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Critable orange gear undermines intent of removable epic base mods


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I like that the base mods from epic gear is going to be removable. It will allow people to customize the appearance of their raiding and PvP gear by pulling out the mods and putting them in their preferred set of custom gear.


However, allowing orange craftable gear to crit (adding an augment slot) will undermine this to some extent. Reason being, if people can choose between an orange piece of gear they like the look of and a crafted one with an augment slot they don't particularly like many will choose the latter simply for the extra stats gained from the augment slot.


If you're going to allow orange gear to crit but you also want people to be able to freely choose between sets of orange gear something else needs to change or be added. Perhaps adding a craftable BoE item (to Cybertech maybe) that would add an augment slot to a piece of gear. If not, I strongly believe many people are going to limit themselves to using crafted orange gear because of the availability of the augment slot. That's great for crafters, sure. But if the idea is for people to use whatever set of gear they like the two are working against eachother.

Edited by MaxDeeps
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I like that the base mods from epic gear is going to be removable. It will allow people to customize the appearance of their raiding and PvP gear by pulling out the mods and putting them in their preferred set of custom gear.


However, allowing orange craftable gear to crit (adding an augment slot) will undermine this to some extent. Reason being, if people can choose between an orange piece of gear they like the look of and a crafted one with an augment slot they don't particularly like many will choose the latter simply for the extra stats gained from the augment slot.


If you're going to allow orange gear to crit but you also want people to be able to freely choose between sets of orange gear something else needs to change or be added. Perhaps adding a craftable BoE item (to Cybertech maybe) that would add an augment slot to a piece of gear. If not, I strongly believe many people are going to limit themselves to using crafted orange gear because of the availability of the augment slot. That's great for crafters, sure. But if the idea is for people to use whatever set of gear they like the two are working against eachother.


i dont think augments are going to make up for the set bonuses on raid/pvp sets anyway


that issue aside i dont know why they dont just make it so that crafters can reverse engineer ALL existing armor in the game with a chance to learn its recipe. if you had a piece you wanted the look of a crafter should be able to "remake" that look with an augment slot for you


this should be an armormech perk, as it is, there is currently no reason to keep armormech aside from gearing out alts and even than, not all of them


crafting in this game is so broken it would take me pages to list the current problems

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i dont think augments are going to make up for the set bonuses on raid/pvp sets anyway





From what I understand the set bonus is going to be on the Armoring not on the gear itself. So you could conceivably have the tier set bonus on custom gear.

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I think there should be crafted items that are applied to armor that allow augments to be added (think belt buckle from wow). Solves the problem and people can wear the type of armor they want!


I think this is honestly the only solution. As it stands, we will go from being forced to wear tier, to being forced to wear whatever crit-crafted orange we can get our hands on.

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I think this is honestly the only solution. As it stands, we will go from being forced to wear tier, to being forced to wear whatever crit-crafted orange we can get our hands on.


How do you know that they're not going to add augment slots to tier gear, letting you chose what to put in it? Bioware said they wanted to increase the usefulness of augments and that's a great way to do it.


No one ever said that Augment slots ONLY have to be found on critted craft gear.

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I like that the base mods from epic gear is going to be removable. It will allow people to customize the appearance of their raiding and PvP gear by pulling out the mods and putting them in their preferred set of custom gear.


However, allowing orange craftable gear to crit (adding an augment slot) will undermine this to some extent. Reason being, if people can choose between an orange piece of gear they like the look of and a crafted one with an augment slot they don't particularly like many will choose the latter simply for the extra stats gained from the augment slot.


If you're going to allow orange gear to crit but you also want people to be able to freely choose between sets of orange gear something else needs to change or be added. Perhaps adding a craftable BoE item (to Cybertech maybe) that would add an augment slot to a piece of gear. If not, I strongly believe many people are going to limit themselves to using crafted orange gear because of the availability of the augment slot. That's great for crafters, sure. But if the idea is for people to use whatever set of gear they like the two are working against eachother.


This, exactly. Almost 30 points of a stat vs. "looks" of an item? Guess which one serious players will go for. Please do something like this poster suggests and allow all the many different armor sets you've created to actually be used by serious gamers.

Edited by Kromden
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How do you know that they're not going to add augment slots to tier gear, letting you chose what to put in it? Bioware said they wanted to increase the usefulness of augments and that's a great way to do it.


No one ever said that Augment slots ONLY have to be found on critted craft gear.


We don't because there is nothing in the patch notes about it. We can only forecast with the information given to us.


Aside from that, you're missing the point. Adding augment slots to tier gear wouldn't solve the problem, either. At that point people are still effectively limited to either tier gear or crafted orange gear rather than having the freedom to choose whichever set they like the most.


If BW wants people to have the freedom to use custom gear by putting PvE or PvP tier gear mods in them there can't be an incentive to use certain sets over others because some have augment slots and others do not. That's the bottom line.

