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A healers perspective on PvP


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So I'm looking for some discussion from other healers on how they feel healing is in PvP. Generally speaking I like the medal system. I think giving people bonuses for contributing to the warzone is a good idea. The MVP system is also pretty good. Having people decide who they think contributed, I feel, generally works out pretty well. As discussed elsewhere, I don't think the objectives system works as well as I would like. I see great potential in it if done right, but right now it is easier to farm medals. Whether you are helping contribute or not to the teams success, is not as clear to players and on balance not worth your time.


Having said a few good things I will now talk about it from my perspective as a healer. I have all three healing classes, one at max level, one in the mid 40's and one in the 20's. I have pvp'd the most with my max level toon(a sorcerer) both in pre-50 warzones, 50 warzones, and Ilum and I will be talking about it mostly from her perspective.


Lets start off with the medal system. It has been my experience that during warzones by far the people with 5+ medals are dps or even tanks. Usually I see healers in the 2-5 range. So lets take a look at the medals and see how attainable they are for a healer.


Medals system for healers:

Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Moderately well geared healers are going to get this one. If they don't they either need to get better gear or are not using there big heal.


Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Probably not going to happen without really good gear.


Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

Requires really good healer gear, but will be attainable one day.


Anihilator – 5K damage from a single attack

Never gonna happen


Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Might happen more of a right place right time thing. Usually if an enemy is this close to death, so is an ally.


Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

I have seen almost no one that can do decent healing get this one.


Destroyer – Dealing 300K damage

Never gonna happen. I do see other roles getting this all the time.


Healer – Healing 75K

Moderately geared healers should be getting this one a regular basis


Savior – Healing 300K

Been close to this one myself a couple of times but usually when I am neglecting damage medals. I have seen only a few toons on my server get this one. Ever.


Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Not role related


Warden – Earning 3k Defender Points

Not role related


Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Probably not going to happen.


Shield – 5k Protection

Not possible


Protector – 50K Protection

Not Possible


Guardian – 2k Protection since last death

Not Possible


Paladin – 10k Protection since last death

Not Possible


Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

I have gotten this one a couple times by, rather than healing people when it is most critical to do so, throwing down a aoe in a large group of enemies.


Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players

Very unlikely to happen unless healers start getting credit for kills that the people they heal do as in other games.


Some of my biggest problems with the medals system is that as a healer, to get a high number of medals you have to focus and target not only on your own team but also on the opposing team. That and things like 300k damage is a lot easier to get than 300k healing. You are far more likely to have someone around you who can lose health than someone who can gain it.


MVP system for healers

Most people don't appreciate healers as much as dps, likely because most people don't roll healers. Also most people tend to vote based on medal count or people they are queued with. I like the idea behind the MVP system but without fixing the objective or medal system as mentioned above, it is at this point a disadvantage to healers.


Ilum Healing and dailies:

So I'm not going to go into the general problems with Ilum as they have been better talked about elsewhere. I do think, however, I think that BW could do a lot to encourage healers to participate. Simply put, It is far easier for dps classes that don't really care about the rest of the group to complete their objectives, than the healer who is trying to keep everyone alive.


I would prefer that this thread didn't degenerate into "QQ MOAR!!! I FEED ON YOUR TEARS" I know how to heal, which heals to use, I know how to talent myself, how to use operation frames. I am often top or second from the top on my team for healing in Warzones. So I don't want to hear "Learn how to play your class" or "obviously the problem is that you suck at PvP, NOOB"


TL;DR: What do you think of Healing in PvP?

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What's the point of this thread?


We all know healers play a huge role on a warzone team.


We all know healers can get a lot of medals IF they don't play objectively.


We all know there needs to be objective medals and/or a couple more given to healers for "healing."


I just don't understand why you made the thread besides to show your very limited knowledge of SWTOR PvP.

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Good post. I agree with your analysis of healing in warzones. They could do with introducing a couple more healing related medals.


The MVP thing is a bit annoying but I guess we just have to accept that the majority seem to always value the the person who does more damage than the person/people who do the healing.

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I play a lvl 50 Scoundrel and a lvl 44 Sage, both healing specced with a PvP focus.


Equal for both, no matter if Im doing casual small team PvP while leveling or competing in Warzones, my feeling is; healers bring to little to a PvP fight.


Most of my 2v2 PvP while doing missions, I do with my close friend also playing a Scoundrel, just dps specced. My exp here is, that more than 90% of the time, I will be doing dps instead of healing, in order to win the fight.

