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So after The Old Republic ends... Who wins?


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Im unsure of the time this game covers.


But for example, Both kotors there was a win/dominance by the end of the game.


When this game comes to its end, specifically when it dies due to lack of subs or whatever what about the story part of the game.


Who comes out on top the Sith/Empire or the Republic/Jedi?

Edited by KiaThas
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The Sith Empire will be completely eradicated.


The later Empire will come out of the current Republic.


At the moment there are loads of Force users. They will be near extinct later on.


I see, so basically some jedi's turn later on?

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Im unsure of the time this game covers.


But for example, Both kotors there was a win/dominance by the end of the game.


When this game comes to its end, specifically when it dies due to lack of subs or whatever what about the story part of the game.


Who comes out on top the Sith/Empire or the Republic/Jedi?


Nobody knows.


In the Next Period we have "The New Sith Empire" and "A Huge Military Republic" (compared to Old Republic's small-struggling Republic Military).


The True Sith Empire could die/be destroyed and the New Sith Empire born from it's ashes. Or it could just lose all of it's leaders and then the new leaders declare the True Sith Empire "The New Sith Empire".

The Old Republic could die/be destroyed and the more Military version could be rebuilt from it's destruction. Or maybe the Old Republic find some way to gain a large Military force and becomes "A Huge Military Republic".


- One possibility is that all the True Sith Empire leaders are defeated and the Empire is absorbed in to the Old Republic becoming the "A Huge Military Republic". Whilst what is left of the Sith go off and start their "New Sith Empire".


Then of course New Sith Empire becomes the Brotherhood of Darkness, then the Rule of Two. The Huge Military Republic becomes the Army of Light Republic and then the Galactic Republic.

Edited by AngelousWang
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A shifting balance of power with periods of cold and hot wars until Darth Bane (and the Republic, but the real story is Bane) kills the Dark Brotherhood at the seventh battle of Rusaan(sp.?). Then the sith are hidden with the rule of two until Palpatine. Edited by jmdatcs
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The Republic ultimately wins and I think that victory probably isn't too far off from the current time in the game. Granted, we'll never see the real end of it in the game and things will go back and forth a bit but I can't see this conflict dragging on for hundreds of years.


The Empire seems to spend most of its time fighting itself. Say this game gets to expansion #6 or whatever someday how many times can the Empire spring back from its infighting and loss of major characters?

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The Empire seems to spend most of its time fighting itself. Say this game gets to expansion #6 or whatever someday how many times can the Empire spring back from its infighting and loss of major characters?


Quite a lot, considering that the movie-era Republic uses an insignia almost identical to the TOR Sith Empire's insignia and even the same standard laser and turbolaser color...

Edited by Cythereal
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Quite a lot, considering that the movie-era Republic uses an insignia almost identical to the TOR Sith Empire's insignia and even the same standard laser and turbolaser color...


The insignia is not used consecutively.


The insignia is only used in this period and the Galactic Republic/Empire Period, the ones in-between have their own insignia's.


So there is no direct connection.

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The timeline is about 3,500 years before the fall of the Republic and rise of the Galactic Empire.


Sometime between that and before 2000 years ago, the Sith Empire fell. I don't think there is any lore on how this happened, so there's like 1000 years of unaccounted for history.


Two large scale Sith organizations existed between the fall of the Sith Empire and the rise of the Galactic Empire, which was the New Sith Empire (Darth Ruin) and the Brotherhood of Darkness.


The New Sith Empire was rivaled by the Sith Empire, and most likely powerful than the various other Sith organizations before it.


There's not much lore on that one either, even less so than the current Empire.


