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Leveling Diplomacy


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I read the sticky but still have some questions:


1. Do you care about the LS/DS points while leveling up Diplomacy? I just did DS missions but it takes forever since there are never enough to send all companions.


2. Should I do Yellow or Orange missions?


3. What are the purple missions in the AH for? Do I have to buy them to get certain loot?



Edited by karcyon
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I'm going mostly LS missions, and levelling UT when there aren't enough.


I've had some success with yellow missions, but orange ones fail a lot, so I've stopped using those.


The mission discoveries are one-use items that give you a lot of returns, they're like one level above 'Rich'. However, they -can- be failed, so it's generally not worth doing them as soon as you can get them. Wait until your crafting score is quite a bit higher.

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I read the sticky but still have some questions:


1. Do you care about the LS/DS points while leveling up Diplomacy? I just did DS missions but it takes forever since there are never enough to send all companions.


2. Should I do Yellow or Orange missions?


3. What are the purple missions in the AH for? Do I have to buy them to get certain loot?




!. Personally no. I already "gimped" myself by choosing what I thought my character would say in conversations and sometimes get LS points for it. So while lvling Diplomacy I went first for what mission had what I wanted at the time (samples or gifts etc), then for the yield. (Moderate succeeds the most then Abundant etc). The alignment was the last factor for me.


2. I often do yellow missions but I avoid orange because they typically cost more and the output has been the same imo.


3. The purple missions get you the Wealthy yields etc and are combined. So you'd get items from every type of mission all at once: Gifts and ingredients. I haven't had someone fail one yet so I ADORE the purple missions.

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!. Personally no. I already "gimped" myself by choosing what I thought my character would say in conversations and sometimes get LS points for it. So while lvling Diplomacy I went first for what mission had what I wanted at the time (samples or gifts etc), then for the yield. (Moderate succeeds the most then Abundant etc). The alignment was the last factor for me.


2. I often do yellow missions but I avoid orange because they typically cost more and the output has been the same imo.


3. The purple missions get you the Wealthy yields etc and are combined. So you'd get items from every type of mission all at once: Gifts and ingredients. I haven't had someone fail one yet so I ADORE the purple missions.


As soon as you spend 20k on a max level purple mission from the GTN, send your companion out for 2.5 hours to complete it at a cost of 3k, and he comes back empty handed, you won't like them as much then.


I found that just doing the normal missions with the highest yield got me enough of the purple mats that I needed, but if I did need a certain amount of purple medical supplies I might go with a purple mission to get it since it is guaranteed. It just really sucks when they fail.

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!. Personally no. I already "gimped" myself by choosing what I thought my character would say in conversations and sometimes get LS points for it. So while lvling Diplomacy I went first for what mission had what I wanted at the time (samples or gifts etc), then for the yield. (Moderate succeeds the most then Abundant etc). The alignment was the last factor for me.


2. I often do yellow missions but I avoid orange because they typically cost more and the output has been the same imo.


3. The purple missions get you the Wealthy yields etc and are combined. So you'd get items from every type of mission all at once: Gifts and ingredients. I haven't had someone fail one yet so I ADORE the purple missions.


Dont worry about LS or DS options...once you reach the max level of one(10,000)...all points in the other will disappear. Getting points in one area than the other only takes you longer to reach max level. You are not "gimped".


Also, remember that different companions have bonuses that may make them better at Diplomacy. Their individual affection levels will also make them better at doing higher level missions. Use companions with high affection levels when taking on harder (red or yellow) missions to increase success rate.

Edited by StrandtheMan
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As soon as you spend 20k on a max level purple mission from the GTN, send your companion out for 2.5 hours to complete it at a cost of 3k, and he comes back empty handed, you won't like them as much then.


I found that just doing the normal missions with the highest yield got me enough of the purple mats that I needed, but if I did need a certain amount of purple medical supplies I might go with a purple mission to get it since it is guaranteed. It just really sucks when they fail.


I suppose that if I had to buy my missions I'd feel that way. As my guild is full of crafting (or in this game Crewskill) enthusiasts, I don't have to. All of us share missions we don't need at the time. I've got 5 - 340 missions sitting in my bank waiting to be used because of this. As I don't have a high lvl UT, I send those to others in my guild etc.


I don't know if it's because my companions (except for my droid and my newest) have max or near max affection but I haven't yet had a failure at one of the special missions.



Dont worry about LS or DS options...once you reach the max level of one(10,000)...all points in the other will disappear. Getting points in one area than the other only takes you longer to reach max level. You are not "gimped".


Also, remember that different companions have bonuses that may make them better at Diplomacy. Their individual affection levels will also make them better at doing higher level missions. Use companions with high affection levels when taking on harder (red or yellow) missions to increase success rate.


That's why I put it quotations :p I know that eventually I'll have Dark V, I just don't worry about getting there fast. And yeah, as I replied to the other poster, I haven't had failures I think for that very reason. =)

Edited by DarthMarisa
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They don't disappear, you have to unearn them. Of course, all light V got me was a pretty title. Once I get a higher level, Ill be able to get a bigger END boost (wooptie- Im a healer:P)


With diplomacy, it doesn't take long to unearn the points. It took me about 2 days to get rid of all the dark side points I had. I was at light IV, with 10k light side points until the last dark point was gone. Then the funky decimals disappeared:)

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Thanks for answering. But do I need to buy those purple missions at one point? Because I already get purple items like Miracle Fluid from the normal missions.


buy them now, if still cheap, after 1.1.2 these 340 missions will be pretty expensive

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I suppose that if I had to buy my missions I'd feel that way. As my guild is full of crafting (or in this game Crewskill) enthusiasts, I don't have to. All of us share missions we don't need at the time. I've got 5 - 340 missions sitting in my bank waiting to be used because of this. As I don't have a high lvl UT, I send those to others in my guild etc.


I don't know if it's because my companions (except for my droid and my newest) have max or near max affection but I haven't yet had a failure at one of the special missions.





That's why I put it quotations :p I know that eventually I'll have Dark V, I just don't worry about getting there fast. And yeah, as I replied to the other poster, I haven't had failures I think for that very reason. =)


affection does not effect success, only time it takes.

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