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Vannila WoW vs SWTOR


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PRETTY MUCH THIS. I knew MC wasn't there. And you are right, Onyxia was in after.


Here's the confusion. I asked a friend about this because I distincly remember Molten Core not being in the game for release.


"Oh, it was in the game," he reminded me. "You just couldn't get in, and if you did, there was nothing in there. That got patched in about a month later."


So, Molten Core the zone, was in the game on release, but you couldn't actually play it or get properly attuned.


But again, I hasten to add, it just doesn't matter. This game has so, so much more content than vanilla WoW did it's staggering that we could be talking about this topic for this many pages, even if we grant MC and Onyxia.

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When Vanilla WoW had its first "raid", MC was mostly broken, tanks easily one shotted, Fire Resist gear needed up the wazzo, Ragnaros was basically unbeatable as he would bug out after Stage 1.


Vanilla WoW had very terrible stat optimatization for Gear.


Paladin class was changed from a combo point system to the crappy seal system at the last minute with no Beta Test on the change.


Hunter's basically could auto attack and do top 10 damage in a 40 man raid.


Raiding a rival faciton's capital would cause the entire server to crash.


The server I was on was actually down unexpectedly for 2 full days during the first month. Blizz in turn gave everyone a completel full rested exp which casued most of the hardcore players to finish leveling the day it came back up.


Even after the PvP Battlegrounds were introduced, you would have to sit out front the actualy PvP battleground and wait for your queue. Usual wait during primetime was 45min or longer. PvP battlegrounds did not get better till after grouping queuing, change in earning pvp loot, and BG finder/queue tool usable from any major city.


There were 3 tank tree for 3 different classes, yet only 1 of them could actually tank.


There were 3 healing trees for 3 different classes, yet only Druids and Priests could main heal.


The list goes on, but that should get the point across.

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Here's the confusion. I asked a friend about this because I distincly remember Molten Core not being in the game for release.


"Oh, it was in the game," he reminded me. "You just couldn't get in, and if you did, there was nothing in there. That got patched in about a month later."


So, Molten Core the zone, was in the game on release, but you couldn't actually play it or get properly attuned.


But again, I hasten to add, it just doesn't matter. This game has so, so much more content than vanilla WoW did it's staggering that we could be talking about this topic for this many pages, even if we grant MC and Onyxia.


yeah, your friend is wrong as well.

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Vanilla WoW, childlike graphics, pve endgame..Molten Core..Neat. Lots of world pvp with no rewards and no battlegrounds.


Lots of Flashpoints and 3 pvp warzones, better graphics, more abilities, companions/crew are done really well and are actually worth having. I forgot to mention it's Star Wars.

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Vanilla wow vs Swtor = Swtor Winning.


Hmmm ...let's see. I played WoW for over a year after release, then went to SWG, then back to WoW, then checked out EQ2 for a month, back to WoW ...and ofc several other MMOs but I always ended up playing WoW.


TOR, however, I quit after one month playing. While I am still subbed and sometimes have a look inside I log in, check my quests, watch my Marauder, watch Jaesa, think how much I'd love to see the story, do or better, try to do a quest, get bored quickly, log out and log in WoW. So yeah, you're totally right. TOR = winning ...

Edited by neocoma
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Here's the confusion. I asked a friend about this because I distincly remember Molten Core not being in the game for release.


"Oh, it was in the game," he reminded me. "You just couldn't get in, and if you did, there was nothing in there. That got patched in about a month later."


So, Molten Core the zone, was in the game on release, but you couldn't actually play it or get properly attuned.


But again, I hasten to add, it just doesn't matter. This game has so, so much more content than vanilla WoW did it's staggering that we could be talking about this topic for this many pages, even if we grant MC and Onyxia.


That still isn't true. You could get in MC and there were mobs and bosses, it just wasn't itemized properly.

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i cant WAIT to see what this game is going to be like in 7 years. Yes it will last that long and continue to grow.


I can see something like 100 plus planets with a TON more dialogue and storylines with a TON more flashpoints..and ships..and space pvp.


good luck to the mmo that will try and catch up to TOR when it gets that big :p

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WoW had night and day.


Music all the time.


Mobs patrolling.

