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[[PvP MOVIE]] 50 Vanguard Tactics/Assault 1v1s and 1vNs


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This is another entertainment style vid. I've indicated the HP of my opponents just to give an idea of what their gear level is. HP is definitely not a good way to judge skill, however.


I start this movie off with a couple of losses because people need to understand that I am a mature and level-headed PvPer. I won't publicly trash talk or demean people I kill or beat in PvP. I'd like to expect the same from others, but I know I can't. I lose fights against good players. It happens. Sometimes I am outgeared. Sometimes my crucial cooldowns aren't up. Sometimes I lose because of a class disadvantage (like mercenaries when fighting me, for example). Sometimes I just flat-out get outplayed. I expect that most players experience the same.


I've chosen (with a few exceptions) to go with "nail-biter" types of fights in this movie with very close outcomes. Most of the people in this movie are well-geared or at least have better overal gear than myself. My gear is a mixture of centurion and champion gear. I do not have biochem, however I will pop consumables here and there. ;)


When I set out to make a movie, I typically have one of two goals in mind. And, that is either to educate or entertain.


Hope you enjoy. :)


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Ballin vid man, just a quick question i see you have gut (i think) how is your spec during this footage if you would be so kind to share it that would be great.


Edit: I actually found your build on your blog, i might give this build a try atm i am full assault, just not sure if i wanna let go off that retardedly hard hitting HiB yet ;3

Edited by tkshinoda
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Ps: i m french so sorry for my bad english tryed my to do my best .:)



As title say i m bored to see you playing well but your spe make u lost some fight u should have won .

Also wont be scare off maurauder anymore . u can beat all spe in 1vs1 even 1vs2 .

Only thing is hard to finish healer cause lack spike dmg but anyway vanguard cant kill healer iff they play well .



here it is :




some key point in gear :


U should use combat teck for 0.5 second aoe stun and 15% crit shock strike.


U should have around 800 spell dmg 25% crit and close as possible 100% crit dmg bonus .


D'ont forget u can use pve module and sophistication in pvp gear to reach the cap .

( i m aslo trying play with tank pvp gear for the 5% dmg bonus with all mod and sophitication swaped , still sorking on it )



Why it s far better than your's (or even the almost 3 buttons assault one .)


You gonna play with ion cell give you 50% mitigation vs 25% in your spe . ( mean 25% less damage taken ...)


You can guard someone and that s vanguard job , that also more team pvp oriented .


One the key point that everyone miss on that spe is pusle generator work with : grenade (full stack give your same dmg as plastique assault !!! ) mortar voley ( full stack hit for 3.5-4K crit each hit ). when u use those u wont destack the generator only canon will .

Somortar voley + aoe stun + canon pulse can rip whole team .


Ion pulse hit for 2.5-3K crit .

(So u understand first thing u have to do is getting 5 ion pusle hit before try kill someone )


You have fire strike and shoke strike for one ammo for around 6K dmg .


Great tanking ability 50% base mitigation u add 25 %from your reactive shield and 20% while stuned .



This is team spe iff you can't live without snare u can remove the 9% aim in neural and ion overload .( u gonna loose approx 100 dmg normal hit and 300 on crit , few crit % too )



Only lack buster on this spe u don t have hight burst cause all your ability will hit for close 3.5K crit , and u are kinda close combat but with hold the line and your mitigation it s easy to get in .


Just give it good try won t gonna get back to hybrid spe .

Not talking about free to play assault one cause hybrid and tactics spe require more skill and combat knowlege to be played right .


Ah i love your video and your blog keep going :p

Edited by sleazyend
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Ps: i m french so sorry for my bad english tryed my to do my best .:)





Hey, good post. This build or something similar to it is something I've considered. I love the 20% dmg reduction when stunned and I really want to test out the damage boosted plasma aoe. :)


The build you posted will probably be my next project for doing more group oriented videos (guarding a healer). No way I'm going to play a build without Hold the Line. It's too damn good!


I would dearly miss setting people on fire with just hammer shot though. Oh, and the utility of Inc. grenade. It's a main reason I play my build. I'd really miss it for keeping people off of doors and nodes in warzones. :(


The build you posted should be better for Huttball and World PvP though, IMO.


edit: After looking at it a bit more, I think it needs the snare skills from Ion Cell so I might go with something more like the following.




But, it depends. As you mentioned, I would lose damage. If I had someone in group with me to keep people snared then dmg might be the way to go.

Edited by Raggok
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Hi mate,


Really like your vids, keep up the good work. I especially like the way your edit your videos with the zoom and slow motion effects etc.. I was wondering if you could tell me which video editing software you use please?

I have just started making a few vids myself and am looking for the right software, thanks in advance :)

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Hi mate,


Really like your vids, keep up the good work. I especially like the way your edit your videos with the zoom and slow motion effects etc.. I was wondering if you could tell me which video editing software you use please?

I have just started making a few vids myself and am looking for the right software, thanks in advance :)


I'm using Sony Vegas Pro 11. But, for some reason it has some incompatibality issues with fraps avis that didn't exist in previous versions. So, it's been kind of a PITA to use.

