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I DO feel like a Jedi!


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So instead of having another "I feel weak" thread I'd like to make a positive post. While playing my Jedi Guardian, who is Defense Specced, I feel 100% like a Jedi, which is exactly what I wanted when I started playing this game.


All problems with threat generation this class may have end game aside, at level 44 I'm having a blast cutting through swaths of whatever with Kira at my back doing the same, swinging my lightsaber behind my back to deflect blaster shots (yeah it has issues with stopping me from using an ability sometimes, but it looks cool) and taking down multiple enemies with ease. Even in groups I still feel this way because I'm leaping into the fray, getting things to attack me to protect my party (again, Jedi-like) and at my current level I don't really have many aggro control issues.


So, despite any flaws with the class it has accomplished one thing for me: making me feel like a Jedi. Is this true for others out there, or am I the only one?

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So far, the storyline makes me feel very much like a Jedi. Guidance from Satele, mentoring Kira, offering my services to the helpless for no cost, stopping the bad guys and making the galaxy a brighter place, resolving quests and saving lives with the odd Force Persuade, it's all very bombastic and fun.


Gameplay, I'm less sure. Every time I jump 3/4 of my height and fall back down, I wonder where my Dark Forces Force Jump went. Every time I get shot in the back I wonder where my KotOR bolt deflection went. Every time I can't slice a badguy because he's out of range and Force Leap is on cooldown, or he's just a few feet too close for Force Leap to work, I wonder where my on-demand push/pull are or why I can't use Force Wave or just throw my lightsaber at him. Past games have conditioned me to expect certain things from a Jedi avatar, and I often feel more like Commander Shepard (vanguard, natch, though even Shep can charge something right in front of her) than Revan or Jaden.


Then again, there's that distinctive sound every time I draw or swing my lightsaber. That alone does so much to make me feel like a Jedi that sometimes I wonder if the rest even matters.

Edited by Quething
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No. you're not the only one, OP. It certainly does feel Jedi-like.


My only issue is that there are so many abilities, with so many modifying conditions, that my fingers get tied up trying to do various things. If I only had the jedi-like reflexes of my toon.


But this should be a positive thread, so I'm not going to go down that road.


I've recently started working Saber Throw into use, which is great fun.


Also, the story line helps keep me in the mindset of a true Jedi which I enjoy.

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I enjoyed levelling my Guardian and still enjoying playing him. The whole time levelling up you are attacking large groups of bad guys head on, wading into the fray with your glow-bat swinging and dispatching enemies of the republic left and right.


The story line was great - I particularly enjoyed not always having to do the "right" thing ... like being able to kill key "bosses" for a story line rather than try to redeem them. I think the Republic would be a lot better off if they stopped imprisoning people and just executed people that committed mass genocide and such.


By the time I got my "Knight of the Republic" title I really felt like a knight fighting against an evil overwhelming force and that my sole actions were helping turn the tide of the war. The last story line boss is just the icing on the cake.

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I have to agree - hood issues aside, I love my Guardian. Going through the storyline was wonderful, and at the end of the class quest, I feel like I earned my title(s).


I'm currently at Valor rank 57 and enjoying pvp. Unfortunately we can't insta-kill things with our sabers like we'd all love to be able to do, but the versatility we bring and the ability to stay on casters and keep our teammates alive is definitely awesome. Remember - we're Jedi KNIGHTS.

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I didn't feel much like a master Jedi Knight right when I hit 50. The Illum and Belsavis dailies are brutal for a fresh 50 in leveling gear, and I never felt I was doing enough damage in my tank spec/gear.


Now that I am in mostly champion (and some centurion) DPS gear/spec, I totally feel Jedi-like. Dailies are pretty trivial, and mobs melt like butter. I have to meditate after almost every fight (I use Kira or Scourge mostly), but so what?


The difference, to me anyway, was that now my lightsaber feels like a brutal weapon to be feared and not a wet noodle. I could probably handle being heavily armored and low damage as a Trooper, but a Jedi has an iconic weapon that needs to feel deadly.


I've also been kicking serious butt in PVP lately as Vig spec. I'm almost always top 3 in damage and protection. In a one on one fight, sometimes pity my Sith enemies because I tear them apart. What could make you feel more like a Jedi than killing Sith?


Maybe my opponents just suck or maybe I've just been on a nice streak lately.

Edited by PhilMeyer
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Everything you just said is invalidated.



The issues with JK only become cripplingly apparent at level 50.


I don't think his post really had all that much to do with debunking the issues at 50, but really with expressing how from 1-49 Defensive Guardians go a long way to making you feel like a Jedi which I wholeheartedly agree with.


Nothing he said is invalidated. It just has nothing to do with what you think it did.

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