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Sorc vs Merc Healing


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I play a Sniper main, and now that I almost reached battlemaster, I feel like rolling a healer.

I can't decide whether to roll sorc or merc.


I like the look of BH, but I hear people complaining constantly that mercs healers are worthless and sorc is better blahblah:words:. Is there any truth in this, or are they just scrubs?


What do Sorcs have that BH doesn't?


There must be a reason why sorcs are FOTM atm

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Sorcs have more utility, easier to manage resource pool and much better AoE healing. It doesn't mean that Mercs are worthless though, far from it. In the end Bioware will balance it, such as I'm totally expecting Revivification (Sorc AoE heal) to get nerfed.


Play whichever you prefer :)

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from what i hear healing goes sorc>merc>op


yeah this is in my opinion the order of the healers, while BH are really strong in single target heals, they need a little tweeking to their resource system and making aoe kolto bomb affect more than 3 targets.

While I havent played operative lvl 50, still leveling my up, it is obvious they need a little more love then the BH.

And before anyone says different classes are good in different "areas", sorc are currently better in every "areas"

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I personaly like the bubble that Sorc get. I know a lot of you have mentioned AOE heals but if you are in a situation where you need to get one target up fast its nice to be able to pop the bubble on them first and then go to work with the heals.


I don't have a BH healer but I have a trooper healer and they just don't seem to have the resources to keep up with a Sorc type healer.

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I say it comes down to what you want to do. Yes, Sorc is typically a better healer and every group needs 1.


BH is pretty strong because of the heavy armor and decent HP. I am generally able to take a beating from a variety of mobs without stressing too much. I love Merc Bodygaurd for PVP. PVE I can hold my own. I just wish the missle was a "smart heal" and only healed people who needed health.


OPs have more dots and more mobility.


Overall, I dont think there is a WRONG answer, but Sorc is pretty strong.

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I wouldn't say that the sorc healer is so much stronger than the merc healer. Sure, his group heal is pretty nice but if you know how to play your bounty hunter you should be able to heal on a par with the sorc. It's just a little harder to play. It also should be noted that bounty hunters are great at healing while running (rapid shots, emergency scan, kolto overload, kolto missile, kolto shell). Very useful when it comes to encounters where a lot of movement is needed.
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From a healing point of view, Sorcerer is 10x better than BH.

You could argue that BH wears heavy armor and is, therefore, less squishy.. but that's not the point.


My g/f recently went from healer/dps sorc build to full healer: it's ridiculously effective. We have a very good Bodyguard on our server and everytime I team with him for arenas he can keep me up.. but not as much as a Sorcerer.

Not to mention the AoE healing they can do, which is amazing.

And the damage bubble.

And let's not forget their Force bar is much easier to manage than our heat.


As far as I'm concerned, sorcerer is by far the best healer, though I have to admit I've never teamed with a healer operative (do they even exist?) so I can't comment on those.

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purely a situational question


ops are about HOTS so they cannot "pick you up quick"


sorc are great aoe heals and very consistant


merc is single target and can burst heal best (using instant cooldowns)


I know most about the merc healing as i leveled with one (there were 4 BH in my leveling group, was fun)


they buff all healing for 7 seconds by 100%... THIS IS HUGE... it benefits all healers in the raid.


if we are talking multiple healer groups then you need a mix, solo healers i would pick sorc then BH then op but all three have gotten me through everything we have come across except the first boss in D7 ... that damn fight has ruined every healer except a good sorc that i have come across, what a dumb fight.

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Im currently a lvl 38 merc healer, I find the heals strong as hell when healing single targets but if at any point your group stands in an AOE its pretty much game over. AOE healing is the only real let down with this class, and while we all QQ about it, i dont think Swtor creators wanted all healers to be so evenly matched like Blizz did in wow, no class has weaknesses.

But i find the best thing about merc heals is their survivability.... one of the most important aspects of all 3 war zones is living, whether its to stop caps, stop bomb plants or carry the ball, so throwing kolto shell on yourself, popping sheild, shoot yourself with kolto missile and spam healing yourself while annoying the hell outta the republic with knock backs, stuns and stopping caps with rapid shots you can be a extremely annoying player and live forever.

other things to mention.... death from above is still insane as a healer, if you have 30 stacks of supercharged gases use it and shoot a missile on yourself/others to get the 10% dmg reduction and as i said im only 38 so im yet to get Emergency Scan ,the big instant heal you get at 40, which i can only presume will increase your survivability.


sorry about the poor spelling, and im very bias as i've never played a sorc healer.... but i even as a lvl 38 i can get 350k healing and they cant :eek: .....


regards Haylea (swiftsure)

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I think the sorc has two main advantages:

- Sprint

- Bubble (multiple times)


I can't imagine how the devs expect ranked warzones to work with all those sorcerers now. The sprint gives you a HUGE advantage in huttball, the merc has NO mobility compared to a sorc.