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I'm using Sony Vegas Pro 11. But, for some reason it has some incompatibality issues with fraps avis that didn't exist in previous versions. So, it's been kind of a PITA to use.


Thanks for the reply :) Would you still reccomend using those programs dispite the issues?

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lol... because this "sayc" guy beat you, you consider him the "best marauder on your server?" haaha, get over yourself mate!


Actually, it would be because of his performance in warzones and fights I've had with him over the period of a month. Not just because he killed me in this one fight. But, that should have been obvious?


There are a few good marauders on my server, but he stands out as I said... IN MY OPINION, which is based off of my OBSERVATIONS.


And, BTW I'm not the only person who thinks he is quite good.




On a side note: What the hell is it with people like you? Where does a comment like this even come from? Does your life suck so much you have to attack others via projection online? Do you suck as a person IRL? I can't for the life of me figure you people out. I'm guessing you are just a miserable person.

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Actually, it would be because of his performance in warzones and fights I've had with him over the period of a month. Not just because he killed me in this one fight. But, that should have been obvious?


There are a few good marauders on my server, but he stands out as I said... IN MY OPINION, which is based off of my OBSERVATIONS.


And, BTW I'm not the only person who thinks he is quite good.




On a side note: What the hell is it with people like you? Where does a comment like this even come from? Does your life suck so much you have to attack others via projection online? Do you suck as a person IRL? I can't for the life of me figure you people out. I'm guessing you are just a miserable person.


Don't be silly, he's just a scrub marauder who pads the damage meters.

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Actually, it would be because of his performance in warzones and fights I've had with him over the period of a month. Not just because he killed me in this one fight. But, that should have been obvious?


There are a few good marauders on my server, but he stands out as I said... IN MY OPINION, which is based off of my OBSERVATIONS.


And, BTW I'm not the only person who thinks he is quite good.




On a side note: What the hell is it with people like you? Where does a comment like this even come from? Does your life suck so much you have to attack others via projection online? Do you suck as a person IRL? I can't for the life of me figure you people out. I'm guessing you are just a miserable person.


i don't rate other players, or consider them the best at anything. since you did it irked me and i thought i would point that out.


call me weird.

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i don't rate other players, or consider them the best at anything. since you did it irked me and i thought i would point that out.


call me weird.


So, I'm not allowed to share my opinion based upon my own experience? There is a reason I put IMO in there. It's because I realize that people might have a different opinion based upon their experiences.


You need to adjust the way you think, and yes... you are weird.

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OOzo, what gear are you running with ? the dps set? and for your off hand...do you use a sheild generator or a power generator?


With this build, eliminator set for the +15% crit chance on HiB. I'm also using a power generator since I run in plasma cell.

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Thanks for the reply :) Would you still reccomend using those programs dispite the issues?


The problem is pretty significant. I'd have a hard time recommending it. It's much more of a PITA to work with fraps files than it should be.

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oozo, i was wondering, what key bindings do u use for Gut?

combination of s+5?


Gut is SHIFT+2 for me, while Stockstrike is 2. I like to keep similar moves on the same key. They are both melee range so it works well. I use them back to back quite often.

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So, I'm not allowed to share my opinion based upon my own experience? There is a reason I put IMO in there. It's because I realize that people might have a different opinion based upon their experiences.


You need to adjust the way you think.




i just don't get why you wanted to put it in your video, what was the purpose of saying; "he's the best marauder on my server imo" in your video? - other than to (try &) make him look awesome.




...actually i wasn't watching the video for some other player's e-peen stroking, i watched it to see you play to get some more information about vanguard.


anyway, like i said call me weird. but i don't like putting people up on a pedestal. probably in error, so i don't bother at all. ^^

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i just don't get why you wanted to put it in your video, what was the purpose of saying; "he's the best marauder on my server imo" in your video? - other than to (try &) make him look awesome.




...actually i wasn't watching the video for some other player's e-peen stroking, i watched it to see you play to get some more information about vanguard.


anyway, like i said call me weird. but i don't like putting people up on a pedestal. probably in error, so i don't bother at all. ^^


Okay, you probably didn't read the link I posted on my server forum. So, here it is.


Hey DB,


Here is another movie with people you might know and love!


I've included some defeats out of respect for the decent Empire players out there. If you are a victim in this movie, my apologies. I'm not trying to embarass, I'm only trying to entertain. Besides your cooldowns were probably down and you were trying to eat your taco bell when I jumped you out of nowhere. In other words, #### happens, so who the hell cares!


I put those losses in for MY SERVER. So, they don't get rubbed the wrong way with me only putting my WINS. Do you see how that can build ill will with the people on my server who I fight against every day?


Does this make sense now? So, no... I didn't say he must be the most awesomest player because he somehow managed to beat ME! As you said... I need to "get over myself." You completely and totally misread my intentions for that message. And, I really grow tired of people making incorrect assumptions about what I do when I actually go OUT OF MY WAY to treat people with respect.


Jesus help me.

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