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Critable orange gear undermines intent of removable epic base mods


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The value of an appearance tab is that it has zero impact on game play and is 100& role play.


My main on the MMORPG that I stopped playing to come here is wearing level 10 to 20 armor, simply because it looks right. He's a wandering warrior and looks the part. When I look at the appearance of the "real" armor he is wearing, I gag... It is so gaudy that he, the character, wouldn't be caught dead wearing it.


That is why people want to control the appearance of what they are wearing. There is more to playing an MMORPG than just the MMO aspect. There is the RP part.


So far, in SWTOR, none of my characters "look right". Their clothing simply doesn't fit with what I picture as their personalities.


Oh, as an aside, when I was in the military, the first thing I did when I went on "liberty" was get out of uniform. Having a second appearance tab for non-combat situations would not break my heart.

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I like moddable gear but objectively I think it's a horrible idea that takes away from the overall loot system.


Systems where you get cool loot as drops and can enhance it (enchants/gems in wow, runes in rift, similar stuff in amost every other good game) are so much better. Systems where you know and seek loot by name then further enhance it to your liking. Much more personal and rewarding.


The whole mod system kind of takes any kind of special feel out of loot.

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The value of an appearance tab is that it has zero impact on game play and is 100& role play.


Wardrobe in Rift is super sweet - sort of. I think it's better to restrict appearance to match class, which Rift doesn't do, and in Rift it's beyond stupid to have half the female toons running around in bikinis for appearance when they're actually wearing full plate.


But as far as managing your toon's appearance, an appearance tab system crushes being able to mod and retain gear. It's more flexible and far less painful.

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Am I reading this right...


You support removing stuff from dropped gear to be placed into crafted gear...




You don't support crits on crafted gear to put the stuff in?


All this without seeing what changes are coming to crafting... For all you know, it might be possible to add an augment slot to dropped armor in 1.2, we simply don't know because we haven't seen the 4 pages of crew skills patch notes.


Hold yer horses bro... Complaining about a system when you are missing crucial information is rather pointless.

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Might as well leave the appearance tab debate to the other threads focusing on it. We have modding and it should work much better, and closer to how intended, after 1.2. There are no announced plans for appearance tabs and I certainly wouldn't expect them in an update that starts with the number 1.
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I didn't read all this, but has anyone pointed out in these 11 pages that only weapons crit?


Currently, you can't get mod slots on armor, so this entire thread is useless QQ.




So my implants with augments must be haxxorz?


All crafts crit, just FYI...

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I've not seen 1 solid statement stating the set bonus isn't attached to the armor, which it is. It doesn't transfer with the mods. It's an armor set bonus, not a modification piece bonus.


Their was a recent dev comment that the armor panels would become removable with their set bonuses and be able to be placed into armor of the same slot.

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I suppose the idea is that most common folks will just wear non-critted orange or purple stuff from all various sources, and only a few min-maxer will be able to put down 1million+ for a single critted orange item, which I fully expect to be the common price as soon as enough people have found out these are the absolutely only way to get BiS.


Or everyone will drop their current skills and pick up synthweaving or armortech.

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