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is this the worst pvp in MMO history?


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The Best PvP ever was either the SWG guild vs guild enemy system where anywhere you went if they were a rival guild war was going to break out or AGE OF CONANS keshetta and SIEGE warfair was awsome and even Warhammer Online had awsome world pvp.
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PvP in this game rocks but i want to see more world pvp engagment and enemy rival guilds that are on the same fraction would be awsome i just find HUTTBALL depressing cause im fed up playing american football death version
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SWTOR is brand new. WoW has been patching for more than 10 years. If you remember when WoW first came out, PvP was limited to Stranglethorn Vale/ World PvP. Then they implemented the Honor point system BEFORE they implemented battlegrounds. So people were just farming STV and it was impossible to level. Then they put BGs in but they were only server-wide so queue times were 20+ minutes sometimes and you played against the same people over and over and it took forever to get High Warlord. It wasnt until Burning Crusade that WoW implemented Battlegroups to reduce queue times (this was also the birth of Arena).


So to everyone thinking that this game should be the end all MMO and keep comparing it to WoW: ****

This game has a long way to go but I think the mechanics are solid enough to have it rival WoW in the long run.

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SWTOR is brand new. WoW has been patching for more than 10 years. If you remember when WoW first came out, PvP was limited to Stranglethorn Vale/ World PvP. Then they implemented the Honor point system BEFORE they implemented battlegrounds. So people were just farming STV and it was impossible to level. Then they put BGs in but they were only server-wide so queue times were 20+ minutes sometimes and you played against the same people over and over and it took forever to get High Warlord. It wasnt until Burning Crusade that WoW implemented Battlegroups to reduce queue times (this was also the birth of Arena).


So to everyone thinking that this game should be the end all MMO and keep comparing it to WoW: ****

This game has a long way to go but I think the mechanics are solid enough to have it rival WoW in the long run.


wow pvp sucked balls tbh when vanilla was replaced and then tbc was also replaced i like tor pvp i just want more kind of world pvp aspects

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DAoC had the best PvP systems of any MMO released to date. It had probably the second worst mechanics though meaning the actual gameplay was awful.


UO wasn't a PvP game. Shadowbane was an awful game all round.


The best game for PvP in terms of pure mechanics continues to be WoW. SWTOR's pretty close, though.

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SWTOR is brand new. WoW has been patching for more than 10 years. If you remember when WoW first came out, PvP was limited to Stranglethorn Vale/ World PvP. Then they implemented the Honor point system BEFORE they implemented battlegrounds. So people were just farming STV and it was impossible to level. Then they put BGs in but they were only server-wide so queue times were 20+ minutes sometimes and you played against the same people over and over and it took forever to get High Warlord. It wasnt until Burning Crusade that WoW implemented Battlegroups to reduce queue times (this was also the birth of Arena).


So to everyone thinking that this game should be the end all MMO and keep comparing it to WoW: ****

This game has a long way to go but I think the mechanics are solid enough to have it rival WoW in the long run.


This is the most tired and untrue argument people try to make.


Who cares what WoW was like when it launched? That was 8 years ago. Anything released today should be on par with what WoW is TODAY. What would you think if you went to a new computer companies website that claimed to be the next gen system and bought their computer only to have the hardware in it on par with the technology 8 years ago?


When you call to complain they say "Sir Dell's computers were like this 8yrs ago and they have had time to refine it". Face it, you would be mad too and find it unacceptable.


I don't care what WoW was like at launch (even though I was there) I care about what SWTOR is now and I expect it to be at least on par with the current standard which is WoW and then improved upon.

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This is the most tired and untrue argument people try to make.


Who cares what WoW was like when it launched? That was 8 years ago. Anything released today should be on par with what WoW is TODAY. What would you think if you went to a new computer companies website that claimed to be the next gen system and bought their computer only to have the hardware in it on par with the technology 8 years ago?


When you call to complain they say "Sir Dell's computers were like this 8yrs ago and they have had time to refine it". Face it, you would be mad too and find it unacceptable.


I don't care what WoW was like at launch (even though I was there) I care about what SWTOR is now and I expect it to be at least on par with the current standard which is WoW and then improved upon.


Yes but also what wow has isnt even there ideas m8 that is why wow has more for example half there bgs are from new games and Comparing this to wow wow came out with 0 BGS it has now what 6 this game has 3 almost 4 so ye your argument means wow might have more but also wow has not got an orriginal idea in there whole bloody game this game has many orrginal tbh

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This is the most tired and untrue argument people try to make.


Who cares what WoW was like when it launched? That was 8 years ago. Anything released today should be on par with what WoW is TODAY. What would you think if you went to a new computer companies website that claimed to be the next gen system and bought their computer only to have the hardware in it on par with the technology 8 years ago?


When you call to complain they say "Sir Dell's computers were like this 8yrs ago and they have had time to refine it". Face it, you would be mad too and find it unacceptable.


I don't care what WoW was like at launch (even though I was there) I care about what SWTOR is now and I expect it to be at least on par with the current standard which is WoW and then improved upon.


WoW is not the standard for PvP. It is the standard for CvC.

Wow has never had any PvP in it and never will.

TOR has never had any PvP in it, but if we complain enough we may get it.

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and WoW is the King of MMORPGS atm yes but put this way games like star wars galaxies were awsome age of conan also but the thing is you get kids and noobs who DONT LIKE CHANGE so they change these games to suit them players and it a joke there isnt a company out there right now who is willing to change the face of mmorpgs because of moronic kids and this is what bioware has going for it yes gameplay simular but quests are different but dont get me wrong bioware really screwed up on the ability crap being like wows rather than a new so called heroic action system
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WoW is not the standard for PvP. It is the standard for CvC.

