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The real truth about faction imbalance (and is Republic rly that hugely impopular?)


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I read a lot of people yelling about faction imbalance, and how Empire vastly outnumber the Republic faction, people claiming the ratio is 1 to 4 or 1 to 5 all the time on all servers with like 4-5 times as many Empire players as Republic players etc.


I was curious, so I did some measuring the past 2 weeks on various moments of the day (on prime time but also outside of prime time).

These are the numbers I found while doing my ingame player counts:


(the figures between curved brackets are the number of L50 players of that faction)


Dune Bantha: 540 Republic (23), 520 Empire (28), a 1.04 to 1 ratio


Red Eclipse: 1560 Republic (445), 1550 Empire (428), a 1 to 1 ratio


Trask Ulgo: 1160 Republic (174), 1120 Empire (177), a 1.04 to 1 ratio


Ula Vii: 280 Republic (24), 540 Empire (73), a 1 to 1.9 ratio


Grandmaster Zym: 840 Republic (196), 1080 Empire (297), a 1 to 1.3 ratio


Lord Calypho: 1060 Republic (202), 1500 Empire (381), a 1 to 1.4 ratio


Freedom Nadd: 1570 Republic (572), 2160 Empire (819), a 1 to 1.4 ratio


Saber of Exar Kun: 270 Republic (49), 580 Empire (113), a 1 to 2.1 ratio


Ebon Hawk: 540 Republic (42), 460 Empire (39), a 1.2 to 1 ratio


Iron CItadel: 850 Republic (268), 1530 Empire (505), a 1 to 1.8 ratio


The Courageous: 440 Republic (8), 320 Empire (23), a 1.4 to 1 ratio


Fort Garnik: 290 Republic (3), 270 Empire (8), a 1.1 to 1 ratio


Krath: 730 Republic (52), 830 Empire (82), a 1 to 1.2 ratio


Crevasse CIty: 300 Republic (9), 260 Empire (13), a 1.2 to 1 ratio


The Progenitor: 1240 Republic (174), 1460 Empire (261), a 1 to 1.2 ratio



Ok, people, I get that these are merely 10-20 random servers and that there may be more extreme situations, and that on average the Empire players may be more eager and active for PvP and on some occasions may level a bit faster.

But come on: if these 10-20 servers together already don't show that disastrous and extreme a gap with a vastly outnumbered Republic faction, then when it comes to overall population I doubt the overall picture will show as extreme a faction imbalance as some people are making of it.

Edited by dyves
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And alliance still outnumber Horde in WoW (56% alliance and 44% horde) but people absolutely vehemently refuse to believe it. Mostly because the population isn't the problem, it's the activity, the horde are better at everything and do more of it. In this game we haven't had a chance to observe faction skill sets yet, but the Empire players are vastly more active and engaged.
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^ lol no offence just cause you say it dont make it so would like to see some other proof besides numbers you typed then ill be more willing to belive this 1.5 diffrence accrosed the board:)


Lol. Check it yourself: do an ingame player count on the servers I stated, do it several times during the day, on prime time, outside prime time, whatever. I doubt you'll find ratios that are 'magically' vastly different than the ones I posted for those servers.

But then again, that'd mean that you'd actively have to spend 10 minutes of your precious time doing actual measuring instead of baseless commenting that 'figures must be wrong! You lying!' and cling to your gut feeling 'faith'.


And mind you, a 1 to 1.5 isn't contradicted by those figures I found, only the ridiculous '1 to 4' and '1 to 5' faction imbalance exaggerations 'on all servers' that some people resort to.

You'll have servers where the factions are evenly balanced, some where the Republic faction is larger than the Empire faction, but also servers where the ratio is 1 to 2 in favor of Empire faction.

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And alliance still outnumber Horde in WoW (56% alliance and 44% horde) but people absolutely vehemently refuse to believe it. Mostly because the population isn't the problem, it's the activity, the horde are better at everything and do more of it. In this game we haven't had a chance to observe faction skill sets yet, but the Empire players are vastly more active and engaged.



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Something I noticed from your testing...


The more "light" sounding the name, the more Republic players there are. The "darker" the name, the more Imperials there are. It's not 100%, but there's definitely a trend there.

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Something I noticed from your testing...


The more "light" sounding the name, the more Republic players there are. The "darker" the name, the more Imperials there are. It's not 100%, but there's definitely a trend there.


I didn't put in the type of servers, but from what I could determine, the Republic faction generally is larger on the PvE and RP servers. The times that the Republic faction had the largest counted population on a server and not the Empire was always on PvE servers.

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I didn't put in the type of servers, but from what I could determine, the Republic faction generally is larger on the PvE and RP servers. The times that the Republic faction had the largest counted population on a server and not the Empire was always on PvE servers.


I like to call it the WoW phenomenon. The Horde (at least early on) were always better at PvP than the Alliance. A lot of people came into this game expecting exactly the same thing, so they went Empire hoping to get on on the "best" PvP faction.


Just my observations. Take from it what you will.

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Come to Jung Ma if you want a good sized Republic community. Even in pvp Illum they outnumber the Empire a lot of times.


