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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Which class has the best storyline, in your opinion?


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The Imperial Agent is my favourite story so far. I've also enjoyed the Consular and Trooper stories very much. I think the Knight story is too corny. I haven't been impressed by any of the others, but I just can't get into the Smuggler story (or combat or anything about the class).
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The Imperial Agent is my favourite story so far. I've also enjoyed the Consular and Trooper stories very much. I think the Knight story is too corny. I haven't been impressed by any of the others, but I just can't get into the Smuggler story (or combat or anything about the class).


I thought the Consular one was too bland, you were saving one for the good of the few, while the Knight was saving many for the good of many.


Even after Act 1 Knight > Cons, you're preparing for a war-ending strike compared to playing politics.


Act 3, Knights were once again back to saving entire worlds and Consulars were just... there.


I do agree that the plot twists leading upto Consular's end-fight were interesting, especially as said plot NPC appears in both JC an JK stories.



When you find out Kira is actually a Daughter of the Emperor, you take her before the Council to tell them. Master Syo Bakarn says the council has heard of this group before. He managed to manipulate the entire Jedi Council throughout all of this, while being The First Child of the Emperor.


That said, JK's kill the Emperor (Though we find out it's actually the Voice of the Emperor. As detailed in the Sith Warrior Chain) while the JC chain ends with the player killing Master Syo Bakarn.



I do like small connections between the stories, if you choose the dark side option on a low level quest in Hutta you get a mail from Overseer Harkon, the same Overseer you have as an Inquisitor on Korriban. The above in Spoilers is another example, one you'd only realise how subtle it is if you've played JK before JC.

Edited by ilovethepink
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Sith Inquisitor storyline rocked, followed closely by the Jedi Consular, then Imperial Agent, then Jedi Knight, Smuggler and lastly Sith Warrior. I couldn't really get into the Bounty Hunter or Trooper storylines.


But with that said, the storylines overall have been far superior in this game over any other MMO I've played (and I've played too many too admit too ~smile~).


Never before have I been compelled to try different classes just to see where the story took you. Kudos to LucasArts and Bioware for what they have created here.

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1 - (lvl 50) Imperial Agent!! I loved this story, So many twists and turns I did not want to stop playing, I'll admit chapter 1 was a little slow going, but end of chapter 1 onwards it's twist and turns, it was a real mind **** (pun intentional). Loved it!


2 - (lvl 40) Smuggler! I am having an absolute ball playing this character! Someone else said it best, it's the character, not necessarily the story that makes this class, although the story is pretty decent imo. Also Corso! <3


3 - (lvl 37) Sith Warrior! I'm having a ton of fun with this story as well, very much a SW archtype! It's feels so good to be bad...and Quinn makes things extra nice for me! ;)


4 - (lvl 22) Bounty Hunter and (lvl 20) Trooper. so far enjoying both, it's still early in both stories, but both are tied for #4 so far.


5 - (lvl 50) Jedi Consular. This story was hard to get through. After not wanting to play any alts while playing the IA story, this was my second character, and I HAD to start alts ( see above characters) to take breaks from playing my consular. Story took a cool turn on Corellia......Corellia! I'm usually all for cool lore based stories, and the story is ok....but ok in a group of awesome puts this one at the bottom for me.


Have not played a Jedi Knight or Sith Inquisitor yet so no opinion on those stories, waiting for 1.2 and legacy stuff before starting any more alts.. :p

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After posting so many unhappy posts about the game i felt i needed to post an encouraging 1 lol. Storylines and questing is the only strong point swtor has going for it atm tbh not sure which i like the best all r pretty good.So to wateva dept is in charge of storylines and lore keep up the good work and plz hassle the other departments to lift their game to match u guys :p
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+1 for the Sith Warrior! Some class storylines (in my opinion) take a while to really start getting revved up, but the SW grabbed my attention right away and I was pretty much completely hooked by Level 6 or 7. I just finished up Act III and it's been an absolute blast. As others have mentioned, the SW definitely does make being bad feel really good! :p


On the Republic side, the only one I've really gotten into is the Trooper...I'm trying hard to like the Jedi Knight, but just can't seem to get into it so far.

Edited by NoxIrradiata
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I love the JK story so far (Level 44) I have made an alt for every class. So heres my list,


1. Jedi Knight Lvl 44

2. Jedi Consular Lvl 26

3. Sith Warrior Lvl 18

4. Bounty Hunter Lvl 17

5. Smuggler Lvl 12

6. Sith Inquisitor Lvl 14

7. Imperial Agent Lvl 8(Idk if its just act 1 but its boring right now)

8. Trooper Lvl 7

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Ok, I'm on Taris with my IA, level 35 now. And all of a sudden, the story is giving Sith Warrior a run for its money! I have the bad*** sniper trenchcoat now, and I have seen elements of James Bond (women, ship is a sportscar with weapons), Jason Bourne (sheer all out action, mind control), and Jack Bauer (using ANY method necessary to accomplish the mission). I feel like the IA is the ultimate superspy! Granted, his voice kinda gets on my nerves, but he can drop the accent whenever he needs to. lol


So, living the IA by the philosophy: What would JB do? :D

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Trooper by far, has the most intense story in the game. I really have to spend a lot of time to make some of the most difficult choices in my entire gaming experience...some of the choice seem to be haunting other forum posters...a lot of just pure emotion in Trooper story..very difficult choices...
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Trooper by far, has the most intense story in the game. I really have to spend a lot of time to make some of the most difficult choices in my entire gaming experience...some of the choice seem to be haunting other forum posters...a lot of just pure emotion in Trooper story..very difficult choices...



If you're talking about the choice on Coruscant to gas the people in the cybernetics lab, DON'T DO IT! Seriously! They are completely innocent, and you'll get an email later that if you kill them, it explains that no cybernetics were found in the bodies. That ******* was lying about it.


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I've heard good things about the IA story so I made a female (I'm female and prefer to play female characters). I was enjoying her until I peeked ahead and found out who her romantic companion is and... ewwww... just YUCK! I love the combat, but the story is 90% of the fun for me and watching the videos of the romance portion of the story is just awful. What numb nut thought of that romantic companion? Certainly not a female.


So, unfortunately, my IA will not be played.


So far the most epic of the stories has been my Jedi (level 45 currently). The prologue was a bit boring but by Alderaan the story became amazing and epic. Then things really picked up with Doc on board. The chapter 2 finale' was amazing. Just... so unexpected, extciting and difficult in a good way. The follow-up so far hasn't been that great, I expected some more push-back from the council, but then maybe later? Still, the Jedi is awesome.


I also have a SI and she's been fun, too, and I've enjoyed the story. My issue with her is that it's difficult for me to be a bad person, even in a game, so when I'm told to go wantonly kill things, I end up turning down a lot of quests and it's hurt my leveling ability.

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