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Why/How Jedi Knight Melee Sucks


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I wish people would realize that fights like the Valis fight are more about survival instead of dps. This means you will spend most of the time interrupting key attacks and using your defensive cool-downs. As well as utilizing your med kits and stems.


sorry but people who come from WoW dont know about interrupt. I had to teach 4 of my dps in my raid who were doing incredible damage that interrupt is more important...

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I still do not understand this argument...this is how sents compete, by having better gear? Am I to assume that other classes will not be gearing up and play by Marquis de Queensbury rules?


lol precisely. Not to mention that this argument that they keep making falls straight on it's face at 50. Based on the logic of always having better gear, once you are pimped out in BM and everyone else is in BM then you suck again and can't get any better gear to get an edge.

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I had framerate issues with a 2 or 3 year old Nvidia 9600 GT until I spent ~$300 to upgrade it. But even though the framerate issues went away, the card overheats and the fan on it spins very loudly unless I set the resolution way below the default (I'm on something like 1300 x 700 where my windows default is 2560 by 1600;>).


LOL! I have an Nvidia 8800 GT and it sounds like a jet engine with the fan running! But, it's down near the floor and I just turn up my sound to drown it out a bit. It runs the game fine, no FPS issues at default resolution I just have to have shadows off.


P.S. Your card is NOT overheating, that's what the fan is for. Just like a car, you fan will run to keep you engine coolant temp where it should be to prevent overheating.

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I have a Sith Marauder currently lvl 42, and with the help of my biochem crewskills and survive most of the fights, Go for Reuseable medpacks and its really help a SW/JK


I do archaeology/treasure hunting/artifice and have no idea what you're talking about. Can you give some more deets please?

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I had framerate issues with a 2 or 3 year old Nvidia 9600 GT until I spent ~$300 to upgrade it. But even though the framerate issues went away, the card overheats and the fan on it spins very loudly unless I set the resolution way below the default (I'm on something like 1300 x 700 where my windows default is 2560 by 1600;>).


LOL! I have an Nvidia 8800 GT and it sounds like a jet engine with the fan running! But, it's down near the floor and I just turn up my sound to drown it out a bit. It runs the game fine, no FPS issues at default resolution I just have to have shadows off.


P.S. Your card is NOT overheating, that's what the fan is for. Just like a car, you fan will run to keep you engine coolant temp where it should be to prevent overheating.



If I play the game for more than a couple hours in certain zones on Hi-def (1920 x 1080), the game locks up and the GPU temp goes over 100 C. Not so in ~1300x700. My card is an EVGA 560. All of my tests were done right after they added AA and, whether the option was enabled or not, that seemed to hit my card a bit too. They may have since tweaked that...


I personally don't care about the sound; I use headphones and barely notice it. But the neighbors below me can hear a pin drop in my apartment (construction standards are very lax when it comes to soundproofing in my area) and they hate the sound of the fan.

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  • 1 year later...
framerate issues? I don't get it. ATI issues? I still don't get it.


I play on a crappy 400 dollar dell dual-core computer with a wimpy ATI card i bought for 80 bucks. 4 gigs of ram (barely enough to run windows 7) with no overclocking or anything.


I play on a 16x9 widescreen, with all options (except shadows) maxxed, only run my fan at 50% speed, and my framerate is a stable 40-60 at all times.


even in pvp zones. even when playing my Sent. I even run it windowed (so I can get MSN messages)


I have NO clue where all these framerate complaints are coming from.


This off the sent quest but everybody searches for fps so it will pop. A moderately good prebuilt computer should work well because every two years there is a slight shift in ways components pick, process and pass on info. Pre. builts mostly use the same manufacturer and test the different levels of the architecture. When you buy cutting edge processors, video cards and motherboards, the boost comes from certain technologies they may or may not work with all pieces and the company making the game does not have the ability to test all of the combinations. Apple did not really make better hardware they just made their hardware work really well as a unit and people who depended on machines for graphics bought them because they had to get the job done. I have an older computer still using ddr2, but the graohics and process's are still double the requirements. I just had to spend hours downloading third party fixes or adjusting freaky windows setting that I should not be touching and bang + over 40fps.


I would say that the sent problem could be a l2p issue but at this time after 2.0, ranged have many more usefull utilities especially with built in slow and the sniper no target shield. We have just entered the use of machine guns in WW1 by the time your charge gets to the enemy it is hard to kill them off. Before if you were ranged even if there were 2-4 of you and you saw a force melee heading your way someone was going to die and folks would start to panick and split up loosing the power of numbers now. The jedi/sith jumps in target uses one evasion plus takes real hits from 2 others and someone sets up a hard hit and that is it. This is 30-55 pug on Jung Mah with at most 2 melee sith. Snipers are now the usual top dps. The gunslingers and shadow on your team who should be initiating the kills on these classes are usually solo medal farming and it has been their job in the past because the force melee just had to close to 10' alleviate the ranged threats. But the Germans broke this problem with tanks enmasse and radios (ie skype/voip and every game starts with one to cap easy node and 7 to hit the harder node - adjust after that according to enemy spec). My sentinel dps has dropped dramatically because the abilities I now have to use to counter evasion and control are not major damage and two healers really do not need to be afraid of smash kill one your next. A good player can always rule the numbers with any class.


