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My search for the "social" TOR players


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I'll do my best to keep my post as polite and mature as I can.


In short, I've been becoming increasingly frustrated with the outrageous lack of social players in The Old Republic, and by "social" I mean a player who regularly talks in chat and/or crack jokes, while at the same time helping other players.


I personally have been playing on Helm of Graush. Now granted I've only gotten as far as Alderaan on my toon there, but so far as I've seen the entire server feels a bit like a library. Everyone's busy doing their own thing, and if you try to disrupt their peace people glare at you or simply ignore you.


Now, seriously, I UNDERSTAND that other people like to play solo more than others. What I don't understand is how a very much multiplayer game attracted so many "quiet" gamers. From what I've seen it's a peculiar, and to me, slightly frustrating combination of Star Wars fans (older individuals) and the expectation of "KOTOR 3".


I suppose it all boils down to my personal frustration over suddenly being in a minority of gamers who prefer to play with others, and I feel no shame or guilt in asking if anyone has a guild with a particularly lively following that I could join? And no, by lively I do not mean "anyone want to do Belsavis dailies?" or "who wants to do a flashpoint?".


I'm sorry I let some sting seep into the last paragraph, but I had to wait a good while to get past the point of "Why don't I just shoot myself in the foot? Even the coma patients at the hospital are more talkative than this." :o

Edited by Jakaii
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I chat and joke with my PvP op pugs pretty frequently.


Some people say absolutely nothing. In an Op of 20+ people, four to five, sometimes more, actually talk.


It's rather bizarre, honestly.


Which is exactly what's been bothering me since launch. I suspect that part of the reason it bothers me so much is because when i was in Retribution (during the beta), there was 30+ people who would chat all the time, making for lively conversation and there was almost something to laugh about. THAT'S what I look for in an MMO.

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I'm pretty much the designated "get 'em talkin'" officer in my guild. Everyone's pretty quiet. I myself get tunnel vision while questing and forget there's a guild feature I can use freely, but I try to stay pretty social.


I just wish it was easier to get 'em talkin'. xD

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I think it boils down to the fact that you have to stop playing to type in chat and that can be awkward to find the time for. Certainly though when we use voice programs my guild are plenty chatty.


I do also sometimes say things on general chat if something annoying, amusing or weird has happened - but it can be hard to start up a conversation with strangers.

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Every time I'm starting to joke or talk light banter in general chat, I'm asked to "stop spamming", because they "can miss important things like LFG calls".


Not that I'm all that social myself. I actually haven't grouped or done any flashpoints since lvl 30 (47 now). Just don't feel any desire.


It's generally the same in all mmorpgs, in SWTOR it's particularly noticeable because of low population (150-200 players in the fleet isn't much) and lack of truly global chat.

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the expectation of "KOTOR 3".

It's generally the same in all mmorpgs, in SWTOR it's particularly noticeable because of low population (150-200 players in the fleet isn't much) and lack of truly global chat.


I think these are pretty spot on. It definitely seems like a classic BioWare single player game turned into an MMO. This design is obviously going to attract those kind of players, with everything so solo friendly from class quests, companions, instant WZ queues, among other things. You just don't NEED to group up or interact. Yes, it is a multiplayer game, but the MMO features are an extra side offering at least for now. Part of the issue comes from this current state of the game.


I come from a game which had a global chat channel for finding groups or random chit chat. It was VERY social, and I loved it. The closest I've seen to this is Republic Fleet general channel, but it is often dead with players scattered across all the worlds with no central way to communicate. In time I'm sure communities will build up across servers and we'll see custom channels being more widely used.


Lastly, I miss in-game VoIP. 'nuff said.

Edited by Beastorz
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I get told to shut up so often on my server. So very, very often.


Pipe up in general with a "How's everyone doing today?" and very often get a "****" and a "better thna u" and a "Hi, my name is Attention Whore and I expect other people to entertain me."


One does not talk on my server in pug'd FP's or hardmodes if it isn't directly relevant to a bossfight. You just don't. Being told to 'Shut up and tank' or 'shut up and dps' or 'shut up and heal' has approached memetic levels.


Funnily enough, people seem to be quite chatty in the 50 bracket of PVP warzones though. Ilum on the other hand...well...on a night when I see more than 5-10 people almost invariably doing their non-PVP dailies, it's a rare night indeed.


Otherwise? Th...there...there are people that play this game too? I'm not just surrounded on the fleet by a bunch of curiously animated NPC's?!?