Once I do heal, Im locked down way to easy, with the tons and tons of possible interrupt combinations you have vs a casting class.

The HoT's are way to weak and takes 3+ GCD's to apply, in which time, Im usually dead, if getting focused by 2 players. (Im not in PvP gear, just oranges with optimal mods).


As I see it:

Healing done to a target is not equal to the dmg they recieve meanwhile, meaning that you are basically just prolonging the lifespand of your target by a small to moderate amount, if they are equally geared to their opponent. This is not per say a bad thing, in this case however, you'd just be better off, being specced dps and assisting your target putting the target down, for a much faster result.


The survivability you have as a healer is close to none. I have no panic buttons. My only heal which can be activated instantly, is only available once I go below 20% HP, at which point, it takes about 2 hits for me to die, which the very weak instant heal wont make up for.

The HoT's I can apply instantly takes 2 GCD's and have very short duration. Takes a lot of mantenaince to keep going, on top of your energy-buff and 2 stacks of Upper Hand, and again, for very little output.



All in all, I'd say: We die to fast, we heal too little, we are way to easy to lock down, and we have a hard time gaining the equal amount of medals and genereal rewards, that dps does.

At this moment, there really is little to no reason for bringing a healer.



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As a sorc healer I am very glad to see this post.

I am currently valor rank 64 and find that I am at a large disadvantage in warzones compared to other classes in terms of getting medals.

Sure I get all the healing ones, inc the 300k medal but everything else is down to pure luck.

Due to the current exploiting that is going on most others can even get the 75k heal and 2.5k heal.This means a warrior with shield can get 9-10 medals without much issue where as I seem capped at 6-7 max.

Its almost like they dont want healers in warzones because we are disadvantaged compared to tanks and dps.


My main gripe however is how overpowered stealth dps classes are, like the IA operative melee dps.

I am almost full BM and yet I can be dead in 2-3 seconds ,with nothing to do about it if they strike me from stealth while my shield is down.They dont need to be well geared or skilled to do this either.Very unbalanced for sure.

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So I'm looking for some discussion from other healers on how they feel healing is in PvP. Generally speaking I like the medal system. I think giving people bonuses for contributing to the warzone is a good idea. The MVP system is also pretty good. Having people decide who they think contributed, I feel, generally works out pretty well. As discussed elsewhere, I don't think the objectives system works as well as I would like. I see great potential in it if done right, but right now it is easier to farm medals. Whether you are helping contribute or not to the teams success, is not as clear to players and on balance not worth your time.


Having said a few good things I will now talk about it from my perspective as a healer. I have all three healing classes, one at max level, one in the mid 40's and one in the 20's. I have pvp'd the most with my max level toon(a sorcerer) both in pre-50 warzones, 50 warzones, and Ilum and I will be talking about it mostly from her perspective.


Lets start off with the medal system. It has been my experience that during warzones by far the people with 5+ medals are dps or even tanks. Usually I see healers in the 2-5 range. So lets take a look at the medals and see how attainable they are for a healer.


Medals system for healers:

Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Moderately well geared healers are going to get this one. If they don't they either need to get better gear or are not using there big heal.


Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Probably not going to happen without really good gear.


Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

Requires really good healer gear, but will be attainable one day.


Anihilator – 5K damage from a single attack

Never gonna happen


Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Might happen more of a right place right time thing. Usually if an enemy is this close to death, so is an ally.


Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

I have seen almost no one that can do decent healing get this one.


Destroyer – Dealing 300K damage

Never gonna happen. I do see other roles getting this all the time.


Healer – Healing 75K

Moderately geared healers should be getting this one a regular basis


Savior – Healing 300K

Been close to this one myself a couple of times but usually when I am neglecting damage medals. I have seen only a few toons on my server get this one. Ever.


Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Not role related


Warden – Earning 3k Defender Points

Not role related


Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Probably not going to happen.


Shield – 5k Protection

Not possible


Protector – 50K Protection

Not Possible


Guardian – 2k Protection since last death

Not Possible


Paladin – 10k Protection since last death

Not Possible


Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

I have gotten this one a couple times by, rather than healing people when it is most critical to do so, throwing down a aoe in a large group of enemies.


Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players

Very unlikely to happen unless healers start getting credit for kills that the people they heal do as in other games.


Some of my biggest problems with the medals system is that as a healer, to get a high number of medals you have to focus and target not only on your own team but also on the opposing team. That and things like 300k damage is a lot easier to get than 300k healing. You are far more likely to have someone around you who can lose health than someone who can gain it.


