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Hey all fellow Marauders, I just made one, and I'm loving it.


I'm rank 21 in WZ now and I keep getting my a-- handed to me, I feel very squishy and I'm hoping that will change once I get some expertise. (that will change, yes?)


I've played end-game sniper and scoundrel while raiding 8man HM and 16man normals, but Marauder.. This class, even at level 26 feels very complicated to play and I have much more respect for the people that play them than any other - I hope to someday master this class :D


Anyway, respect to all of ya

Edited by Kagato_Muyo
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I feel very squishy and I'm hoping that will change once I get some expertise. (that will change, yes?)


Not really. You do get lots of tricks to stay alive, and if you learn to use them situationally you can do some fun stuff, but we are pretty much always SUPER squishy. On top of that, dual wield lightsabers is like a "kick me" sign in pvp; we get targeted fast.


You do more damage as you level and you get more tricks, so it definitely gets better in PVP as you get 40+. Never comes close to becoming easy though, this class is always full throttle.



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I gotta say once you get some gear (500+ expertise) and your champion or BM weapons the class becomes very very fun and thats when you really start to learn what marauders can do. I'm currently valor rank 61 (almost 62) and I'm def glad I stuck with it. Just like in any other MMO warriors are always very gear dependent but once you get the gear, damn we can wreck faces.


BTW anni at lvl 40+ is very fun if you can stay on your target and so is carnage if you want to be glass cannon but unkiteable.


As far as how advanced the class is, we have more abilities that we use on a regular basis than any other class I've played to 35+. Our defensive CDs are on use, which makes us reactive and not static (harder to be good at but far more powerful if you know what your doing)

Edited by XxWhigxX
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