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NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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You trying to move to the head of the hater class?


All I have to say is fastest MMO to 1m subs.


What does that even mean? The market conditions weren't in place back in the day for WoW to take that prize, SWTOR is essentially piggy backing on WoW's main streaming of the genre. With the amount of money Bioware spend on this game, if they didn't take that prize the game would be a clossal failure. Also, within the first free month they've already lost more subs then a lot of MMORPG's have.

Edited by Touchbass
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What does that even mean? The market conditions weren't in place back in the day for WoW to take that prize, SWTOR is essentially piggy backing on WoW's main streaming of the genre. WIth the amount of money Bioware spend on this game, if they didn't take that prize the game would be a clossal failure. Also, Within the first free month they've already lost more subs then a lot of MMORPG's have.

Not really. WOW lost alot as well. Here alot had unrealistic expectations and hence gave up. Is the game perfect? No. Is WOW perfect? NOPE. Is this game a failure? Nope.

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Not really. WOW lost alot as well. Here alot had unrealistic expectations and hence gave up. Is the game perfect? No. Is WOW perfect? NOPE. Is this game a failure? Nope.


You have to judge something on the scale of it's operation. As it stands, SWTOR is a success with the numbers it has hit. Nobody can dispute that. The fun part now is speculating what the future holds for it.


1) Will it's release in new markets bring in a lot more players?


2) How tired is the old format MMORPG market?


3) Was Voice acting a good decision in the long run?


4) What are the playstyle demographics of the player base and what kind of content gives them a hook

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What does that even mean? The market conditions weren't in place back in the day for WoW to take that prize, SWTOR is essentially piggy backing on WoW's main streaming of the genre. With the amount of money Bioware spend on this game, if they didn't take that prize the game would be a clossal failure. Also, within the first free month they've already lost more subs then a lot of MMORPG's have.


So if that record is so easy to get thanks to WoW, why has no other MMO done it before SWTOR?


Yeah 80-85% resub rate is horrible. <rolls eyse>

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So if that record is so easy to get thanks to WoW, why has no other MMO done it before SWTOR?


Yeah 80-85% resub rate is horrible. <rolls eyse>


If WoW was released in todays market conditions, it would of taken the record, you can't dispute that. No MMORPG can hold that kind of retention, unless the game grows it'll drop to around 700k-1.1million players

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If WoW was released in todays market conditions, it would of taken the record, you can't dispute that. No MMORPG can hold that kind of retention, unless the game grows it'll drop to around 700k-1.1million players


Which is a small but stable fan base and enough to keep it afloat. It is doing well thus far and I expect it to remain.

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What does that even mean? The market conditions weren't in place back in the day for WoW to take that prize, SWTOR is essentially piggy backing on WoW's main streaming of the genre. With the amount of money Bioware spend on this game, if they didn't take that prize the game would be a clossal failure. Also, within the first free month they've already lost more subs then a lot of MMORPG's have.


..? Tell me how many subs they've lost.

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If WoW was released in todays market conditions, it would of taken the record, you can't dispute that. No MMORPG can hold that kind of retention, unless the game grows it'll drop to around 700k-1.1million players


This has nothing to do with what I posted.

Edited by Drewser
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So if that record is so easy to get thanks to WoW, why has no other MMO done it before SWTOR?


Yeah 80-85% resub rate is horrible. <rolls eyse>


So then my question is what percent of that is still here bc its a Star Wars IP. I mean if this game used a different IP would it have been able to hold that many subs with its mechanics? I love this game but I would say no way.

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So then my question is what percent of that is still here bc its a Star Wars IP. I mean if this game used a different IP would it have been able to hold that many subs with its mechanics? I love this game but I would say no way.


The mechanics of this game can't be used in a non-SW game. I mean, the mechanics revolve around the structure and such.

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This has nothing to do with what I posted.


SWTOR winning the fastest to 1 million prize is the same as winning MVP of the pro bowl and not getting the ticket to the Super Bowl. If the fastest to 1 million turns into something really successful and out of the ordinary down the road then it will have some creditability

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SWTOR winning the fastest to 1 million prize is the same as winning MVP of the pro bowl and not getting the ticket to the Super Bowl. If the fastest to 1 million turns into something really successful and out of the ordinary down the road then it will have some creditability


Not even close to the same.