Ah, I forgot, I measured that one too: 1120 Republic and 1580 Empire when I did my ingame counting.

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How do you exactly measure those numbers?


In the game you have a 'Who' tab.

It'll only show 100 finds maximum, so you have to narrow it down.

Best way to narrow it down is by level and class, if you do by area there's a larger margin of error since people keep traveling between areas all the time.


So, what you do is selections like this:

1-10 => number of players from L1 to L10

50 sorcerer => the number of L50 sorcerers

50 jedi => the number of L50 jedi class players

50 scoundrel gunslinger => the number of scoundrel and gunslinger players at L50


Then you add them all up, and you'll have the number of players from your faction that at that moment are logged in. Do it for both factions, and you'll have the total amount of players that are logged in on that server at that time. It won't take any longer than 5-10 minutes to be finished with the ingame player count.



That's good information. I doubt it will help anything as QQers will continue to QQ, but it's nice information to have out there. Good work.


Thanks :) And yeah, true, but at least now solid data is out there for those who're interested in them instead of in gut feeling speculation and dramaqueening.

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Easy way to check this, just go to Reb fleet, then the Empire fleet. You can sit and spit out numbers of some random servers but when you see the differences in fleet for each side you'll notice a big difference. Check Sanctum of the Exalted reb, then Lord Adraas empire.


I wonder if your choice of servers was "random" or just some way to push your own agenda.

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Easy way to check this, just go to Reb fleet, then the Empire fleet. You can sit and spit out numbers of some random servers but when you see the differences in fleet for each side you'll notice a big difference. Check Sanctum of the Exalted reb, then Lord Adraas empire.


I wonder if your choice of servers was "random" or just some way to push your own agenda.


They were random, I just picked a number US, EU, RP, PvP, PvE, and some that other people mentioned, to check if what they were saying was true. For example an Iron Citadel that someone was saying had a low population of only a few 100 at peak time logged in - who did the same as you're suggesting btw, counting 2-3 areas or so before their major conclusion- yet when I checked it it had 2400 players logged in at prime time.

The faction ratios wasn't what I was after, I was after population numbers, but I got that info at the same time.


Then again, you'll always have people like you who are too lazy to do their own factchecking and searching for objective data, but who're all too eager to insult others of pushing an agenda when they don't like the facts. Often it's those people themselves that have an agenda, and they simply don't like facts that disagree with that agenda.

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I like to call it the WoW phenomenon. The Horde (at least early on) were always better at PvP than the Alliance. A lot of people came into this game expecting exactly the same thing, so they went Empire hoping to get on on the "best" PvP faction.


Just my observations. Take from it what you will.


The intersting thing about that is that the Horde racial abilities were geared better towards PvP (Orc stun resistance, Will of the Forsaken), while Alliance racials were better for PvE (Human's Diplomacy, Night Elf dodge).


In this game, the racials mean absolute crap and for the most part the differences are just cosmetic.

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Ah, I forgot, I measured that one too: 1120 Republic and 1580 Empire when I did my ingame counting.


I have been checking that one a lot lately while trying to decide on which RP-PVP server to play. Jung Ma is usually 60% Empire - 40% Republic, and when I check Ium, it's usually 2 to 1 like 34 to 17 in favor of empire. The percentages match up almost exactly with Ajunta Pall, only Ajunta Pall has a higher population.

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I never had a doubt that it was closer on alot of servers then people think


I am going to give a shot on my server today around 9pm est and see what I com up with. I am pretty sure it is 2 to 1 or more for empire and having played characters on both sides to 50 and noticing I play 90% huttball vs other empire team when I play my sith and neverplaying huttball on my republic I am pretty certain but I'll see for sure


I know ilum has times where it is pretty even out there

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Mind Trick seems very evenly balanced when it comes to PVP. I'd say I'm about 50% win/loss on that server. I haven't done a count, but I've never won 20 times in a row or lost 20 times in a row. Some nights are better than others, depending on who is on, though.


So for people looking for even wins to losses, you might try Mind Trick.

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^ lol no offence just cause you say it dont make it so would like to see some other proof besides numbers you typed then ill be more willing to belive this 1.5 diffrence accrosed the board:)

Sure he could lie about it, but I doubt it. He wouldn't get anything from it.


I for one thank you, I may actually roll on another server to have more Group content.

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Haven't played on the Empire side so I can't say if my server is balanced or not.

My biggest issue is with the population in general. The world use to be full of people but after the 30 days the population dropped off a cliff.


Look at your average population count. Then divide by the number of planets/places they can all be spread out on and you're lucky to have 30 people per planet. Then there are several regions on each planet. Everyone on their own stages of quest lines...good luck getting a 4 man.

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When President Obama won his election on a landslide, it was 53% to 47% on the popular vote. When we're dealing with total numbers in the millions, a 1.5:1 ratio is a disaster. Also, most of the 3:1, 5:1 and other extremes were numbers in ilum the first few weeks people hit 50. I'm sure that wasn't the case for all servers, but enough were afflicted with this imbalance. Overall population? Perhaps it was never that bad. But max level disparity was definitely there.
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