My suggestions, I would be happy with 360 degree target lock within 5' (force ability) I am a combat jedi specializing in close combat anything under 5' should be my domain and the force is my guide and it is behind me. Also machine/internet speed plus macros and use of game-pads makes the best best evasions, strafe diagonal left then right you are behind them and may still have your attack, they do not and their system may not be able to respond quick enough or worse your location breaks attacks they may have gotten off in time if the latency did not alter the order of commands. The force melee classes should get a speed boost to any physical target within 10'. They are physically stronger and channel their power this way. This should not affect overall speed to allow time to objectives or be a percentage of enemys speed. Any ranged class should never feel comfortable within a certain distance of melee. A spamable slow (every class has one) should allow you to break their bonus speed range, but not back up 5' and trigger a timed 2-5k damage ability that could be interrupted. That is still close combat and should not be available to ranged classes. I have been taking screen shots and will post these ideas for real commentary. I actually have always loved ranged classes in rpg and first person shooter the most and am avid traditional longbow archer so these are not observations I want to make. It looks like all changes made with best intentions just open up new stratedgys with suprising results. Maybe I just need one of each class in the 55+ bracket and same for 30-55 for pvp. PVE is just knowing how and when your skills hurt and help the mission. IE Google spoiler.

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The OP actually makes sense if you've played and leveled up classes. I've leveled up a trooper and bounty hunter and to be honest, those feel a lot more enjoyable to play. (One shouldn't have to level to 50 to have moments where they enjoy the game.)


This is a personal taste issue, not a balance one. I enjoyed my Sith Juggernaut a LOT more than my bounty hunter.

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My first character was a Jedi Sentinel--I abandoned her out of frustration when Valis murdered me 20 times in a row (which was harder than any single-player RPG I've played in 10 years, but that was with no knowledge of MMOs, and big blunders like not gearing properly or buying the right skills.)


Recently came back after leveling various alts to different levels, learning the game and beat Valis. Knowing this game, sure I could use Sentinel as a powerful DPS. I ran some heroics and missions and a flashpoint, tried to master my abilities--I initially thought the class was viable, then...I think I've abandoned the character again.


1) The horrible "Crysis" framerate issue on wimpy systems is inexorably tied up with Jedi Knights--on PvP or heroics, doing melee, the slideshow effect is twice as bad, totally crippling any versatile gameplay. I mention this first because nobody else seems to mention it together (i.e., melee framerate just totally eliminates battlefield awareness and...the tactical game, i.e., framerate)--in PvP (where framerates are the worst in the recent history of AAA games) almost everybody has some framerate issues, even on the best systems, and Jedi Knight/melee classes are the twitchiest of all the classes/with the worst framerates.


2) Melee DPS doesn't make up for distances. I've leveled a sniper pretty high, and it's a comparative joke (I've also annihilated heroics with twin sniper DPS's where melee DPS's failed--the worthlessness of the class is evident in group play, oftentimes.) "Force Leap" is an integral aspect of focus-building and it's either on cooldown/unable to be used unless you RUN BACKWARDS FOR NO REASON. I hit "zealous leap" and maybe get a shot in (about comparable to "snipe" on my sniper, which I can fire again and again and again) and then the target's gone, and I'm spamming the focus-building normal attack, which feels like the weakest normal attack in the game. I feel like I'm in a perpetual state of "focus building," which is the equivalent of "running out of mana" with the other classes.


With the other classes, panicked spamming of the main attack only happens after you've delivered devastating DPS, which you choose to do as a trade-off for conserving mana/ammo, to cripple the enemy. With Jedi Knight, you start off there.


3)Focus is a terrible system. Sith Sorcerer and Sage barely ever run out of mana except on boss fights, but every jedi knight fight pretends your major attacks are nuclear bombs to build up to--when they're barely preferable to the big attacks every other class has ready-to-go, to start with.


Maybe with framerate/skill issues cleared up, the class works better, but I sure can't use it for group play.


If you have performance issues, it's 100% your system. Go into video settings, and optimize.

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What is up with the thread necro on these forums? I keep reading through a post and hitting something that was fixed 6 months ago and thinking ***, then I check the date and it's a year old post :) Just make a new post already.
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