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"You can't make a MMO without wilderness"


That's what I think when I played on Dromund Kass and Alderan. Why is there wilderness creeping right up to the industrialized cities?


According to the lore it seems these places have been populated for 1000's of years!


I posted this lore, but my problem is just really in the conceptual design. Sparse jungles should not be right outside the Empire's main city. Rolling plains of killing ant men should not be 100 yards outside of royal palaces.




It comes off as goofy and videogamey and takes me out of the experience. Maybe it's just me though...


I really think Correllia is the only planet who got it right. (out of the industrialized planets)

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Kaas City is surrounded by a wall, yes? Outside of that wall there's no settlement, no sub-urbs or anything. It's a fantasy world/galaxy, not reallife, after all! Though I got to admit I find Kaas City appear a little bit too small as well, for the capital of the Empire... But such is often the case in video games.
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Some Citys have walls some has jungle and swamps to protect them... It is actually a often use method.... see Ravenna...It was mainly used as Imperial Ciyt in the end of the west roman empire, because of the swamp around the city. I quote: "In AD 402, Emperor Honorius transferred the capital of the Western Roman Empire from Milan to Ravenna. The transfer was made primarily for defensive purposes: Ravenna was surrounded by swamps and marshes and had ease of access to Imperial forces of the Eastern Roman Empire."


The same counts for modern capitals like the Republic of China had Nanjing/Nanking as capital for the same reason. So it isnt totally fictional... but I get your point... but I pernsolly think.. just city maps can be nice like Nar Shaddaa, but can also be totally broing in a grey in grey like old m... and I think thats why they choose this mixed Urban, jungle mapy to get more balance maps... like Hutta, Dromund Kaas etc....

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I joked around with a friend on Vent the first time we made it to Dromund Kaas. I said, "At least the Republic is able to pave the roads of its capital."


We kind of laugh about it, even though we respect that the Republic didn't really have much at all to do with the building of Coruscant. Plus, we also joke that a noble Republic shouldn't exhult over the utter destruction of the natural setting, as Coruscant's entire surface is covered by massive city-dwellings.


Honestly, though, I love Mako's comments as you first arrive on Dromund Kaas, where she complains about how it's always dark on the planet. She just sounds so depressed as she looks around, it always makes me chuckle.

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Well it's just humans tend to spread as there becomes more of them. I suppose you could argue with space travel they spread to other planets instead of outside the city walls, but I counter that people are most likely going to build out instead of up. It's far easier to make a house 100 feet away than it is to colonize a new planet.


It's fantasy, but in sci-fi you can attribute more real life sensibilities.


Fantasy is usually something you just let go, such as the fact that the same city that has torch lit streets has a train servicing passenger transport.

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I got the feeling for both Alderran and Dromund Kass that they are very old socities, possibly older than any society on our real earth.


Moreover...Empires spread.


I'm just saying that it's a distraction for me. It really brings to mind "Is this really the imperial main city?"

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The Star Wars universe never had this 'sterile' and ultra urbanized and 'clean' feeling that Star Trek or futuristic space travel story had. Remember it happens in a far far away Galaxy.


Hell you have Knight in shining armor that roam around the galaxy in Bath Robe and Plasma Sword. It's the whole concept of making the story in a different galaxy so you can mess up with what we see has humanity standard. It's does not happens in the fiture. It's happens somewhere else.


Also making a 'city' with the scope and intereactivity of a real world city would be impossible. But because video game aren't a narrative story like a movie you can't hide it.

Edited by FichutheDude
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