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Do you use retaliation?


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Of course I use it - its not affected by the gcd so basically it is a free hit - very important in PvP and PvE if you are ever in a hurry to burn down an opponent.


If you are worried about rage - use it and then use a normal assault attack to get your rage back - basically thats equivalent damage to one Force Scream.

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If you are worried about rage - use it and then use a normal assault attack to get your rage back - basically thats equivalent damage to one Force Scream.


the problem with that is if you have the rage for retaliate you have the rage for something else


if you have the rage for ONLY retaliate, its better spent on a higher damage ability, then you can use assault after, get rage back and you will have done more damage


if, however, you have a lot of rage then there is no reason not to use it, and plenty of reasons to use it


in wow, where rage was automatic and (essentially) never ending, the only thing that mattered in your priority was damage per second


in TOR where you have to actively generate rage you have to factor damage per second of abilities, but also damage per rage


if you dont have the extra rage to "waste" on a retaliate, its not worth spending it, as its got a much lower damage per rage than other abilities


if you have an abundance of rage, the downside is minimal because you will still have more than enough rage for your higher damage per rage abilities

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I disagree. Lets suppose you have


3 rage left, your force scream is up and so is your retaliate.


You could


a) Use force scream

b) Then use Assault

c) But by then retaliate may not be up and so you use Vicious Slash

On my lvl 18 stats that would be a combined min damage of 810

You have 0 rage left





a) Use Retaliate + Assault in the same second

b) Then Force Scream

c) Then Assault and

On my stats that is the combined min damage of 898

You have 3 rage left



Retaliate is an extra hit, that's what makes the difference plus in the above scenario you have 3 rage left versus being empty.

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I disagree. Lets suppose you have


3 rage left, your force scream is up and so is your retaliate.


You could


a) Use force scream

b) Then use Assault

c) But by then retaliate may not be up and so you use Vicious Slash

On my lvl 18 stats that would be a combined min damage of 810

You have 0 rage left





a) Use Retaliate + Assault in the same second

b) Then Force Scream

c) Then Assault and

On my stats that is the combined min damage of 898

You have 3 rage left



Retaliate is an extra hit, that's what makes the difference plus in the above scenario you have 3 rage left versus being empty.


level 18 doesnt count, the game isnt balance around level 18

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level 18 doesnt count, the game isnt balance around level 18


His/Her point is valid. Being lvl 18 makes no difference in the example as the same situation would have happened in a level 50.


As Carnage if i had a full bar after the situation you described(Charge, BA stunned), I would Massacre, Gore, Scream, Massacre, leaving me with 4 rage left. Enough to pop a root or a slow to make sure my opponent cant move. I would not use that last 4(i got 1 from blood fenzy) rage on retaliate, or build up rage simply to use retaliate. It then just becomes another one of our on GCD moves.


However using it while i intentionally need to build rage to setup another combo is different as being off the GCD is a greater benefit.

Edited by AcaciaDragon
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It's gotten me plenty of killing blows, the skill is there, use it or not. Just like Savage Kick or Pommel Strike. You choose what to use. I use it all the time, it's almost always up and doesn't affect my rotation much at all. The only reason why is my rotation is very situational and not static.
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Do you actually have an example of higher dps using alternatives to retaliation


Didnt think so


well, for one, neither of those combos you mentioned would be possible as at level 18 scream would cost you 4 rage


for two, at 50, where the game is balanced (intended to be at least), you will do other things with such a limited amount of rage that would completely out damage retaliation


for three, what ranks are your abilities at level 18, was retaliate more recently trained than VS? either way it invalidates this example unless its being limited to level 18 usage, in which case ... who cares


fourthly, at level 50, my VS does 200 more damage than my retaliation



retaliation has its place, thats for sure, but only when you have more rage than you can spend, if you have low rage and you use it, you waste your rage on a lesser damage ability and have to build it up again


as i said before, its not just about damage per second, its about damage per rage, and retaliation isnt that good in that area, so you only use it with plenty of rage to spare

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His/Her point is valid. Being lvl 18 makes no difference in the example as the same situation would have happened in a level 50.


As Carnage if i had a full bar after the situation you described(Charge, BA stunned), I would Massacre, Gore, Scream, Massacre, leaving me with 4 rage left. Enough to pop a root or a slow to make sure my opponent cant move. I would not use that last 4(i got 1 from blood fenzy) rage on retaliate, or build up rage simply to use retaliate. It then just becomes another one of our on GCD moves.


However using it while i intentionally need to build rage to setup another combo is different as being off the GCD is a greater benefit.


i think you have that completely backwards


with a full bar you can unload your big burst combo with rage to spare, add in retaliation and you get even more burst damage going out


if, however, you use it while building rage then you need to spend GCDs building that rage back up in order to have enough to pop off your big burst combos, it wastes time on a low damage per rage ability


plus, depending on where your BA cooldown is while youre trying to rage build you could end up getting a BA off when you have 6 rage already and then have a full bar to unload your big combo with a possibility to throw retal into your burst rotation

Edited by CrazyAl
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i think you have that completely backwards


with a full bar you can unload your big burst combo with rage to spare, add in retaliation and you get even more burst damage going out


if, however, you use it while building rage then you need to spend GCDs building that rage back up in order to have enough to pop off your big burst combos, it wastes time on a low damage per rage ability


plus, depending on where your BA cooldown is while youre trying to rage build you could end up getting a BA off when you have 6 rage already and then have a full bar to unload your big combo with a possibility to throw retal into your burst rotation


it all hinges on getting hit though. It would be better if Retal did more damage and could be activated with a chance on one of our abilities. But 3 rage for doing less damage than a Massacre at 2 rage is still not worth it IMO.

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I feel like I've posted about this topic at least 12 times before. I wonder if I posted in this thread as well, but I'm not going to check. In any case, this is the bottom line:


1. Retaliation is efficient for all specs, EXCEPT 31+ Carnage. Massacre is a better ragedump.


2. Retaliation is generally not effective when you get your 31 point abilities in any of the specs. It's a very minor DPS increase for Anni/Rage (and a loss for Carn) and requires additional attention / hotbar space.


3. Retaliation is always effective as a potential burst damage tool.


4. Retaliation is always effective and efficient sub-40. You should probably use it while leveling.


The end.

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I feel like I've posted about this topic at least 12 times before. I wonder if I posted in this thread as well, but I'm not going to check. In any case, this is the bottom line:


1. Retaliation is efficient for all specs, EXCEPT 31+ Carnage. Massacre is a better ragedump.


2. Retaliation is generally not effective when you get your 31 point abilities in any of the specs. It's a very minor DPS increase for Anni/Rage (and a loss for Carn) and requires additional attention / hotbar space.


3. Retaliation is always effective as a potential burst damage tool.


4. Retaliation is always effective and efficient sub-40. You should probably use it while leveling.


The end.


I never ran the number or anything, but I feel like I just intuitively did what you said. At lower levels I used it a lot while leveling .Somewhere along the way though, I started to bump it further and further down on my priority. Now it's to the point where I just about never use it. Like what others have said, I find the 3 rage cost for sub par damage to be a waste. It just doesn't flow into the rotation/priority I have going.


Bottom line, in PvE I never use it. In PvP it gets used very rarely if I happen to have the rage and happen to have other, bigger hits, on CD.

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