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people are missing a few things




-Bubble (does the same as a Dark infusion heal, 2.5-3k roughly)


-Extracation (lifegrip)

-30m Stun

-30m Interupt

-30m 8sec CC





-No Rescource cooldowns




-Self Shield (10 seconds of no interupting and 25% less damage recieved)

-Heavy Armour (every person I know of all damage classes rate BH as the hardest target to kill 1v1)

-Strong single target heals

-Healing on the move (It's not much, but something)

-Rescource cool down

-Instant heal Cooldown


-30m 8sec CC

-30m Stun



-none of the mobility of a sorc



Each class is good and bad in different situations, i prefer my sorc of my two though as i end up playing a lot of huttball

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I find it funny that you put "stun" on your list, cause everybody has a stun...


If you play Imp and want to specc healer play a sorcerer and forget the merc. You can thank me later.



You will play A LOT of huttball, thus movement is fundamental

(Sprint - aka "Run through Fire")


Moreover , sorcerer is one of the best and most painful dmg dealers.


There is a damn good reason why the majority is rolling a lightning gun.

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Its hard to compare, cause all 3 healers play completely differently. Sorcs make nice healers, and their oh god skill is probably better then the merc one.


Play a merc healer myself, and with 40% crit and 80% surge my normal heal crits for 5k, and those can go out every 1.3 secs. burst heal potential of merc is great, can keep a tank alive through just about anything, and when you burst, pop some CD's and 2 minutes later you can do it again. Resourcemanagement is crucial though. But when you do that well, you dont run any risk of running out of resources etc. Personally I love playing one, they are hard work, especially when multiple people start taking damage, since your 1 aoe heal aint that hot.


Basically for a raid, I would go with merc and sorc, merc for main tank healing, sorc for group heal and emergency healing.


Operatives, well just dont get those, they got great HOTs but well they dont heal enough for main healing, and most off healing requires big heals and not HOT's so maybe I just dont get it, but really dont see their strength. Maybe as 3rd in 16man.

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My main and only lvl 50 char is a Bodyguard Merc. Since i have not personally played a sorc i cannot comment on whether he is much better in healing than bodyguard.


The only fact that i can see is that the sorc definitely has more utility and brings more stuff to a raid/wz in comparison to a merc.


On the other hand i definitely don't feel that my merc is underpowered in any regard. The main issue is that if you f@ck up and don't plan ahead of the situation and mess up your resources its pretty much a pain, but like i said its not something that should happen if u know your class well and can plan ahead of things.


One last thing i can say but may not mean much is that for example on a raid like 10 days ago with an 8 man team on the first boss on Karaggas palace bonethracer on sorc healer dced and i soloed healing the encounter pretty easy on my own. Yes we where overgearing the encounter pretty much and yes as i said this doesn't say much but at least to me this is not something that an underpowered class can do.


Bottom line its down to personal taste and at least for me i really like the playstyle of my merc and also at the moment the content is a bit easy so if you have a competitive group it doesn't really matter on who you bring to heal. For pvp though i think that the sorc would be better because of the increased mobility and utility especially in huttball.

Edited by Lordkonst
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Just wanted to make a defensive statement for the Operative Healer, as it gets no love. Just like the Merc, it needs to plan ahead but the main advantage he has is that he can heal for forever.


With a mobile, instant heal that can be spammable on targets below 30% health, an agent can reliably keep a tank alive when he's under heavy fire. Furthermore, the agent has the possibility to heal for almost forever when resources are decently managed.


That being said, Sorc healing is easy-street but I like Merc/Trooper mechanics more.

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What I think Bioware had in mind and what our guild has done is Sorc/Merc combo. Myself and another Guildmaster are an unstoppable combo, with his AOE heals and my burst, our groups are untouchable. Just my 2 cents.
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I find it funny that you put "stun" on your list, cause everybody has a stun...


If you play Imp and want to specc healer play a sorcerer and forget the merc. You can thank me later.



You will play A LOT of huttball, thus movement is fundamental

(Sprint - aka "Run through Fire")


Moreover , sorcerer is one of the best and most painful dmg dealers.


There is a damn good reason why the majority is rolling a lightning gun.


And what happens when a month down the road things get adjusted? Those same people who rushed to re-roll sorc will be here crying.


How is it that people STILL dont understand that MMOs are about constant change. Yes, right now Sorcs are easy mode, but there is NOTHING in the game that cant be healed with a Op/Scoundrel or Merc/Commando.


Play what you like...or keep chasing what is best atm. Some people like constantly re-rolling to FOTM. If that is what you enjoy, then by all means do.

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