked Claw, Guildmaster



Agreed! Please fix.

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Ya gear needs to be handed out better in normal modes if your running it with your guild. A bunch of the more veteran and killed players in my guild are close to rage quitting because it's the people who just hit 50 and have meh gear come in and get 3-4 columi drops because of the random assignment, yet the skilled players will get repeat pieces or nothing at all.


Even the random seems less random, 2 weeks now we've run some fresh 50's without a lot of great gear through and they clean house with minimum 2 columi drops and still get a drop off each boss, those of us who got geared with some of the PVP stuff when it was still popular on our server seem to get jack each week.

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The problem with leader control is that the guy will give loot to friends first THEN people that deserve it the most. Almost everyone here will of course post to the contrary and say otherwise on the forum. What only matters though is the realworld human nature we experience in game. Edited by mandrillagon
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The problem with leader control is that the guy will give loot to friends first THEN people that deserve it the most. Almost everyone here will of course post to the contrary and say otherwise on the forum. What only matters though is the realworld human nature we experience in game.


So it's ok for this to happen in HM which is the loot you want anyway but not normals? Guilds should have a choice, if you don't want to pug and op with master looter, make a pug that enjoys random assignment.


But guilds not being able to give gear to those that need it is just silly. I'd rather carry a person or two on HM then do normals with all of them so I ensure we can upgrade appropriately.

Edited by Olarid
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The problem with leader control is that the guy will give loot to friends first THEN people that deserve it the most. Almost everyone here will of course post to the contrary and say otherwise on the forum. What only matters though is the realworld human nature we experience in game.


we have a DKP system called APS, that i put in place before we started running ops, and to my embarrasment Bioware made it nul and void for the most part. if your ops leader is giving gear to friends first in a guild then you need a new guild if youre pugging it you need to run with different people. feels like Bioware is trying to run the game like obama is trying to run the country, take the control away from the people paying the bill.

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Here is how I see it, simple and to the point. people can deal with ninjas, word spreads fast on TOR. If someone is ninjaing they won't find groups after awhile. As for the whole guild and what mode they play in, it doesn't matter. Its no ones place, developer or otherwise, to say what a group of people, guild or not, should run, and who gets their share of loot. And if its not even, then don't team up with them again. Its not like there aren't plenty of people out here doing HM's and raids. Just go to the fleet and stand around for 5 min and you will see several people looking for HM's and more.


So fix this crap, let people do whatever they want, and let those who want to just have a good time with friends do it, without mom and daddy telling them what they have to do with there loot.

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Agreed. Our guild has always run a ladder so everyone gets loot at a fairly even rate. With your loot rules we now have one person winning 3 items and others walking away with nothing. Either make your loot assignments better and/or give control to the leader when it's set to master loot.
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It seems like there are massive amounts of people that want this looting system for normal mode operations fixed. My guild wants to start off on normal mode ops, to get a good feel for hard modes later on. Not looking forward to experiencing this horrible loot system. The people have spoken. Fix this Bioware!
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i dont care what the rationale is. we do guild runs, we dont have ninja looters. why ruin it for the 99 percent.


because didnt read the part where it gets handed out this way? it was decided at least a good 6months before launch. they're were many heated topics on the subject and this was the agreeable median.


Totally agree! This is slowing down our progression to get to Hard modes, because we aren't able to direct gear in the most intelligent way.


I totally get that this has been explained and rationalized. I'm telling you that this is a pain for my guild and a huge source of frustration.


Thank you for your time and attention.



Wicked Claw, Guildmaster


RUN FLASHPOINT HARDMODES. you get columi gear from there just like the normal modes. i'd imagine your 8 man consists of 2 tanks 4dps and 2 healers. thats 2 instance groups that could be attempting a good set of columi gear a day. after which you can attempt hm ops.......js

Edited by SamuraiCrazy
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because didnt read the part where it gets handed out this way? it was decided at least a good 6months before launch. they're were many heated topics on the subject and this was the agreeable median.




RUN FLASHPOINT HARDMODES. you get columi gear from there just like the normal modes. i'd imagine your 8 man consists of 2 tanks 4dps and 2 healers. thats 2 instance groups that could be attempting a good set of columi gear a day. after which you can attempt hm ops.......js


no you missed the part where we are not a big time raiding guild, we just wan to have fun.

not everyone wants to go to work when they log into a video game which is heavy raiding becomes.

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no you missed the part where we are not a big time raiding guild, we just wan to have fun.

not everyone wants to go to work when they log into a video game which is heavy raiding becomes.


and thats why they decide the loot for you. so you dont have to keep track of who got what and/or who has how much dkp.


.....pre launch the casual raiders complained about ninja pugs and pugs complained about not getting anything. this is the result

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and thats why they decide the loot for you. so you dont have to keep track of who got what and/or who has how much dkp.


.....pre launch the casual raiders complained about ninja pugs and pugs complained about not getting anything. this is the result



they took it to far they need to remove it and add a /random x-xxx

Edited by Peccavi
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they took it to far they need to remove it and add a /random x-xxx


You had the option to let the devs know your opinion 6 months ago. If you are really looking for fun get into a hard mode OP the only issue to you running right now is YOU.


I will bet you 1mil creds your guild can clear 1st 3 encounters with little or no issues. Council is a gear check (mainly tanks have them take dps gear into the instance) and SOA is a luck/healing check

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So this is intentional? Man, that is just crazy. I ran HM so i never knew easymode had this 'feature'.


If they want to prevent ninja-looters, then make the names drop only commendations and people can buy what they want. Because assigning loot like this is ridiculous.

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You had the option to let the devs know your opinion 6 months ago. If you are really looking for fun get into a hard mode OP the only issue to you running right now is YOU.


I will bet you 1mil creds your guild can clear 1st 3 encounters with little or no issues. Council is a gear check (mainly tanks have them take dps gear into the instance) and SOA is a luck/healing check


i did let them know, they only listen to the biggest cry babies and the ones that kiss their ***.

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i did let them know, they only listen to the biggest cry babies and the ones that kiss their ***.


the listen to everybody, whether you notice it or not.


also gj describing yourself in the above post....good thing your leading a raid. democracy spoke and now your saying the biggest cry babies won :rolleyes:


..granted they didnt actually do loot bags like they claimed. i wish they did, the rng factor would've seemed a bit more legit

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the listen to everybody, whether you notice it or not.


also gj describing yourself in the above post....good thing your leading a raid. democracy spoke and now your saying the biggest cry babies won :rolleyes:


..granted they didnt actually do loot bags like they claimed. i wish they did, the rng factor would've seemed a bit more legit


that makes no sense at all. good try trolling however, i ll give you a C -

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OK for the umpteenth time



Normal modes are handed out because the devs felt this was the best way (as this option is puggable) to prevent Ninja looters. HM and NM are master lootable.



it may be puggable yes but as there isnt lfr the people you raid with are from your server, no one in there right mind is going to ninja loot something without consequences


its utter crap the system atm again tonight last boss drops 2 rifles 2 chests all go to 1 person who got the exact same items last week when theres 3 people who could use the gear


i alos understand we can do hm but the easist way to gear up newe guildies is to run normal nice and fast


the devs super failed on this one


change the system its bloody stupid

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