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Why the arrogance of healers?


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how hard is it to tab target and throw your insta cast DoT on 6-7 people?


It's very easy. It is bad in a close match however, those resources or global cooldowns you spent on dpsing could have been used much better.


I don't whine since most matches are decided in the first minute and after that it's just trying to get medals, and I usually get 7-8 medals, but that means I do spend more than half the time dpsing. Which is weird, since I'm fully heal specced.


It's just counterintuitive and in most cases bad for a healer to focus on damage. In 2v2 situations etc it's probably a good idea but in 5v5 when you're the only healer doing damage means the guy who's being focussed will die within seconds, someone who probably does more damage than you.

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Um... because they keep your ungratefull self Alive


Actually, that's kinda rare. I vote for the person I feel helped most, besides myself for obvious reasons. There are times when that person is a healer, but many times my reaction is "***, we had a healer?".

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people are crying because they're doing 900k healing and 2500 damage in a match and not getting medals because all you're doing is sitting there spamming your heals.


how hard is it to tab target and throw your insta cast DoT on 6-7 people?


Because all healers are Sorcerers/Sages, right? And in a really close match, they definitely have the energy/GCD to spare just to tag an enemy. Usually I spend the last half of the match getting focused really hard by the enemy team. Sometimes, I get slammed from the very beginning. It's not always easy to keep yourself up through getting focused, while trying to keep your whole team up, as well. If the enemy team is any good at all, you sometimes just can't spare a lot of GCDs to use your damaging abilities if you are truly playing to win.


Look, if someone does that much healing and that little damage, it's most likely because the team needed a LOT of healing and the healer couldn't spare the GCDs/energy to make sure they got their DPS medals knocked out. Sure, healers can earn DPS medals....As long as the match is relatively easy. I guess they could also just stop healing once they have their healing medals taken care of so they can farm medals.....As long as they don't care about winning.

Edited by belialle
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but that means I do spend more than half the time dpsing. Which is weird, since I'm fully heal specced.


It isn't weird, it's broken.


I find myself doing the same also, and for what? Half the damage I had healing despite spending most of the match DPSing for medals.


Anyone who argues that's a good system is either:


1) stupid

2) hates healers because he's bad and can't kill them

3) ignorant

4) a tank who doesn't want others being competitive for valor gain

5) hates healers because he's bad and they never heal him

Edited by Jooji
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It's an MMO culture thing; depends on how long you've been playing, which games you used to play, etc. In older class-based games, healing classes couldn't do much EXCEPT heal and it was honestly a sacrifice (your personal fun for the team's success) vs. playing a DPS and getting to sneak around/melt face/use a lot more abilities/solo (yes, in older games some classes could not solo even garbage mobs their level).


Nowadays healing classes always have tons of utility outside of just making other players' red bars get bigger, so they're not really any more or less played than other classes.


But the "MVP Entitlement Brigade", I think, is healers that still remember the old days and think people should respect them more just for playing a particular role. In this game, I don't agree, but I do empathize with how they came to that mistaken conclusion.


(Sage healer here.)

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Actually, that's kinda rare. I vote for the person I feel helped most, besides myself for obvious reasons. There are times when that person is a healer, but many times my reaction is "***, we had a healer?".




A healer keeps "your *** alive" when they feel like it. Just like I peel off of healers and "keep their *** alive" when I feel like it.


You are not special. You are not performing a duty that the next person down couldn't pick up your class and perform. You are not winning the match by virtue of your heals alone. These are things that most healers should know, but very few actually do, it's part of the "I'm a special snowflake" package that most *DEDICATED* healers seem to have regardless of the MMO you're playing.

Edited by Celebrus
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Other medals (10 kills, 25 kills, 1 solo kill, 1 final blow) are shared across all 3 archetypes. A healer can pick them up just as easily as a dps


This is incorrect, and it's the crux of the problem. As a DPS or tank, you're spending most of your GCD's targeting the other side and doing damage. As a healer, you spend most of your GCD's targeting allies or yourself, healing or cleansing. You have to undertake additional activities to get the 'kill stuff' medals. This is not a matter of laziness, but making the best use of your necessarily limited resources (time and focus/ ammo/ heat/ energy).


Getting the 10 kills is nonetheless easy, if you do spend some resources and time tagging enemies. Note, this does little to help kill them, and it takes away from healing time. Still, tossing the odd grenade is not going to make your side lose.


