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Healthy Republic Population Server


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They will be common soon because I think a lot of people are rolling republic alts due to the sheer boredom of one-sided Illum.


Ummm illum is boring for republic also....


Pre 1.1 I didnt mind it show up swap objectives for a couple mins and start queing for warzones.


Post 1.1 I havent completed a SINGLE daily or weekly, I can live without the stupid bags.

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Ajunta Pall.


Best Republic Server in the Galaxy. 3/2 ratios, hold Ilum about half the time... sometimes they push us back to our base and we proceed to Turret-troll them for ginormous honor gains. At prime time, very common to see 45-50 Repubs in Ilum, insuring an even fight. This is where the fun begins.


Either way, have never even had a slight issue doing the daily since 1.1. You really can't lose on this server. :D

Edited by McVade
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