MVP system for healers

Most people don't appreciate healers as much as dps, likely because most people don't roll healers. Also most people tend to vote based on medal count or people they are queued with. I like the idea behind the MVP system but without fixing the objective or medal system as mentioned above, it is at this point a disadvantage to healers.


Ilum Healing and dailies:

So I'm not going to go into the general problems with Ilum as they have been better talked about elsewhere. I do think, however, I think that BW could do a lot to encourage healers to participate. Simply put, It is far easier for dps classes that don't really care about the rest of the group to complete their objectives, than the healer who is trying to keep everyone alive.


I would prefer that this thread didn't degenerate into "QQ MOAR!!! I FEED ON YOUR TEARS" I know how to heal, which heals to use, I know how to talent myself, how to use operation frames. I am often top or second from the top on my team for healing in Warzones. So I don't want to hear "Learn how to play your class" or "obviously the problem is that you suck at PvP, NOOB"


TL;DR: What do you think of Healing in PvP?


I think healing in PvP is great if you get a good team that keep the DPS off of you. Having so much as one DPS on you makes you fall like a house of cards, but I guess that is how it was intended.


Something that relates to every class, but especially healers, is the amount of CC in this game. There is far too much CC and it needs to be toned down.


Oh and I am really tired of winning the WZ for my team by keeping everyone but one person alive throughout, and only getting 5 medals while everyone else gets 7+

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But I would also make note that a spec'd healer being shielded by another is nigh impossible to kill since the nerf to operatives and scoundrels.


I want to know why the sorc's were not nerfed at the same time? You put two or three of them together and they cannot be stopped. I say the ONLY way to fix it is to nerf the distance or the DoT damage. Once they lock you in it's over as you CANNOT close the distance and even if you do your then stunned and finished off without even scratching them. Operatives and Scoundrels could do the same with stealth but now were only a nuisance.

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The entire medal system is flawed, It dosn't encourage you to play to win, we have all seen the dps having no interest in the ball in Hutball but ends up with the most medals which in turn leads to the most mvp votes.


Some healers are just as bad...causing themselves dmg just to heal it...lol


I have capped every door in Voidstar as a healer and ended up with 4 medals while dps just kill stuff and get loads.


Its been said before but ill happily repeat it..medals need to be awarded for helping to win...




Passing that leads to a goal,


Intercepting a pass


Defending a node (fighting at a node not standing afk at one)


Capping door/nodes,


Killing ball carriers,


Interupting someone capping a door/node


These are the kinds of thing that lead to wins so should be rewarded.


As for healing in pvp, apart from the difficulty in healers getting medals which you covered well in your post, over all I think its fine...most dps cant solo me and I cant kill a decent geared dps very quickly.


Buff healing Operatives :)

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So I'm looking for some discussion from other healers on how they feel healing is in PvP. Generally speaking I like the medal system. I think giving people bonuses for contributing to the warzone is a good idea. The MVP system is also pretty good. Having people decide who they think contributed, I feel, generally works out pretty well. As discussed elsewhere, I don't think the objectives system works as well as I would like. I see great potential in it if done right, but right now it is easier to farm medals. Whether you are helping contribute or not to the teams success, is not as clear to players and on balance not worth your time.


Having said a few good things I will now talk about it from my perspective as a healer. I have all three healing classes, one at max level, one in the mid 40's and one in the 20's. I have pvp'd the most with my max level toon(a sorcerer) both in pre-50 warzones, 50 warzones, and Ilum and I will be talking about it mostly from her perspective.


Lets start off with the medal system. It has been my experience that during warzones by far the people with 5+ medals are dps or even tanks. Usually I see healers in the 2-5 range. So lets take a look at the medals and see how attainable they are for a healer.


Medals system for healers:

Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Moderately well geared healers are going to get this one. If they don't they either need to get better gear or are not using there big heal.


Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Probably not going to happen without really good gear.


Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

Requires really good healer gear, but will be attainable one day.


Anihilator – 5K damage from a single attack

Never gonna happen


Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Might happen more of a right place right time thing. Usually if an enemy is this close to death, so is an ally.


Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

I have seen almost no one that can do decent healing get this one.


Destroyer – Dealing 300K damage

Never gonna happen. I do see other roles getting this all the time.


Healer – Healing 75K

Moderately geared healers should be getting this one a regular basis


Savior – Healing 300K

Been close to this one myself a couple of times but usually when I am neglecting damage medals. I have seen only a few toons on my server get this one. Ever.


Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Not role related


Warden – Earning 3k Defender Points

Not role related


Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Probably not going to happen.


Shield – 5k Protection

Not possible


Protector – 50K Protection

Not Possible


Guardian – 2k Protection since last death

Not Possible


Paladin – 10k Protection since last death

Not Possible


Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

I have gotten this one a couple times by, rather than healing people when it is most critical to do so, throwing down a aoe in a large group of enemies.


Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players

Very unlikely to happen unless healers start getting credit for kills that the people they heal do as in other games.


Some of my biggest problems with the medals system is that as a healer, to get a high number of medals you have to focus and target not only on your own team but also on the opposing team. That and things like 300k damage is a lot easier to get than 300k healing. You are far more likely to have someone around you who can lose health than someone who can gain it.


MVP system for healers

Most people don't appreciate healers as much as dps, likely because most people don't roll healers. Also most people tend to vote based on medal count or people they are queued with. I like the idea behind the MVP system but without fixing the objective or medal system as mentioned above, it is at this point a disadvantage to healers.


Ilum Healing and dailies:

So I'm not going to go into the general problems with Ilum as they have been better talked about elsewhere. I do think, however, I think that BW could do a lot to encourage healers to participate. Simply put, It is far easier for dps classes that don't really care about the rest of the group to complete their objectives, than the healer who is trying to keep everyone alive.


I would prefer that this thread didn't degenerate into "QQ MOAR!!! I FEED ON YOUR TEARS" I know how to heal, which heals to use, I know how to talent myself, how to use operation frames. I am often top or second from the top on my team for healing in Warzones. So I don't want to hear "Learn how to play your class" or "obviously the problem is that you suck at PvP, NOOB"


TL;DR: What do you think of Healing in PvP?


Although I would agree with most of this the medals are a bit misleading and are dependant on class and spec, as a hybrid Op Healer, 22 in Medicine, it is quite easy for me to get my 2.5K damage medal, and 300K healing, and 75K damage medal by Dot'ing people up or using an adrenal + high burst ability on a low expertise low gear target. As for 1v1's you are very likely to get these as an ops healer because you can kite them while your HOTS heal you then go in for a burst kill once they hit 50%, these medals aren't impossible but you should definitely plan your game around them since half the time the PUGS in your games aren't worth the effort or energy to heal.

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Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Moderately well geared healers are going to get this one. If they don't they either need to get better gear or are not using there big heal.


>You can get this with PvE gear from HM.


Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Probably not going to happen without really good gear.


>As a full time healer I rarely get this. And even if i do its more of a gear issue here.


Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

Requires really good healer gear, but will be attainable one day.


>This is with PvE Gear from HM with relic/trinket/buff skill


Anihilator – 5K damage from a single attack

Never gonna happen


>If you spec PvP Healing this is possible, because in this game full healing is not suggested and you will need to sometimes defend yourself, either DPS or CC.


Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Might happen more of a right place right time thing. Usually if an enemy is this close to death, so is an ally.


> DoT :).


Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

I have seen almost no one that can do decent healing get this one.


> I do it multiple times.


Destroyer – Dealing 300K damage

Never gonna happen. I do see other roles getting this all the time.


> I been close, with 400k heals but thats far in between.


Healer – Healing 75K

Moderately geared healers should be getting this one a regular basis


> Can be easy to get especially in huttball.


Savior – Healing 300K

Been close to this one myself a couple of times but usually when I am neglecting damage medals. I have seen only a few toons on my server get this one. Ever.


> Again its not to do with gear, its more of your solid healing rotation, a friend of mine freshly dinged 50 gotten this consistantly with her blues by using a rotation I showed her.


Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Probably not going to happen.


> If your opposition is stupid you could get this medal, but its meaningless anyway.


Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

I have gotten this one a couple times by, rather than healing people when it is most critical to do so, throwing down a aoe in a large group of enemies.


> DoT or channel


Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players

Very unlikely to happen unless healers start getting credit for kills that the people they heal do as in other games.


> DoT or channel


TL;DR: What do you think of Healing in PvP?


> I think its fine, as a Healing PvP you're not supposed to DPS your enemies down, I rely on my teammates to do that. I focus first on healing, dotting second, cc third and dps last.


Dotting on enemies especially shadow/assassin/marauders/sentinels/operatives/scoundrel.


Other than that I think its fine, I can get about 100+ commendation with a premade and about 3/4 that on pug when winning, half that if losing but thats what I think is the life of a healer. I get about 2+ votes anyway *shrug*.

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