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Sexiest male companion?


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Oh, boy. Sexiest? Damn. Okay, here goes.


1. Quinn. His voice, his looks, that eternally surprised way he acts when he's hit on hard and strong by his female Sith lord. Wow. When I saw how he was and how he acted and just everything. I knew there was a reason my sith war had the hots for him. She just about squeed in fangirly joy when he offered to join her crew. And the way he finally told her he wanted her just as bad as she wanted him and then he yanked her up against his chest all forceful and kissed her. *fans self* He is number one in my 'omg I wish I was her at that moment' fantasies.


2. Vector. I had to change his default look because his plastered back hair style unnerved me and I didn't think my agent would go for that look either. So I paid to get the vein-y Quinn type look he has now and boy what a difference. He seems like the perfect man to take to bed with his aura seeing and his sensualness. You just know he'd take his time with you when he was getting to the good stuff. Plus his voice is very pleasant. Not as hot and sexy as Quinn's but damn close.


3. Doc. I'm sure some women will disagree with me, but I LIKE the way he hits on my jedi. Always calling her beautiful and when you give him companion gifts he loves 'you love me, admit it'. Wow. Plus, when my jedi finally let him hit that, he stuttered out a 'wow, um...let's get back to work shall we? yeah.' I was left thinking, 'damn, girl, how good did you give it to him? He's your first!' Yeah, so, Doc, you are too damn hot for your own good and your voice is sexy too. Wowzers.


^^ This. :D Quinn had me at..."I hate to burst your bubble, Jedi...no, that's a lie. I'm reveling in it."

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heh.. Quinn had me on my SI when I was grouped with a SW. No seriously, I hadn't even bothered to look into SW at that point. I was bored while we were waiting for the rest of our groupmates to do something, so I zoomed in to take a really good look at the guy, asked if that was the "base-model" and then proceeded to drool. All this before, I had heard him speak. I don't think I was paying attention to my husband while he was playing on his SW because I'm fairly certain that he had acquired Quinn before this.


Pierce, while a nice looking beefcake, just didn't do it for me. Oddly enough, I'm not actually attracted to that body-type, lean toned athletic guys a la body 2... mmmmm...


And tall, they gotta be taller than me or my characters, which really when IRL I'm not even 5'3" ... doesn't take much.

I should go hug my RL hubby later. :D

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Coming right after Quinn's "My lord, yadda yadda, conscientious objections to having feelings," the big guy growling "Rewarding is good" when I hit on him was just...about...right. It wasn't conversation my warrior was starved for by then.


I mean, I love me a big meaty brain, but Pierce is hot on a very different, very immediate level. Mmm.


Granted, Pierce talks bluntly but that doesn't mean he's not smart. You don't get to be in an elite commando squadron without having intellect. He's not just some grenade slinging grunt. He knows all the tactical strategy that needs to be accomplished, how to put together the right team, etc. There's nothing stupid about Pierce.

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Granted, Pierce talks bluntly but that doesn't mean he's not smart. You don't get to be in an elite commando squadron without having intellect. He's not just some grenade slinging grunt. He knows all the tactical strategy that needs to be accomplished, how to put together the right team, etc. There's nothing stupid about Pierce.


Finding out how cunning Pierce is was sexy in itself. Blackmailing that useless Moff to get an assignment somewhere nicer? Well done! And even if his priorities are different from mine (he favors explosions more than I do), his tactical instincts are sound and I respect his advice.


All the same, in the introductory scene, his first response to your [Flirt] is, in fact, "Rewarding is good." Didn't seem like a preview for a towering intellect.

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Granted, Pierce talks bluntly but that doesn't mean he's not smart. You don't get to be in an elite commando squadron without having intellect. He's not just some grenade slinging grunt. He knows all the tactical strategy that needs to be accomplished, how to put together the right team, etc. There's nothing stupid about Pierce.


Agreed 100%, and i like a man that can think by itself and not that is a servant like Quinn, always trying to lick your boots, oh and pierce its obvious more LOYAL, haha wonder if quinn knows the meaning of that word, im sure he will be a great couple /wink

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Finding out how cunning Pierce is was sexy in itself. Blackmailing that useless Moff to get an assignment somewhere nicer? Well done! And even if his priorities are different from mine (he favors explosions more than I do), his tactical instincts are sound and I respect his advice.


All the same, in the introductory scene, his first response to your [Flirt] is, in fact, "Rewarding is good." Didn't seem like a preview for a towering intellect.


