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Why not more natural speeder driving mechanic?


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It would be a blast if speeders would accelerate and deccelerate and have some fixed degree/second turn rate at certain speeds. Atm they are just WoWish and totally not immersive.


Let us immerse in speeder driving, it would add so much more fun, over just changing toon speed, model and animation...

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M m o movement needs to be tight to allow for a better pvp experience so the entire game physics engine seems to be restricted on what a Player can do. Things do not slide or slip, and when you move forward or turn the character does so. If you want your speeder to make slow turns don't turn it so sharply
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M m o movement needs to be tight to allow for a better pvp experience so the entire game physics engine seems to be restricted on what a Player can do. Things do not slide or slip, and when you move forward or turn the character does so. If you want your speeder to make slow turns don't turn it so sharply


Do you really think im paying for computer game for my imagination to do the whole job?

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I think I'd kill a bantha cub if I had to perform 3-point turns in my speeder... But I like the idea of more noticeable acceleration.


And I want blaster cannons on my speeder. Like real life!


You would do that aswell if you would play any good quality computer racing game i believe?

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Some people like how speeders currently work, some don't. The only way they could please everyone would be to implement the change via a speeder upgrade, much like the current starship tab. You could, for example, have slots for parts that affect your speeders behaviour.


To modify the handling you could simply have a slot for an an Inertial Dampening Device. By default all Speeders would have a basic one fitted and speeders would act how they currently act.


By removing this device, or replacing it, you could implement different handling methods to please everyone. These items could be created by one, or a chain, of crafting professions.


This, however, would be a minor part of a personal vehicle revamp. Something I doubt Bioware would put resources into until a later date.

Edited by JediKabuto
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you can never please a person that dont know what he/she wants. thats for sure.

I dont see people complaining that they have spaceship interior, bridge and galaxy map inseatd of skill/ability "space travel" that instantly ports there...


Computer games are about immersion (at least -rpg- games family), if you disagree i would suggest visiting a psychologist or seek help somewhere else.


Trolling suggestion threads with comments like: "oh but if they would implement cool, immersive realistic mechanic x, then it would be harder for me to play, watch tv and eat at same time!" is just sad.

Edited by MuNieK
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I agree, it would be nicer if the vehicles handled like vehicles. There should also be a dedicated button for first-person driving mode. You can "fake it" now by changing your max view distance to something like 19% or less and then zooming in just right, but... it's a vehicle, it should handle like one.
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At the very least, I'd request that they don't flick and jerk on a hairpin. Just a wee bit more forced turning or lag in accel/decel. Not a whole slew to where it feels like you are driving a BUS... but not as ridiculous as it is now. Seeing those huge speeders jink around like they do is simply eyerollingly stupid game physics. Its even more absurd how a tiny rock underneath causes a whole speeder to tilt sideways if you are HOVERING OVER it. Yeah... they spent zero-effort on speeder tech in this game.


Not a single speeder (of any style) in any movie, or tv show did what they do in this game.


And the guy claiming they did it because you have to move quick in pvp, is a silly notion. Considering no one can really be on a speeder during open world pvp, and not at all in warzones. Suggesting that "its impossible" to have different movement physics, is prime example of myopic thinking.

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