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PvP mobility and staying alive


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As the title says these are the 2 problems im haveing troubles with in pvp.


Im rank 55 valor with full champion gear anni specced marauder.


I find my self often in places where im beeing rooted/CC alot, does these two effects not share the same resolve bar or what? Cause often i see my resolve bar is full and im still beeing rooted or cc'ed (may be a bugg) but i dont know.


when i charge into combat i always use slow first cause otherwise im pretty ****ed. This is what normally happens depends on class im faceing:

- i get knocked back and then rooted (If i use trinket here i may get onto the target again but then i dont got trinket for the cc that is comming)

- I get stunned

- I get cc'ed


So whaat to do? well i do use hell lot of medpacks to stay alive through all the cc, stuns and roots. Vanish is almost always on CD same with other defensiv CD's. and normally those CD's help me out to get the target killed, but if u assume im getting trageted with those def cd's on CD im pretty screwed.


The main problem is that i find with my marauder is that i have none class(not talented) abilitys that can root the target in place for x sec or stunn the target for x sec. Yee we got slow abilitys, but that doesnt help alot if i get rooted etc.

And as a melee class i find that pretty wierd to not have any base skills that root/stun a target.

I remember when i first picked marauder as my class i thought that the class would atleast have some sort of stun/root ability, but no. But maybe im to used playing a warrior in WoW and thats why i thought that the marauder would have that kind of ability.


About the survival of marauder in terms of def cd i think we are very good, but the problem is that they are CD, COOLDOWNS wich can only be used at certain times not something that can help u throughout the whole time, and as a warrior i thought we would be a class that could take a pretty good punch before falling to the ground but no.


What i thought could be a suggestion to this is to maybe raise the healing done by dot dmg for anni specc and maybe give the ability RUPTURE some permant heal over time as long as the dott is on the target, so that it affect all the speccs not just anni.


Also warriors could be given a passiv base ability wich gives us health everytime we get rooted for the duration the root last's.


just some thoughts i had to get out of my mind:)


I do love playing marauder, its fun, and i feel pretty skillfull when im playing cause of all the abilitys we have to use to certain times. Its just that i feel something is missing, but dont get me wrong, the class is fully playable i just feel something is missing =/

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Things I learned to do in PvP:


1.Use your cloaks when focus fired upon.


2.Don't use force charge as an opening skill, use it when you're pushed out of melee range after using force scream.


3.Always manuever to the back of your target.


4.Don't expect to live if you're being fired upon by people and your defensive skills are on CD.


I actually have to practice using the trinket. I haven't used it yet. :| But still, I can keep myself alive for a good number of minutes and sometimes idiotic enough to die within mere seconds. ...that's pvp in my eyes.

Edited by NiGhTBoXY
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PVP is kind of a crapshoot.


Either you get a couple heals out of nowhere that save you (along with constant DoT crits healing us) and keep you on the offensive for a couple mins at a time, or people remember how much Marauders hurt and how cool we look with 2 sabers, then decided to focus us for half a second and wipe us out.


The only ways around this are hovering over Force cloak so if I dip below 50% I can poof out (if the enemies are grouped) or if that's down, pop some damage reduction and berserk for some quick healing.

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Dude, roll carnage. That'll fix all your ToT issues. I have no problems whatsoever staying on target. My issue comes when his 5 other buddies drop whats they're doing and burn me in 2 seconds flat.


Also it doesnt help that I hit like a wet noodle in between Armor-pen, auto-crit, Force Scream Falcon Punches.

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