When men start thinking with their "little" brain, their responses don't tend to be overtly genius level. *laugh*

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Agreed 100%, and i like a man that can think by itself and not that is a servant like Quinn, always trying to lick your boots, oh and pierce its obvious more LOYAL, haha wonder if quinn knows the meaning of that word, im sure he will be a great couple /wink


If Quinn didn't know it before... he sure does now...


*force chokes Quinn some more to get her point across*

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i admit before i rolled, i was torn between quinn and vector. i just found vector to be much more intelectually attractive, and i'm always drawn to the odd ones.


and im glad of my choice, after what i saw on my bf's war >.<


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If Quinn didn't know it before... he sure does now...


*force chokes Quinn some more to get her point across*


oh i see, so your character doesnt look for real love..

she wants a slave, oh then sure no wonder why you pick Quinn, no one better for the job :rolleyes:

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Agreed 100%, and i like a man that can think by itself and not that is a servant like Quinn, always trying to lick your boots, oh and pierce its obvious more LOYAL, haha wonder if quinn knows the meaning of that word, im sure he will be a great couple /wink


I'll agree Pierce has it where it counts, but I would say Quinn can and does think. A lot. I played a largely LS Warrior and every time he got me alone after an LS decision he would quietly, respectfully bring up "My lord, what the **** were you thinking?" "Are you sure that was wise?" "Your methods to date have been...unorthodox." The Warrior could say "Shut up and fall in line" or actually defend her decisions, and I loved doing the latter. He would accept it, or seemed to. Quinn could benefit from a lot less overdone courtesy, but he did present valid (evil) alternatives and force me to justify my choices, and I really liked that. Plus, I do so love an educated villain.


I don't know why I would even bother with other classes' male LIs. SW is so much fun.

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I don't know why I would even bother with other classes' male LIs. SW is so much fun.


cause irl you cant...but in tor you can :cool:

like vector will always be #1 in my books..but i can see the appeal of all the others :3

just one big MANagerie to me :D

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^^ This. :D Quinn had me at..."I hate to burst your bubble, Jedi...no, that's a lie. I'm reveling in it."


Same here. He also had me at his introduction.


He is, to me, one of the most perfect Dark Side companions ever. I had to head cannon my own romance, but I find the mans inner malice and absolute loyalty to just be....so dam sexy!


Besides, I got +20 or +45 Quinn for....



Force choking that guard womans lover, then killing him, and killing her...then killing everyone else in that room.


Once you find Jaesa's parents you kill them, in tandem, and taunt and kill the Jedi.


Not to mention shocking that noble from house Thuul, three times in a row.


..and that's just Alderaan, that I can remember.



I think he's just a product of the Empires training, and a product of whatever upbringing he has had (I still wonder if we will ever meet, or learn about his parents). He's not a laughing mad man, but he's not saving puppies either....


...he just loves it when my Sith snap necks, for the Empire! :D

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Finding out how cunning Pierce is was sexy in itself. Blackmailing that useless Moff to get an assignment somewhere nicer? Well done! And even if his priorities are different from mine (he favors explosions more than I do), his tactical instincts are sound and I respect his advice.


All the same, in the introductory scene, his first response to your [Flirt] is, in fact, "Rewarding is good." Didn't seem like a preview for a towering intellect.


I always took his responses to be a sign that he appreciates the innuendo and gives as good as he gets. Unlike other companions who either ignore your flirts or get entirely flustered. I like the "I'm steady and sure in all situations" response myself :)

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I always took his responses to be a sign that he appreciates the inuendo and gives as good as he gets. Unlike other companions who either ignore your flirts or get entirely flustered. I like the "I'm steady and sure in all situations" response myself :)


Oh, good point. The other three [Flirt] targets I found in the game reacted with 1) total panic (Quinn), 2) total panic (supply officer on Hoth), and 3) the absolute most buzz-killing resignation I have ever heard (Nar Shaddaa bonus series guy). Pierce may not have gone for the elaborately witty flirt, but he isn't intimidated, and that was a beautiful change of pace.

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I'll save my complaints about how short that list is for another thread :p


So obviously my vote goes for Pierce. After that its Vector and Scourge (yes I love him don't judge me)

I would have found Quinn sexy except he's so dumb and disloyal it kind of ruins the whole thing.



Trying to kill me is dumb and disloyal. Even halfheartedly doing so is dumb an disloyal. No way to spin it in my book.



The burst your bubble line is still the best line in the game though.

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oh i see, so your character doesnt look for real love..

she wants a slave, oh then sure no wonder why you pick Quinn, no one better for the job :rolleyes:


Naw. She adores the sexy, intelligent evil villain thing he does, because he does it so well, and and he treats her well enough.