Oh, and after the Brotherhood of Darkness fell, the whole Rule of Two came into effect under Darth Bane. (something like 1,000 years before the Galactic Empire)

Edited by Faerox
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[Darth Bane Spoilers]



The Brotherhood of Darkness, last mass gathering of the Sith (and *Not* the Empire) lasted from Formed from c. 1,010 BBY to 1,000 BBY. TOR is something like 3641BBY (not certain)



So there is precisely 2641 years unaccounted for that the Empire, in its current form, can exist before falling. While the republic may survive in that time too, I would guess that they could easily suffer massive, devastating and crippling losses in that time. They could spend periods in exile on the outermost rims on yet to be discovered planets and all sorts of canonical possibilities.


Mace Windu also said 'The Sith can never be allowed to rise again' which implies they probably had a period of dominance (though sacking Coruscant is probably a fairly dominant thing).

Edited by Force_Capitalism
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[Darth Bane Spoilers]



The Brotherhood of Darkness, last mass gathering of the Sith (and *Not* the Empire) lasted from Formed from c. 1,010 BBY to 1,000 BBY. TOR is something like 3641BBY (not certain)



So there is precisely 2641 years unaccounted for that the Empire, in its current form, can exist before falling. While the republic may survive in that time too, I would guess that they could easily suffer massive, devastating and crippling losses in that time. They could spend periods in exile on the outermost rims on yet to be discovered planets and all sorts of canonical possibilities.


Mace Windu also said 'The Sith can never be allowed to rise again' which implies they probably had a period of dominance (though sacking Coruscant is probably a fairly dominant thing).


Not 2641 years. In 2000 BBY, Darth Ruin forms the "New Sith Empire" and there is absolutely no mention of the TOR Sith Empire so we can assume its either completely gone or completely insignificant by then.

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I have a theory that the next war basically makes both factions capitulate from lack of manpower, resources and morale. The Republic is torn apart and the Sith Empire is overthrown, by non-force users taht attempt to genocide the Sith Aristocracy.


Then, about 1,000 years later, Coruscant, Alderaan, Corellia, and various other significant worlds unite under a new, "Middle Republic", or a continuation of the old one, while the Sith never truly recover as a nation.

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I have a theory that the next war basically makes both factions capitulate from lack of manpower, resources and morale. The Republic is torn apart and the Sith Empire is overthrown, by non-force users taht attempt to genocide the Sith Aristocracy.


Then, about 1,000 years later, Coruscant, Alderaan, Corellia, and various other significant worlds unite under a new, "Middle Republic", or a continuation of the old one, while the Sith never truly recover as a nation.


I am not sure on how accurate Wookiepedia is on this but it says the Republic was in existence from 25,034 years until Sidious' Empire in the movies.

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well.. 500 years or so form now Bane is born and the empire and republic or stall at war.. so there's that


Bane was born in 1026 BBY and the Treaty of Coruscant was signed in 3653 BBY.... so you're off by a little more than 500 years.


Also, the Empire is gone way before Bane was born. Its a different group of "Sith" (no purebloods) that exists then.

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Unless GL has decided upon a major canon retcon, I assume that the entirety of SWTOR is actually a massive hiccup that will be forgotten like the vast majority of SW history until the modern era post-Legacy. I seem to remember how the Old Republic was so old no one remembered a dang thing about the hyperspace wars, the founding, or what happened before its founding. I mean come on, the Rakata Infinite Empire? Who remembers that in the modern era? And somehow it winds up that R2D2 knew everything he just kinda takes a long time to say oh, BTW- history 101. No, the consistently light side canon of the SW expanded universe will say something like "the Sith Empire briefly emerged from the fugue of history to temporarily overshadow the galaxy. A heroic effort on the part of those loyal to the republic and the Jedi Order pushed back against the darkness and broke the Sith Empire until the founding of the first Galactic Empire." Personally I liked the original trilogy but I say screw it in favor of a new SW continuum. SW was 30 years ago, sci fi has evolved sine then. Oh and if the new SW continuum does become reality, based on the fact the Imperials outdo the Republic by around 5:1, I'd say that new continuum becomes much darker and the Jedi are the ones who suffer near extinction for a few millenia. Where my fellow Imperials at? Can I get a amen?
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