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Darth Jadus Bugged - Spoilers


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same happened for me could not beat him on my own cause the cannot see target bug so I had one of my lvl 50 friends come and beat him to death with a lightsaber lol


That is probably the most viable solution. It also shows how poorly this particular senerio is set up. For the record, I personally hate asking for help with something designed to solo. These fights are SUPPOSED to teach a player how to use the skills effectively.


Calling in a level 50 defeats the reason I purchased the game. If my entire guild had not outleveled me, then I could call someone around the same level to help.. That would be pretty ridiculous, but is more reasonable than calling in the Empirer.. lol Crazy.

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That is probably the most viable solution. It also shows how poorly this particular senerio is set up. For the record, I personally hate asking for help with something designed to solo. These fights are SUPPOSED to teach a player how to use the skills effectively.


Calling in a level 50 defeats the reason I purchased the game. If my entire guild had not outleveled me, then I could call someone around the same level to help.. That would be pretty ridiculous, but is more reasonable than calling in the Empirer.. lol Crazy.


Did you send Kaliyo in to draw him out, then call her back?


If you did that, then he went to you and did not have that annoying bug. Once that was done, you interrupt him and take him out.


Yes, that bug about not able to see him is annoying, but draw him out to you and then interrupt his casting. Like a lot of the boss fights in this game, no two fights against the boss will be the same. The last time i fought him and won, I was only down to about 85% health. Why I only lost about 15% compared to the other times, dunno. Yup, you very well may die a few times. Oh my god, you might get a repair bill! the horrors! There is not much else to spend credits on in the game.


Just use what abilities you have and play it smart.

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I just did this a couple of days ago. I couldn't even send my pet to attack. I had to put pet on passive, get point blank on Jadus, attack, run, then Jadus would move, then I could send the pet to attack, then I could attack from a distance.


With that said, I find it unacceptable for there to be any major bug like this in the class missions. Those should be the most polished and there is really no excuse for why this bug is in the game.

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I am level 37 and I get torn up by Jadus. I find it hilarious that the suggested work around for a ranged dps is to get up into melee range. I have had no progress in the class for the last seven levels.


Terrible software quality assurance on this quest.


Sniper class is worthless.

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I just ended up leveling up another 4 levels, then came back to it.


I died so many times on the pull that I almost went broke in repairs.


Sent Kal in, then after the initial attack, put her on passive, waited for him to come down, then put her back on attack.


Was a pain overall... and it didn't help that you had to do it 3 times.


There was another glitch after this one too on another quest I forgot about.


The storyline of the agent is so darn good, it really was frustrating having this ruin the moment.

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This line-of-sight bug pops up in other places too. For example, on Taris there is a droid on an upper floor of a building you have to let out by powering down a shield, but then you still cant see him to fire, even though the shield is gone...
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Sadly this fight alone is stopping me from plating a IA.


I have one well past this quest but it was also one of the first classes i made and did not look through all the options, while messing around with the character creator i came across a look i really want to play, but i don't want to play through this fight again so my IA days are at a stop until this quest is fixed. :(


i am guessing it will get fixed in the big 1.2 patch everyone is talking about.. so just have to wait till march.

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I beat Jadus last night first try as a lvl 31 concealment OP with Kalyio. Wasn't quite as hard as i was thinking it was going to be. The first time you fight him can be a little hard but if you interrupt thundering blast you should be fine, I never tried to get him off the platform. After the first time you fight he casts much slower and he's a lot easier to take down. There were some LOS issues but being up close behind him to backstab anyway it wasn't too bad. But I can see how it would be difficult for a medic or sniper. If you are concealment spec you really shouldn't be having tons of trouble with this guy. Also make sure to use vanish if you get really low on health.
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I have leveled an Sniper and an OP and for the Sniper I took Jadus side then played OP and dies at least 10 times trying this LOS bugged fight.

I must say being the hand of Jadus is the way to go in both ease and gameplay. You have to admit if someone said to pick between Jadus or Zhorid, who in their right mind would pick Zhorid.

Jadus is the man. "second only in power to the emporer" if you believe what's her name.

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I just finished up this fight with my concealment op. Died the first time but figured out how to deal with the LoS issues.


If Kaliyo grabs aggro right away and Jadus is on the platform where he starts you'll never kill him because of the LoS bugs, he wrecks your companion and then turns around and does the same to you. The LoS issues are only on that starting platform where he is flanked by the two guys.


I put Kaliyo on passive, aggro'd him with a rifle shot from a ways back and kited him down the stairs off the platform a bit, then sent Kaliyo to attack and get aggro. If you take him into the consoles to the left and right of the walkway you can play LoS games with him if Kaliyo doesn't hold aggro or dies and you need to heal, wait for a cooldown etc.


