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Accuracy in Endgame


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It affects all abilities that have an accuracy check, be it basic or special.


It only affects melee/ranged. I think thats what you said here, but just clarifying.


Anything beyond that is wasted as you've already reduced non-tank spec armors to 0% chance to parry/deflect (for pvp) and for pve have already reduced mob parry/deflect rate to 0%.


Sorcs/Sages have 10% defense chance.

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From exhaustive testing (at least in PvE) the cap is at 8% extra. So, 98% basic accuracy / 108% special accuracy. Those numbers are relatively easy to achieve, but being slightly off won't kill you. Come on over to sithwarrior.com if you want to chat about the specifics of the testing or talk to the people that have done it (it was a marauder that did the bulk of it, fwiw).


And just to kill it once and for all - accuracy > 100% is NOT in any way, shape, or form, armor penetrating.


Please link that thread they talked about it in :) That website isnt the easiest to find stuff with the search function...

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Accuracy is not a hard thing to understand.


You have two types of Accuracy and two subtypes.


For one, you have Melee Accuracy and Force Accuracy. Melee Accuracy has to deal with all melee attacks (Assault, Battering Assault, Ravage) while Force Accuracy is Scream, Smash, etc.


Within Melee Accuracy we have Basic and Special. Basic Accuracy only affects Assault while Special Accuracy is Battering Assault, Ravage, Vicious Slash, etc.



For purposes of capping, you want 108% Special Accuracy. All Special Attacks get a base 100% chance to hit, therefore you only need 8% Accuracy Rating in order to cap Specials.


Melee Accuracy will read 98%, Basic Accuracy will read 98%, Special Accuracy should read 108%.


Any Accuracy over 108% will only affect Assault.

Edited by Kibaken
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