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Another tidbit about lore and names in games...


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A tiny outpost for Republic Taris is nammed ''Draay Outpost'' or something


Who was Draay ?


Short answer : a French looking and sounding Jedi Master. (IE, he acts a hell lot like a stereotypical french aristocrat-the ones in epoch movies, with powedered wigs)

Long answer : probably the explanation about why Jedis should have no money and should have no lines of Force Users.


Imagine the Count of Monte Cristo or the Cardinal of Richelieu, with Force Choke.

Edited by Angedechu
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I meant, imagine if a Jedi could entertain the illusion of being able to destroy the Dark Side with unlimited money. Imagine how well it would end.


(As a side note, it's heavily hinted that Dray was manipulated by the Sith Emperor)


Ironically, the whole story is that Dray see in Force vision someone (revealed later as Darth Malak) eradicate the Jedi Order.


What is the irony ? Darth Malak at this time is a perfectly fine Jedi Knight, who get revolted about the Order, because of what Dray do to Zayne Carrick (and especially Jarael. The poor girl always end up being the sexual interest of a variety of galactic crackpots)

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In a last attempt to interest people to game lore, another station is nammed Morne


Mornne is probably one of the sadder figures in the Jedi Order


She was used by Dray to track down Sith Artifacts for ''safe keeping'' (take a wild guess about what Dray actually did with the artifacts)


She was tracking one nefarious item-the Muur Talisman. The thing that created the rhakgouls. The device is actually a item not unlike the One Ring : the personnality of the Sith Sorcerer Muurs is trapped inside, and the whole thing is a gig from Muur : he hope a powerful Sith user will be lured by the power of the Talisman, and use it. Thus allowing Muur to take over it's body.


After finding it on Taris, Morne escaped on a Mandalorian planet used as a staging area. The talisman rapidly took a certain control on her, Muur toying with Morne to convince her to use her Rakghoul mandos for the Republic.


Zayne Carrick (the one from Carrick station) managed to turn her down from this. He came with the apparently logical plan of putting her in a sort of stasis device, of sith origin, promising Morne that he will get help from the council.


Zayne can't know that the device, one item recovered by Morne, is a torture device (Morne know, however). Morne will be put in darkness, but conscient, till she is pulled out. With Muur tormenting her.


The always well-meaning Zayne, however, warn the coming Mandalorians the planet is now fully infested with Rakghouls. This gesture earn him the genuine goodwill of Mandalore the Ultimate second in command, Cassus Fett (this Fett, yes) But Fett lay wasted from orbit to the planet.


Everyone thinks Morne is dead. She is not. She will remain trapped, alive, at the bottom of the icy ocean, for 3000 years. To be recovered by Darth Vader.


Boy she is pissed off.


The rest of the story is a sort of battle royale between Vader, Morne, rakghouls, stormtroopers and stromtroopers turning into Rakghouls, Han Solo, Princess Leia, rebels turning into rakghouls, and then a random rebel girl who is lovestruck by Han, jealous of Leia, and whose last name is Shan...

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I'm giving up. For a game based on story, no one want to talk about it.


Read your posts, just know very little lore outside of the movies. I do find it interesting however you may not be hitting you target audience in general forums.


That being said, I could see interest in this if you wrote some sort of weekly lore column. Similar to a "know your lore" on wow insider. I garauntee there are those who are interested.

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There's just not that much to comment beyond names like that being nods to KOTOR comic characters. BoE comic had a nod to Lucien Draay's maternal family line by having the Hulis Jedi Master, whose Padawan Darth Thanaton kills.


What I find interesting is that Zayne needs to do something really big in KOTOR: WAR and perhaps beyond to justify the huge space station named apparently after him.

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I'm giving up. For a game based on story, no one want to talk about it.

Read each of your posts in this thread again. None of them come off as inviting or prompting discussion in any manner whatsoever. Instead, they read solely as purely informational posts. It should be fairly obvious that you won't get discussion from that.

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In a last attempt to interest people to game lore, another station is nammed Morne


Mornne is probably one of the sadder figures in the Jedi Order


I do not get in-game-wise why this story should have been named after Morne since I remember that she was a kind of secretive and practically sacrificed herself when she was nearly alone.

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I do not get in-game-wise why this story should have been named after Morne since I remember that she was a kind of secretive and practically sacrificed herself when she was nearly alone.


I assume Carrick spread word about her activities with him.

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I assume Carrick spread word about her activities with him.


Yes, only possibility. That is another thing I wonder, since when became Carrick a republic hero so that they would name a important fleet station after him. Since his deeds where exploited by others (Saul Karath) or he was reluctant to take the fame (end of the Old republic comics). But I did not read the new "War"-Series.

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