Hell, you were probably one of these clowns before the report came out last week, posting that subs were already down to 500k and SWTOR would be going F2P by March.

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Not even close to the same.


Hell, you were probably one of these clowns before the report came out last week, posting that subs were already down to 500k and SWTOR would be going F2P by March.


It's a very valid comparison, your blind fanboism has the best of you.

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This guy RIGHT here. ^^^^^^^




As for the "numbers" that have come out, everyone should know that the Q3 release from EA counted those numbers as of DECEMBER 31st, 2011. This is what that means:


#1. This was when there was a free month.


#2. The good looking math is likely NOT so good looking now, a month and some change down the road from when that was reported.



CLIFFS: We'll have to see when they release another financial statement. My guess: It isn't going to be pretty and EAs stock is going to fall. Hard.


I feel like I'm beating a dead horse. But the subscriber numbers are as of February 2, date of the earnings release.

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It's a very valid comparison, your blind fanboism has the best of you.


Again it is not even close. Pro Bowl is meaningless, whereas getting 1m subs is not. (it does not ensure success, but it is certainly a very good start.)


If you wanted to at least make a reasonable comparison, it would be like going 14-2 in the regular season and losing your first playoff game at home.

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Again it is not even close. Pro Bowl is meaningless, whereas getting 1m subs is not. (it does not ensure success, but it is certainly a very good start.)


If you wanted to at least make a reasonable comparison, it would be like going 14-2 in the regular season and losing your first playoff game at home.


I actually prefer your analogy more :p My pats :(

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If WoW was released in todays market conditions, it would of taken the record, you can't dispute that. No MMORPG can hold that kind of retention, unless the game grows it'll drop to around 700k-1.1million players


Warcraft had a smaller audiance before its launch and was more broken then ToR. If you were there at the very launch of WoW then you were given about a month free. Not because they pulled the servers down to patch but because the servers went down.


WoW didnt even break a million till after a year. It had less subscriptions then TOR has supposedly lost.


Its crafting was no better.


Took multiple patches to even complete its 40 man raids. Which in comparison to those TOR reins supreme.


TOR has a que for battlegrounds/warzones. How long was it before WoW added battlegrounds? How long before they added a que anywhere for them?


Even tho TORs world PvP is broken how long was it before WoW tried the same? Silthius. YAAAAY!!! I get to run some glowing sand across a map.


No if WoW how it was at launch was put up today it wouldnt even merit your trolling attempts. Not even a blip on your radar because you would still be itching the big AAA game of the year and here you are.


If the WoW that exsists today was to launched today... well lets not kid ourselves. No one develops a game for 12+ years and it would of been launched earlier and still had a pleathora of bugs.


HAHAHAHA If WoW was launched today. Rift in under a year has done more then WoW did in two.

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Warcraft had a smaller audiance before its launch and was more broken then ToR. If you were there at the very launch of WoW then you were given about a month free. Not because they pulled the servers down to patch but because the servers went down.


WoW didnt even break a million till after a year. It had less subscriptions then TOR has supposedly lost.


Its crafting was no better.


Took multiple patches to even complete its 40 man raids. Which in comparison to those TOR reins supreme.


TOR has a que for battlegrounds/warzones. How long was it before WoW added battlegrounds? How long before they added a que anywhere for them?


Even tho TORs world PvP is broken how long was it before WoW tried the same? Silthius. YAAAAY!!! I get to run some glowing sand across a map.


No if WoW how it was at launch was put up today it wouldnt even merit your trolling attempts. Not even a blip on your radar because you would still be itching the big AAA game of the year and here you are.


If the WoW that exsists today was to launched today... well lets not kid ourselves. No one develops a game for 12+ years and it would of been launched earlier and still had a pleathora of bugs.


HAHAHAHA If WoW was launched today. Rift in under a year has done more then WoW did in two.



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Aside from a surge when the promos start this game has likely seen its highest subscription numbers unlike the WoW arc. Not that this game doesn't have the same or more potential as WoW but SWToR was dated on release unlike WoW. If this game hit 2-3 years ago, it would be a monster by now. However new titles will come shortly with better graphics, truly innovative game play and while not having the massive story lines of SWToR they will probably succeed in being more fun and less run.


All that said, this game has been a success till now by nearly every reasonable measure and will likely continue for some time. IMO SWToR lives up to the Bioware name but certainly not their best title.

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