Getting the 25 kills and 75k medals means you're spending significant time (resource/ GCD's) on tagging enemies instead of healing. This is possible, but it's detrimental to your team. Most of the time, you're better off keeping your friends alive. Keeping them in the fight (heals/ cleanses) adds more damage than you switching targets to toss off some piddly, un-talented damage skill.


The solo kill is *very* hard for healers. Most of us have bollocks DPS. The odds of killing someone before an ally comes in to help are low.


In the 1 - 49 bracket, I think most healers are better off speccing and playing as hybrids. That maximizes medal count. In the 50 bracket, you're better off making sure your team wins. Completing the daily/ weekly quest for bags is more important than going from 4 medals to 7.

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It's an MMO culture thing; depends on how long you've been playing, which games you used to play, etc. In older class-based games, healing classes couldn't do much EXCEPT heal and it was honestly a sacrifice (your personal fun for the team's success) vs. playing a DPS and getting to sneak around/melt face/use a lot more abilities/solo (yes, in older games some classes could not solo even garbage mobs their level).


Nowadays healing classes always have tons of utility outside of just making other players' red bars get bigger, so they're not really any more or less played than other classes.


But the "MVP Entitlement Brigade", I think, is healers that still remember the old days and think people should respect them more just for playing a particular role. In this game, I don't agree, but I do empathize with how they came to that mistaken conclusion.


(Sage healer here.)


I think this is spot on. If you healed in early MMO's, you were giving up any chance of playing solo. In addition, your gameplay consisted of clicking little green bars. You barely knew what raid bosses even looked like, as you never had a chance to see them ;)


Most games have evolved healing into a much more interactive gameplay style. Warhammer and Age of Conan have some particularly great healer archetypes. We've come a long way from the infuriating monotony of the Complete Heal Chain. Ugh.


Anybody who acts like an arrogant, elitist jerk in today's MMO's is reflecting defects in their upbringing, not their choice of ingame avatar.

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As a healer, I'd like to share my experience. I play a scoundrel healer, and I think I may be the squishiest class around. When I'm in a warzone, I am in a state of complete and utter panic. I stay as close as I can to a big group of people and I KEEP THEM ALIVE as best I can. Because if I don't, I'm next and I know it.


I can DPS, but I'm not built for it. I will lose any one on one fight. My job is to make sure you, the tank and DPS, can take on three people at once because I can burst heal like you wouldn't believe.


I don't want seem arrogant, but if you just came from 10% health against 2 sith, then suddenly are at 75% and winning, please try to remember me during the MVP vote. Because if I'm healing you, I probably have noticed you, think you're important and good enough to win outmanned, and am giving you my MVP vote anyways. Just return the favor.


Fantastic post. As an IA-Operative healer in the 50 bracket, the view is *exactly* the same ;)

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A tank puts a passive skill on someone and then spams attacks to get medals

A dps just spams attacks to get medals

A healer has to spam attacks AND heals to get the same medals.


Easy enough done but as you can see tanks and dps have it easier since they dont have to do 2 roles to get the medals.

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I love this idea. I agree. I'm going to really try in this game. I'm going to heal until I get the 75k medal and the 2.5k healing medal. After that its full on DPS baby!


Sure my teamates will die because I stopped healing but that's there fault for taking damage.


If DPS were truly good at this game, they'd kill their enemy before they die anyway.


Healers, you heard me, let's get really good at this game and just stop healing after 75k. Anything beyond that is just faceroll right? :rolleyes:


Thats exactly my point. You can get just as many medals as a tank and more than a pure dps class but you choose not to and then complain about it.

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A tank puts a passive skill on someone and then spams attacks to get medals

A dps just spams attacks to get medals

A healer has to spam attacks AND heals to get the same medals.


Easy enough done but as you can see tanks and dps have it easier since they dont have to do 2 roles to get the medals.


Nah just spam your raid buff every so often so you tag the people your teammates are currently attacking ;)

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I would be much happier if healers didn't exist at all!


Hey, some people like the playstyle. :mad:



In the past, I was only ever interested in tanking, and I dabbled in healing here and there. For this game, I've gotten into healing. DPS classes are usually just boring to me. The only exceptions I can think of off the top of my head are the WoW rogue, the FFXI Thief, and the LoTRO Burglar (I'm detecting a theme here). They were pretty fun, interesting classes. But I still prefer tank/heals.