Lots of crafting materials to farm... consumables. Made you walk in the world. Since herbs for many kind of potions, Felwood consumables in an awsome ambient music etc. You even had fish to get in the RL winter and summer etc

Dungeons... you had to move in the world, travel.. find enemies.

No silly loads.


Well wow didnt had much. But it had immersion with bad graphics but with good colour, music and ambients.


SWTOR got nothing of this in 2012 and it still fails at other "simple" important stuff.... like good coding.


I bet Bioware started to dev this game by making story and maps. Then added the rest.

A sloppy combat system, sloppy world, sloppy weather... sloppy wild life. Sloppy NPC's.

Crap travel system.


This game is inferior to vanilla wow... just got better graphics.


No.. I don't play wow for many years. I'm just comparing 2 diferent vanilla flavours and I think I prefer the original version.



Why do so many people get stuff wrong when trying to use WoW to castigate SWTOR?


- WoW did not have weather out of the chute, or was it that it did but it worked so terribly it was removed. I forget. Anyway, weather didn't make it permanently until well after launch.


- SWTOR has patrolling mobs...


- SWTOR's crafting is disturbingly similar to WoWs. Funny that you mention Felwood, because if you were an weed puller, that's about the ONLY place you ever went to (unless you needed black lotus). I never had gatherer, but I bet even after not being in Felwood in years I could tell you where 90% of the herbs grow. So "exploring the world" doesn't really come into play.


- As for much of the rest of your beef, its off that you would mention those (traveling to dungeons, farming and such) were REMOVED in WoW. And while WoW didn't have load screens, it did have a 15 min flight...

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I never played vanilla WoW and from what I heard from friends who did I'm glad I didn't. I started with BC and quit when Cataclysm bored the heck outta me, but I can tell you this much. My first three hours of SW:TOR were way more fun then the first three hours I spent playing WoW (which was the more polished BC WoW even). If you think it's a bad game that's fine. If you think vanillia WoW was better (or even current WoW is better) that's great. But understand this, it's your option, NOT FACT. Here is a FACT for you though, no one cares what you think (or what I think for that matter).


My opinion is that this game is (so far) more is more fun then WoW has been for a long time and a personal FACT is that I have enjoyed my first three hours of SW:TOR more then WoW. This opinion and fact combined means the Bioware will make money from me as they have with virtually every title they've put out since Baldur's Gate and which they will continue to do with this game and their next RPG. I can't say the same for Blizzard (I've only paid for three of their titles) which no longer making money off of me nor ,for the foreseeable future, will again.


If you don't like this game that's fine. Disappear and go play something else or go play WoW or keep posting crap that one cares about. Rant away! No one cares and the only way people will care is if the naysayers outnumber the supporters and of course since you don't need to own or have actually played the game to post up here, there really is little to no weight behind your rant. Only the numbers of accounts will prove anything.

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of course since you don't need to own or have actually played the game to post up here, there really is little to no weight behind your rant. Only the numbers of accounts will prove anything.


Actually you do need an active account to post here.

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I got a question for all you "open world" whiners... how much of the "open world" in wow do you actually use? I highly doubt you use more then 10-20% of each zone to level up... I can level a character up in WoW to max level in under 4 days total time... I barly use 5% of each zone, infact I know alot of players no longer even use the open world or leveling zones they just que for BG's and Dungeons to level, they do nothing, the zone's in Swtor may seem linear but the truth is you have a reason to travel all thru the zone's and i'd have to say the zone's are as big if not larger then WoW zones
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WoW was a huge fail at release. Constant server crashes, queues of over a DAY, getting stuck looting and needing to relog every 10th time you looted something.


You do realize that this happened because despite the lag, despite being stuck in loot animations, despite knowing you may get kicked or the world itself my explode... people still kept trying to get in because the game had that kind of hold on people right from the start.


Its why despite the hardware failures in the beginning it went on to become the most popular MMO ever made by far, it is still in a league of its own.


And don't give me this crap about "no raids" Molten Core was there day 1, 40 people just didn't have the gear to get past the first 2 giants for a long time. Ony was there too, but she was key locked so it was hard to find people who had the key and the gear to even get past the guards.


A lot of you people sound like people who weren't there at launch but have only heard about it.

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