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Trooper animations: am I the only one who cant stand the swiss gun?


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I have played Merc on release, then after 30 lvls rerolled to Powertech when I got sick of being a turret (i like being more mobile).


I fell in love with Powertech, alas my server turned into a no-republic-zone, so I decided to find out which server had the best population balance and reroll the underdog.


My Vanguard is currently lvl 26... and i cant stand the swiss gun. Is it me or are the animations for BH in a completely different ballpark? I get the multiple gadgets hidden everywhere, and the jetpack attacks. I get shooting fire from a flamethrower...


But why does my assault rifle suddently start spouting electricity? For that matter, I did not see the rocket-launcher addon, where is that? And why in the name of god does it requires "2 ammo" to hit someone with the butt of my gun?!?!??


It feels to me like the entire Trooper class was put together really quickly and the BH was the "original" class of the mirror pair. Im almost afraid to use Storm vs Z axis O.O.


/rant off.

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Stockstrike requires ammo because of balance. We don't have any alternate mechanisms like Upper Hand to allow us to not just use it as a free damaging ability.


Plus, the rifles are powered by power cells. No reason they can't have multiple firing modes and not just blaster shots.

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All of our hidden gadgets are hidden on the gun. Other than the grenades. It takes ammo to gun smack because we have a charged plate in the gun that shocks them. Hence, shockstrike. That's how it can do more damage than some lightsaber strikes.


Actually, it's STOCKstrike, with a T, not shockstrike. You're using the gun stock to hit the opponent. I do agree that it probably has some sort of energy discharge that increases its kinetic damage, though, if you want to reason it out. In end, it's just a balance issue.

Edited by KLGChaos
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My older guns had mutliple barrels so I was always able to somewhat justify its swiss army nature.


These days my gun only has one barrel so its a little harder to rationalize.


But hey, I'm stomping around the galaxy blowing stuff up dressed like a Stormtrooper, it really takes a lot to take the shine off of that :p

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It always blows my mind how in a galaxy with aliens, FTL travel, magic force powers, laser swords and planet-destroying super weapons, people are caught up with..."derp, ammo to stock strike ain't realistic!"




There is such a thing as realism in fantasy/fiction mate. For exemple: in the Star Wars IP, force sensitivity is brought by midichlorians in the cells. That means a droid cannot use the force unless they have organic parts.


Even if the context is irrealist, immersion in a fictional universe comes when the characters are taking actions that are considered realist within the newly defined parameters.


Now look at mechanics: BH builds heat. Logical. Jetpacks and flamethrowers sure do build heat, as do blaster fire (or any repeated fire from any gun for that matter).


Trooper uses ammo.... except that some of its moves have nothing to do with shooting things. Aka "why the f does it cost ammo to use stockstrike?!?".


That being said, I can see the "energy discharge" rationalization. Fine. Still leaves me with a simple looking assault riffle that happens to hold a whole armada within its single barrel.

Edited by Stonedsoul
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Trooper uses ammo.... except that some of its moves have nothing to do with shooting things. Aka "why the f does it cost ammo to use stockstrike?!?".


That being said, I can see the "energy discharge" rationalization. Fine. Still leaves me with a simple looking assault riffle that happens to hold a whole armada within its single barrel.


Well, far as stockstrike goes, Shield Tree explains it pretty darn well. There's some kind of energy discharge built into the butt of the blaster rifle, since it can also trigger Ion Cell.


I do wish we could have "specialty weapons" that traded some use or potency in Trooper abilities for better/greater use of others.

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Wait.. the classes are mirrors as far as abilities, and they try their best to keep the ammo cost relative to the heat cost, but Rocket Punch has 0 cost and Stockstrike has a 2 ammo cost? Can someone explain how this is balanced or am I missing something?
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