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We are arrogant because we are rare and special flowers, bedded on a sea of mediocre mucky muck. We bring the light and beauty into the a galaxy of primitive instinct. And do this with the grace of a butterfly, by floating above the battfield with supernatural oversight over the wellbeing of our devoted followers. Who, after seeing my name in bright green letter giving them hope in the face of doom and death, happily promote me to MVP time and time again.


I am special.

You are just an exchangeable peon.


I think that sums it up beautifully.

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We are arrogant because we are rare and special flowers, bedded on a sea of mediocre mucky muck. We bring the light and beauty into the a galaxy of primitive instinct. And do this with the grace of a butterfly, by floating above the battfield with supernatural oversight over the wellbeing of our devoted followers. Who, after seeing my name in bright green letter giving them hope in the face of doom and death, happily promote me to MVP time and time again.


I am special.

You are just an exchangeable peon.

Loved this so much.

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It is on par, though.


DPS get a medal for 2.5k hit, 5k hit, 75k damage dealt, 300k damage dealt -- > 4 medals.


Healers get a medal for 2.5k healed, 5k healed, 75k healed, 300k healed -- > 4 medals.


Tanks get 5k, 10k, 50k protection (and I believe an additional one for "protection in one life") -- > around 4 medals too.


Perfect parity.


Other medals (10 kills, 25 kills, 1 solo kill, 1 final blow) are shared across all 3 archetypes. A healer can pick them up just as easily as a dps (more easily in case with 10/25 kills because a healer is harder to kill, thus he has more uptime in which to get those kills). A solo kill for a healer is arguably easier than a solo kill for a tank.


Those healers who want to tunnel vision and heal the team ONLY get only 4 medals. Those that want to diversify and medal farm can easily get 10 medals per game. Guess what, a pure dps class like Marauder can only get 5-6 medals per game too, unless he goes out of his way to medal farm (in which case he can get 7-8 maybe).


you obviously have no clue


If your healing your not doing damage, if you cant do damage then your not going to get any kills.


A healer specced healer doesnt do much damage either, needs to keep their force for heals also.


Also unlike DPS healing doesnt count towards another players death, so we cant kill people and get our 4 medals like a DPS can get their 4 damage medals whilst getting kills.


Not sure how easy it is for tank to get their 4 protection medals and kill but i am assuming its easier than healing.


In saying that, I am a healer and dont think we deserve MVP or ask for it, its up to the players who they want to give their MVP vote to just like i can do what i like with my one. I never have asked to be voted MVP.


I think the medal system is pretty fair but it does penalise a healer who actually cares more about keeping his team alive than getting as many medals as possible.


Also a good team will usually gank the healers as it makes taking the rest of the team out easier, unless of course their healer isnt doing their job and cares more about healing himself (which would mean he would get his 4 heal medals likely) and DPSing/killing other players to bother healing his team effectively.

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It is on par, though.


DPS get a medal for 2.5k hit, 5k hit, 75k damage dealt, 300k damage dealt -- > 4 medals.


Healers get a medal for 2.5k healed, 5k healed, 75k healed, 300k healed -- > 4 medals.


Tanks get 5k, 10k, 50k protection (and I believe an additional one for "protection in one life") -- > around 4 medals too.


Perfect parity.


Other medals (10 kills, 25 kills, 1 solo kill, 1 final blow) are shared across all 3 archetypes. A healer can pick them up just as easily as a dps (more easily in case with 10/25 kills because a healer is harder to kill, thus he has more uptime in which to get those kills). A solo kill for a healer is arguably easier than a solo kill for a tank.


Those healers who want to tunnel vision and heal the team ONLY get only 4 medals. Those that want to diversify and medal farm can easily get 10 medals per game. Guess what, a pure dps class like Marauder can only get 5-6 medals per game too, unless he goes out of his way to medal farm (in which case he can get 7-8 maybe).


You are so bad just like the rest of the casuals. If we steamroll the other team and they let me farm medals without getting 6 goals before the game is over than I will get at most 7 medals. If it's a tough match and I have to focus on healing than I'll get 5-6 and if we rush a win or a lost than I'll get 4.


The other 3 people in my group always ends up with 7-10 medals including a tank! There's almost no time to dps in the other 2 maps and most game only have 1-2 healers at most. I'm usually the only healer with 300-500k healing per game while every one else who heals is less than 150k or less.


In the end, you win because of us. PvP healing is boring as **** and that's why there's very few people who do it in WZ. I always see people vote for whoever does the most dmg or the person with the most medal when it's always the "good" healers that carry the team. You're welcome, now vote for us.

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