Wow has never had any PvP in it and never will.

TOR has never had any PvP in it, but if we complain enough we may get it.


question when did you play wow back in vanilla wow had the EP towers the TBC towers also and it had gurubashi arena so tbh it did have pvp in it and 2 its the standard for MMORPGS doesnt matter which has better pvp WOW still has PVP in it such as arena so on and still makes the cash and has changed the way alot of companys look on mmorpgs am i saying wow is good no it sucks but it still is the standard until somthing overtaks its results and fan base in my EYES and also btw Lucast Arts suck they are one of the only companys that say ok this game is not same as wow change it and it really sucks they did it with swg and tbh ruined an awsome game and they prob did it with tor also.

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wow pvp sucked balls tbh when vanilla was replaced and then tbc was also replaced i like tor pvp i just want more kind of world pvp aspects


How could you possibly say vanilla WoW PVP sucked balls and then say you want more world PVP? Vanilla WoW was all about world PVP, and the addition of Battlegrounds and PVP gear ruined it.


Vanilla WoW PVP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SW:ToR PVP


wow has not got an orriginal idea in there whole bloody game this game has many orrginal tbh


This has got to be a joke. This entire game is a bloody WoW clone.

Edited by CapitaFK
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Have to say that my personal preference was that WAR had the BEST pvp experience in any MMO I have tried to date. A shame the game was boring as H in all other areas.


This game has good mechanics. The WZs we have are pretty good, but there are not enough of them. Dont yet have any experience on how the open world pvp works...so far giving it 8/10.


Oh and to answer the question no. Not the worst but not the best either when it comes to pvp. Add more WZs add open world pvp objectives and things like forts and spacestations that can be defended and attacked and can be kept for guild to earn something for the guild. Maybe could be coalition of guilds too....


It has potential. It needs polish and additions. I have faith its going to be great.

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question when did you play wow back in vanilla wow had the EP towers the TBC towers also and it had gurubashi arena so tbh it did have pvp in it and 2 its the standard for MMORPGS doesnt matter which has better pvp WOW still has PVP in it such as arena so on and still makes the cash and has changed the way alot of companys look on mmorpgs am i saying wow is good no it sucks but it still is the standard until somthing overtaks its results and fan base in my EYES and also btw Lucast Arts suck they are one of the only companys that say ok this game is not same as wow change it and it really sucks they did it with swg and tbh ruined an awsome game and they prob did it with tor also.


WoW does not have PvP because at no point are the characters equalized when engaging each other.


In PvP the success of your team is based on:

Player Skill




In CvC (character versus character) the success of your team is based on:

Character's gear/stats

Character's class

Character's role

Team Composition


Any system that allows for a statistical advantage to any player over another is NOT PvP. Period.

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My point is that this game already has a pvp system/rewards/titles which puts it heads and shoulders above what wow was 1 expansion in. WoW devs have been tweaking (ruining :rolleyes:) their game for 8 years. SWTOR devs have to learn and make their own mistakes. They can't just mirror their game off of WoW. There are already so many awesome things in this game that WoW doesn't have.

It's a Bioware game first, so the story is going to be #1 priority. You have dialogue options that shape your character, dark side/light side points, companion romance, space combat, etc. Since people are complaining about PvP you can bet they're going to do something about it.

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ive only played wow,rift & swtor.

wow comes out on top for me followed by 'swtor' and as last 'rift'.


and as silly as it sounds to most, main reason for my decision are the stealth classes for me.

i loved the rogue in wow from the day i started playing,its a pure melee dps class.

and even after trying every other class extensively i never had more fun than playing a rogue.


the problem in swtor & rift is that they made the assassin in something it shouldnt be (tank,sorceror,healer....) and when you opt for the pure melee dps you end up with a halfassed


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Any system that allows for a statistical advantage to any player over another is NOT PvP. Period.

You may take from your rear the weirdest explanation you want ... Player vs Player means one Player fight another Player and not a computer bot (AI).


That's all.


The difference you want to point out is MMORPG vs FPS.


In MMORPG the character progression have a huge weight on the outcome of Player versus Player game play.


On FPS it's the accuracy of your aimbot what have the huge weight.

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Ins't this the same failure of a team that did WAR?


Also, saying WoW is silly...love or hate the game you have to admit they set the CURRENT standard for MMO pvp.


they didn't set the standard on pvp, wow's pvp was horrible.

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I used to think PvP was inbalanced and unfair. I hated Sorcs and I hated Scoundrels... I complained about them a lot and felt my class needed a buff.


But I kept playing, and I got better... I got more gear... I picked a new spec... and those same classes that dominated me started getting dominated by me... And with each day I get better and better and have less and less to complain about.


Everyone has to go through this, not just you.. Play through it, I guarantee it will get better - either with changes to the game itself or changes to you as a player.

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As far as balance goes, this game isn't actually that bad. There is a definite ranged advantage, but all in all it fairly decent.


The low fps in large battles and ability delay are about the worst I have seen. Not much can be said about it other than it is horrible.


The warzones are nothing new. The combat system is also nothing new. So as far as innovation, this game doesn't have any.


All in all, it isn't the worst, but it is average at best.


Well as far as the game being biased to ranged, thats basically all mmos. This game by far is least affected by this. Melee warriors are ridiculously powerful, specially maurauders.

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