My brain rejects this knowledge due to lack of evidence.

Edited by Uruare
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I'm a talker. LOL, understatement. i actually never shut up.


that said, i spend most of my time talking to my guildies, and most of that talking on our voice chat server. its just easier, as typing as much as i talk gets me either 1. killed for standing in a mission and paying no attn to the mobs, or 2. never getting quests done for standing in a sfae zone and chatting my happy a** off.


so i think there is a social crowd out there, most of us have just joined guilds who'll put up with us, and talk to our guildies in vc. my guilds chat box will stay dead for hours at a time, but thats because im running my big mouth in mumble whilst im slaughtering in game.

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The whole game feels like a faux-MMO, FPs started off awesome with BT/Esseles. Then I went into Hammer Station expecting a similar experience but was disappointed.


I am in one of the biggest guilds on my server with usually 20+ people online and it's still quiet. Planets like Hoth for example are huge and I don't think I encountered more than 5 Republic players. Big areas and zones are cool but they can also make a player feel isolated at the same time.






Edited by AwesumPossum
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My server has no lack of people talking in general chat, until you get to the higher up planets. Groups can be quiet, but not as quiet as the randomly put together pugs from WoW with its LFG system. Usually players in my groups are talkative just enough to be polite, courteous, and welcoming.


I also play on an RP server though, and RP is a VERY social activity. I wouldn't recommend rolling on a RP server if you don't want to RP, but if you ever feel a little lonely in game you could give RPing a try. It's a good way to make friends.

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OP, you mah boi, deserve a Crescent Star for this thread.


gosh darn, this is 100% true. What's with the quiet ones man? I mean really, 53 people on Tattooine today and NOT A SINGLE WORD was uttered. Not to mention, 200+ on Fleet, nothing. Guild? No peeps. What gives?


Allow me to join ya buddy, cause I've been having the same problem for 'bout a month now.


On the other hand, the 50 brackets are horrible and some servers even have worse folks at earlier levels. I'll take Red Eclipse EU PVP or Trayus Academy EU PVP as an example. You're either bombared with cheap trolls or people that are worryingly quiet.

Edited by Dabigbom
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I'll do my best to keep my post as polite and mature as I can.


In short, I've been becoming increasingly frustrated with the outrageous lack of social players in The Old Republic, and by "social" I mean a player who regularly talks in chat and/or crack jokes, while at the same time helping other players.


Alot of people playing swtor as their first mmo. These people may be shy about initiating anything in general due to seeing just how fast you get slammed down by barrens chat the second you show any hint of ignorance of game mechanics.

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I've had a few chatty sessions over /general on my sever. Maybe it's because it's an RP server? I've never had the experiences some in this thread have mentioned.


Now, to be fair, the game is very quiet. My usual modus operandi on WoW (and most MMOs) was to turn of /g because it was filled with stupid. On TOR, I leave it on because it's generally pretty quiet, though nor is it filled with face-palm inducing blather.

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There are people that talk on my realm and I've grouped up a few times, but honestly...I come from playing WoW and I'm very social in that game. ToR is kinda my break from social activity. Which, I know...kinda silly to use another MMO for that. The leveling experience really lends itself to solo play though and right now that's what I enjoy most about ToR.
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i'm on girrada the hutt server. some people are great at helping when you ask for it, some give advise when asked for it. on the other hand, yeah, it's like a library too. people always looking for the flashpoint groups, but not the most talkative server, either. so don't feel bad. warzones are even quiet. i try to develop a strategy. no one chimes in.
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I get yelled at from time to time when I try to talk in the general chat. It's how I've always recruited for my clan. I'm the social, "DUDE, SUP!?" all around friendly person in my clan, and I find it's the best way when you can make someone feel comfortable and welcome. They're more likely to stick around.


That being said, it's difficult when they don't respond. Nobody needs tanks or healers or help on their quests >_<

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I think one of the main reasons things are so quite is the instance system. Go to Org in Wow, and youll see a brilliant display of hundreds of toons going about doing all sorts of things. you see nothing like this in SWTOR. theres no real "Community"
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I think one of the main reasons things are so quite is the instance system. Go to Org in Wow, and youll see a brilliant display of hundreds of toons going about doing all sorts of things. you see nothing like this in SWTOR. theres no real "Community"
Well said! SWtOR has hundreds of little things like that which add up. Edited by Arundel
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