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Tactic: Dealing with Elite Mobs as a Merc?


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During solo, mid 20s quests I've discovered I do best when I set Mako to blaster mode and have her pull initial agro. I keep my damage low and healing as minimal as possible for her until the elite is around 50% then I take over. This has worked on all but one elite so far.


My problem is if I set her up to heal and me dps I often fail against the same elite. Seems her heals can't keep up with the damage. Or against an elite with lots of interrupts. :(


If I get stomped I just rez and have her pull agro. Then I use my method from the first para. Unfortunately it seems to be a waste of credits to have to do it twice. Am I doing something wrong?


Is there a better way of setting her up with her abilities or is she not really good enough to be a pure healer?

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1. put mako in heal mode (just update her gear once in a while)

2. go emo dps on the elite

3. ??????

4. profit!


worked for me while leveling on any elite mob i've encountered except for 1! (and that one kept stunning and knocking back which we BH's dont like) ;)

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Just wondering, but what spec you are? Im 28 and as Arsenal I have no trouble whatsoever with elites even if they have silver buddies with them. I just hit my tracer missiles and things die.


Lvl 25 and Arsenal spec'd so far. My most recent run ins have been mostly on Nar Shaddaa. This was also where I ran into an extra non-quest elite that was nothing but constant interrupts that tore me a new one. :eek:


Didn't matter what I did, it would agro on me after a few seconds and interrupt Mako's heals... :o

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1. put mako in heal mode (just update her gear once in a while)

2. go emo dps on the elite

3. ??????

4. profit!


worked for me while leveling on any elite mob i've encountered except for 1! (and that one kept stunning and knocking back which we BH's dont like) ;)


Yeah see my comment to Atemus about interrupts :eek:


On all the others I just have Mako in blaster mode and let her 'tank' for a bit until we whittle the big guys down. Then I turn up the attacks and she heals the last bit.


Just seemed odd that she can't dish out the hps to keep me up in pure healer-mode.

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Pop cooldowns; gear up Mako; get better.


People keep saying "Arsenal is so much better for pve", but so far that sounds like garbage. I leveled entirely in Pyro and never had an issue with anything below Champion/Boss level elites.


Even when two elites aggro, once you get Concussion Blast, it's laughable. As a pyro, I never get hit by their aoe's, because I can move and fire my main attacks - avoiding them completely. And if they're melee elites...then it's just a joke. I'm annoyed with myself if I let them hit me at all.


As for Mako, make sure she's always in healing stance, and take off her damaging attacks. Makes a huge difference. The only "attack" type I let her use is her 8 second mezz, which is friggin brilliant.

Edited by Stranded_Law
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Get a better gear for Mako, put her back in healing stance, mez the elite and take out the trash mobs.


After the trash is gone, apply Fussion missile to the elite and start laying down the tracer smackdown. If Mako's and your health is low-just throw in another concussion missile. If elite's health is below 50% that you shouldn't have problem healing up and taking the mob down before it's health reaches back to 100%.

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