I did this for all phases of the fight and it worked like a charm It still sucks that its bugged, but this is a less irritating means of killing him.

Edited by djpostman
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I just walk up to him, hit him with shiv if he doesn't aggro first, then back away and lead him down the stairs off the platform. he would usually cc kaliyo with a whirlwind or something right away but if you back far enough away he will come after you. the cc on kaliyo doesn't last long and she will generate threat quickly enough. he does turn back to attack you once in a while but just hit evasion or countermeasures if its up and you're good to go
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I was able to draw out Darth Jadus with Suppressive Fire. Crouch behind one of the boxes in front of him, put Kaliyo on passive, and get him off that evil platform that causes all the LOS issues. Place him at the edge of the target, and your character will begin spraying the area and it should catch him. If not, play with the positioning a bit. Like others have said, put Kaliyo on passive until he starts running down. At least with this method, you sort of get the jump on him.


Not that I've beaten him! By the time I discovered this trick, I was already pretty annoyed and went back to the generic quests on Taris. I realized in retrospect I probably should have been using my interrupts more cleverly. I'll go take him on another day when the wounds have healed and my bank account has recovered. :mad:

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Why this isn't fixed is beyond my comprehension. I died like 9 times with a monumental repair bill (had to log onto other toons to mail money to my IA for repairs).


If him standing on the platform is the problem (which I believe it is since the two work arounds are melee range or long pull) then move him down to the walkway.


It's too bad Bioware spends more time patting itself on the back than fixing a bug in a mission we can't bypass.

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Hello all,


We know encountering this issue is frustrating since it affects gameplay and completion of the quest-line. This is an issue we know about and according to the Known Issues thread in the Customer Service forum, it is on the list of high-priority issues.





very good :) I've been frustrated by this ever since I first encounted it. As people said, it was almost impossible for me as a sniper to kill him, so I needed to bring a friend along to finish it.


It makes me happy that you prioritized this highly, class missions should be the first thing to fix imo.

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I am struggling with this quest for almost a week now (my frustration tolerance isn't very high, so I give up after 3-4 unuccessful attempts). Now I am seriously considering rerolling my IA and then choose to talk him down instead of fighting him.
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I am struggling with this quest for almost a week now (my frustration tolerance isn't very high, so I give up after 3-4 unuccessful attempts). Now I am seriously considering rerolling my IA and then choose to talk him down instead of fighting him.


Unfortunately, I think you end up fighting him either way. My agent is light side and with the choices I made, I still had to fight him. The bug was annoying, but I eventually got through it. I'm operative, so I had Kaliyo tank while I healed her.

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OK, I'll repost my Sniper strat from another thread on this topic:


For Snipers:

Put Companion on passive

Walk up to him (side works best)


Activate Evade (optional)

Run back to steps leading down to consoles (halfway down the pathway)

Run down steps towards console


As soon as you see his face, Ctrl-1 to have companion attack

Start rotation

Interrupt often (Cover Pulse, Distract, Ambush (specced for pushback)

If out of interrupts, run to other side of console to break his casts and force him to follow you



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Unfortunately, I think you end up fighting him either way. My agent is light side and with the choices I made, I still had to fight him.


Nope, you can totally talk him into taking his ball and going home. :D



Edited by Artanisia
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I just got to this part of the story and have got ****ed off with this bug so i came on here to see what gives....What a total **** up/fail! this thread was first posted a month ago and its still not fixed?? seriously this is part of the main story for the IA and you leave it bugged?

I stopped playing my SW while i waited for a fixes and now this!...



Will the last one to leave please turn out the lights...

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Nope, you can totally talk him into taking his ball and going home. :D





I know of 3 options:

1. Don't give him the codes -fight him outright - It takes 3 times and then you have to run around and turn off ship stuff and he gets away. --Buggy

2. Give codes - He uses them - you run around ship - then you fight him 3 times and he dies. - Buggy

3. Take his side and make watcher 2 unhappy - You don't have to fight him at all. Watcher 2 seems to forget that you threw her under the bus later and she still has the same postion.(odd) You will have to fight the other (easier to kill ) Darth- but she deserves it . --easiest option

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What a freaking joke this game is.. I have some minor lag issues.. enough to jack up interupts in pvp.. It makes this fight a freaking nightmare.


Seriously considering unsub'ing.. The story was pretty fun up til now.. I am now Level 37 and he is still basically unkillable with my setup.


What a huge disappointment.

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