Loyalty on the other hand... He needs more lessons in that regard.



Quinn just needs to understand he essentially belongs with her and if tossing him around like a ragdoll then choking the **** out of him helps get that point across so much the better, because seriously trying to kill her on Baras' say so was not cool.

Though I think she's more angry at herself for letting herself get so attached to him in the first place because really, she'd do just about anything for Quinn and that scares the living **** out of her.


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I'll save my complaints about how short that list is for another thread :p


So obviously my vote goes for Pierce. After that its Vector and Scourge (yes I love him don't judge me)

I would have found Quinn sexy except he's so dumb and disloyal it kind of ruins the whole thing.



Trying to kill me is dumb and disloyal. Even halfheartedly doing so is dumb an disloyal. No way to spin it in my book.



The burst your bubble line is still the best line in the game though.


Hey, I still kind of have a thing for Khem Val, ,my SI's morose monster. *sigh*

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Same here. He also had me at his introduction.

I feel the same way. I'm still amazed at how much I wanted him on my crew just from that first encounter, considering how ruthless he was acting.

He is, to me, one of the most perfect Dark Side companions ever. I had to head cannon my own romance, but I find the mans inner malice and absolute loyalty to just be....so dam sexy!


The funny part is, Quinn makes a great LS companion, as well. I played pure Light side, and can count on one hand the times I took a huge affection hit, and that was early on on my Warrior.


One of my favourite affection gains was


calling out a Balmorran Imperial officer on his corruption (he was killing farmers just because they were providing food to the rebels, I believe; then he tried to bribe me off). Though Quinn may have just liked me exposing the corrupt officer...



I like the that Quinn has a sense of honor, but can still be regarded as evil. I've heard him described as Lawfully Neutral, which is dead on (for Quinn, it's duty before everything else).


And Quinn's possibly the only morally grey companion in the game; every other one I've met so far falls into Dark or Light exclusively. I think it's part his charm, actually...

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JK: Scourge read this schematic to me.

Scourge: Are you certain you need this?

JK: mmhmm

Scourge: As you wish. Crafting a Commando Armoring 20 requires...

JK: *sighs dreamily* Say commando slowly...

Scourge: What?!

JK: nothing...

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JK: Scourge read this schematic to me.

Scourge: Are you certain you need this?

JK: mmhmm

Scourge: As you wish. Crafting a Commando Armoring 20 requires...

JK: *sighs dreamily* Say commando slowly...

Scourge: What?!

JK: nothing...


mmm, agreed. Except he's no fool, so sooner or later:

Scourge: I know what you are doing. And I do not approve.

JK: ...huh? Oh. Just keep not approving out loud, okay?

Scourge: ...

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Whenever I want a dose of Quinn I borrow my husband's SW. Maybe I should roll one to see what he is really like...although, being Australian I prefer to hear an american accent on my companions than a british one, so I might just stick with Mr Kittypants for now. :)
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all you guys oozing over the voice got me realising..i've not heard much from vector in months...i better youtube him up again to remind me how hypnotic it is<3


IA: ok, mission time! kaliyo, go do some diplomacy with the hutts, temple, you watch her and learn. scorpio you assist lokin in collecting some biological samples off this dangeous planet. Vector, read me a bedtime story. the one with bunnies in it.

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The funny part is, Quinn makes a great LS companion, as well. I played pure Light side, and can count on one hand the times I took a huge affection hit, and that was early on on my Warrior.




And Quinn's possibly the only morally grey companion in the game; every other one I've met so far falls into Dark or Light exclusively. I think it's part his charm, actually...


I think this is because of how the DS/LS system is set up (on the Empire side, anyway). A LOT of LS choices in certain quests are about showing loyalty to the Empire, with the DS choice being "Gimme money dammit". The best example I can think of is on Alderaan, when you find the Panteer crown: the LS choice is to have Panteer show favor to House Thul (and therefore the Empire), the DS choice is to be given monetary compensation. Since Quinn is an Imperial loyalist, he loves these responses, even though they're light side. He does love his fair share of DS options as well, as long as they're not things likes senseless massacres or personal gain instead of Imperial gain. Because my Sith Warrior is loyal to the Empire, I ate a lot of LS points for those choices (but it's nothing a few runs of Black Talon can't fix).



He got quite the kick out of my response to the female general on Alderaan, when she begged me to spare her lover's life for the information I wanted. After I got the info I murdered everyone except the boyfriend, looked and him, shrugged, and was like "Hey, I said I'd spare you."




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