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This, exactly. Almost 30 points of a stat vs. "looks" of an item? Guess which one serious players will go for. Please do something like this poster suggests and allow all the many different armor sets you've created to actually be used by serious gamers.



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crit oranges are going to be dirt cheap because they do not require biometric alloys to make. What other gear are you wearing right now that isn't tier gear thats right none, so everyone is wearing the exact same thing. This way your getting so many more options than just that one set of gear, how is this a bad thing. Yeah you'll lose the tier gear look. Minus one look for many different sets I'll take that any day of the week. Of course I might be biased since I hate my tier set look.
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crit oranges are going to be dirt cheap because they do not require biometric alloys to make. What other gear are you wearing right now that isn't tier gear thats right none, so everyone is wearing the exact same thing. This way your getting so many more options than just that one set of gear, how is this a bad thing. Yeah you'll lose the tier gear look. Minus one look for many different sets I'll take that any day of the week. Of course I might be biased since I hate my tier set look.


The point is that quest/vendor bought orange gear will be useless along with tier gear, because they'll not have augment slots.


I was really looking forward to using a low-level quest orange jacket on my Juggernaut, but I'll have to settle for a crafted piece that I only kind of like the looks of just because it'll have an augment slot.

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The point is that quest/vendor bought orange gear will be useless along with tier gear, because they'll not have augment slots.


I was really looking forward to using a low-level quest orange jacket on my Juggernaut, but I'll have to settle for a crafted piece that I only kind of like the looks of just because it'll have an augment slot.


They are useless now I don't see the problem with it

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They are useless now I don't see the problem with it


It's because there isn't exactly a huge variety of orange gear that is craftable either. When I was armormech I didn't see a single piece of orange armor that I actually liked that was craftable, all the ones I liked were drops and commendation gear, and I went through a lot of schematics before I dropped it for Biochem. Allowing us to remove the armoring(and hopefully set bonus or it's kinda pointless anyway) is a great step in allowing us to customize our look, but adding the augment slot to crit orange gear is just trading one pigeon holed set of gear for another couple sets.


They need to do 1 of 2 things. They can allow crafters to Reverse Engineer any orange and epic piece of gear and obtain the schematic for it, allowing all of the commendation gear/quest rewards/loot to be crafted and crit with an augment slot. The other option would be to do the OP's suggestion and create a way for crafters to add augment slots to already existing gear. Honestly I think creating a way to add augment slots to existing gear is a much better way and adds a reason to keep whatever crew skill can do it.


And on another subject, none of this matters at all anyway if they don't allow us to move the set bonus as well. Making it attached to the Armoring slot would be perfect. I don't know about your sets but an augment slot on each of my pieces doesn't equal up to 15% crit on my most used attack and making another one free.

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The only 'fair' solution I can forsee for adding augment slots (if it is indeed necessary and current orange and epic gear does not gain augment slots by default) is to make 4 different consumable items for each base class, much the same way unassembled gear is handled now.


Make a Consular/Insquisitor and Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior "Add an augment slot to a piece of armor" item which is crafted by Synthweaving, and whose recipe is either learned at the npc or gained through some manner of pve content. BH/Trooper and Smuggler/Agent item crafted by Armormech; and so on and so forth for Artifice, Armstech, Biochem, and Cybertech (For Lightsabers, Guns, Implants and Earpieces respectively). Using this item to add an augment slot then restricts that piece of gear to its specific base class, ensuring one trade skill does not rule them all; and giving new life to Armormech, Armstech, Artifice and Synthweaving.


Anything less will be a sad conundrum of trading one less than desirable "everyone must wear this costume" look for another, and defeat the purpose they are trying to achieve altogether.



Edited by TrenchcoatJesus
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They are useless now I don't see the problem with it


If you don't you either didn't read or understand my OP or just based your response on the title of the thread. Looking at your first post I'd guess the latter.

Edited by MaxDeeps
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Good job BW lets nerf one tradeskill into oblivion while making another responsible for crafting all of our gear for an augment slot. Do yall even think about nerfs / buffs before you implement them because as of now they seem willy nilly as long as you stay silent on any nerfs you implement. Being the silent type is no longer an acceptable response.












------------------------- (Time)

(1.0) .......... (1.2)

Patch #


Save your game BW dont be dumb.

Edited by Fonil
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i dont think augments are going to make up for the set bonuses on raid/pvp sets anyway


that issue aside i dont know why they dont just make it so that crafters can reverse engineer ALL existing armor in the game with a chance to learn its recipe. if you had a piece you wanted the look of a crafter should be able to "remake" that look with an augment slot for you


this should be an armormech perk, as it is, there is currently no reason to keep armormech aside from gearing out alts and even than, not all of them


crafting in this game is so broken it would take me pages to list the current problems



Except the set bonuses are going to move with the mods...

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