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1st Annual Super User Award COPYWRITE


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Hello everyone!


You all know me from my activity on behalf of the community. I'm really settling in here and also really knowledgeable about the game (if you need any help :cool:)


Now, one would like to extent the level of the community LEVEL UP haha so lets have the "1st Annual Super User Award" (i've copywrited this phrase, so please credit back here :cool:)



Nominate a user whos really enhances you're expeirence on the game and the forum. I wil ltally up the results and let the winner know here (no prizes) *


I nominate myself. Other enties, list 'em below, you wamprats! :cool:



* Sorry BIOWARE!

Edited by marine_turtle
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I don't know you...


You must be new here. :cool: Ask around, my name is known on most of the forum. Mostly cos I excel at interaction and help with new players. My posts regually draw in over 1k views. (my guild call me "The Kingmaker")


Do you want to nominate anyone (hint hint)?

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I am quite astounded on how badly you're trying to make a name for yourself on here, especially after looking at your other 79 posts (at the time of writing). But that's just my personal opinion so please don't take it as an insult or anything.
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I am quite astounded on how badly you're trying to make a name for yourself on here, especially after looking at your other 79 posts (at the time of writing). But that's just my personal opinion so please don't take it as an insult or anything.


You should really show more respect to the communities more senior members, kiddo.


I won;t report you this time, but pelase think before you type though and concider this a friendly warning. I expect more.

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You should really show more respect to the communities more senior members, kiddo.


I won;t report you this time, but pelase think before you type though and concider this a friendly warning. I expect more.



Wouldn't class you as a senior member, maybe senior forum spammer.

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Just an FYI, you cannot copyright a name, phrase or title. Those require a trademark . . . copyrights protect things such as intellectual property, literary works, art, etc.


please stay on topic. i meant the interlectual copywrite! it's a great idea, dont you think?


The closest thing to 'intellectual copyright' is a patent. I don't think you can patent a Super User Award either.


I'm actually at college atm, so i think i'm in the best position to judge, mr! haha anyways, get on topic!


who's you're Super User, Heliotic?


As I mentioned, names, phrases and titles fall under trademark rather than copyright:


Names, titles, short phrases, and slogans are not copyrightable. You may have protection under the federal trademark laws.


As far as on-topic?


I think the idea is a good one, however the idea and the thread really ought to be in the "Community" section of these forums--maybe see if a mod would move it for you or start a new one. It is off-topic for the customer service section.

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You should really show more respect to the communities more senior members, kiddo.


I won;t report you this time, but pelase think before you type though and concider this a friendly warning. I expect more.


To stay on-topic: They idea is a good one, no mistake about that. But indeed it seems to be in the wrong section of the forum.


Off-topic: I am just saying how appalled (can't think of another word atm) I personally am by how badly you're trying to push yourself forward. If anything, it's probably back-firing at you because people may interpreted it as your ego being the size of a mountain. I think if you're a bit more humble people will probably vote for you more.


edit: Didn't see your post mentioning the other section you posted it in at the time I wrote this

Edited by Y-Yorle
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What were you going to report him for? This whole Thread is pointless. If you want to help, go help out at your local dog trust.... or pick some littler up.


They might vote for you if you give them this address.



Edited by Jogalot
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