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Scoundrel vs Shadow


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I'm starting up on a pvp server, and I was curious which would go better on a pvp server? Overall, which is better in pvp wise? Do shadows do well? I have played a scoundrel and they are fun, but they seem difficult to do damage in pvp. Though, I am only 22 I suppose. I do have a 50 sage, and I enjoy him, though, I had to heal through most of my MMO life, and I'm sick of that path. Thoughts or Suggestions?
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Scoundrels have more burst, shadows have more sustained damage.


As in, if you catch a shadow out of stealth, they're just as likely to kick your behind than if they started the fight from stealth and surprised you.


this is false

post nerf Smuggler out of stealth dps without opener is higher than shadow's infiltration spec 2/31/8


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Again, like I said: Scoundrels/Operatives have better burst, while shadows have better sustained damage.


You will probably have an easier time leveling up as a scoundrel because of the higher burst damage, though. Can't comment on the level 50 field, though.


The only "evidence" against what I said was a clip of some guy not actually playing, but rather showing how often a scoundrel can crit if they have full crit gear, which isn't evidence at all.


If you plan do some PVP, both classes will work well, you just can't run in with the "I'm a tank, therefore I can bumrush an entire team of players and not die" mentality.

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scrapper scoundral is heavily reliant on stealth to get close to enemies, and to get decent dmg rolling. getting knocked out of stealth or spotted puts you at a huge disadvantage, both in dmg output and survival.


a shadow on the other hand is not as concerned about starting in stealth. having a tank spec, they are naturally more tanky, and have the nice utility of guard and taunt. they also have better mobility, with force speed



like someone said earlier, the scoundral can burst/open harder, but the shadow can stick it out over the long haul. shadow's dmg builds up, whereas a scoundral's dies off.

Edited by Vallowen
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