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Anyone torn between vanguard or commando or play both?


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I would like to choose one and kind of concentrate on one but at this point I have a level 24 commando and 26 vanguard and still keep switching.


I wonder if anyone else was torn but finally decided on making one of the sub classes your main class? What was the deciding factor?


I think I like them both but might be ruining my game play experience by constantly switching all the time.

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My advice for guys like you is instead of choosing between troopers which do you like better merc or powertech? Then make a bounty hunter and keep going with the trooper mirror.


That way you play both styles, and get a brand new story.


Me I like both, but play commando powertech, because I like cannon and dislike the merc's animations.


Plus you can't beat being able to shoot black holes.

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It took me a while to make the decision, i eventually went vanguard mainly because I did not like the big cannon. My first alt was a merc who has been level 12 for a while.


Commandos seem pretty cool but i do not want to go through the same story twice.


No regrets on the vanguard who just hit 50, as i like being mobile, tanky, and able to be an absolute beast in pvp. In one of my last sub 50 warzones i was able to solo a jug/sorc combo with some well timed riotstrikes and a clutch cryogrenade. (and popping my everything)


I look forward to the merc but i plan on getting my vanguard geared for real pvp until touching any alts.

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Seeing as a hybrid class isn't penalized for being so, it's good to be a hybrid. But heals are bad unless spec'd heals. But tanking is useful because all tanking requires is high threat (PvE only), and taunt/guard (Given at level 14 I think?), both of which are tanking moves. The only move that's actually a move useful for tanking is Smoke Bomb, the vanguard's 11 pnt ability, at 20% accuracy slur for 18 seconds or so.


Apart from that, the tanking tree is all about small bonuses to stockstrike


I play a hyrbid damage between Tactics and the beloved 21 pnt ability Storm. I'll be in Ion Cell, because I won't have any bonuses for High Energy Cell. It's good, because my tactic talents will just be the CD reduction on Cryo Nade, Harpoon (And Pulse Cannon in the same package), and HiB 60% Arm. Pen. Then for gut, because it's better and less energy consuming than the Assault's 11 pnt talent. Assault's is less upfront damage, takes more ammo, and is about the same total damage (Slightly more) over 3 second longer duration (No real difference). Although gut's bleed effect is less damage than incendiary round's burn, it costs less ammo, and is therefore much more ammo efficient to spam. Also, I'm in love with Harpoon.

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I have both, my vanguard recently hit 50 and my commando was 50 about dec 28th.


Really enjoying the vanguard quite a bit more. Commando healing is fun, but the DPS tree is pretty uninteresting. The only reason I will be sticking with Commando as my main is that the DPS is a lot better and we dont need any tanks.



Edited by valhak
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My advice for guys like you is instead of choosing between troopers which do you like better merc or powertech? Then make a bounty hunter and keep going with the trooper mirror.


That way you play both styles, and get a brand new story.


Me I like both, but play commando powertech, because I like cannon and dislike the merc's animations.


Plus you can't beat being able to shoot black holes.


This is the best advice.

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I'm in *exactly* the same boat!


I ended up leveling both my Vanguard and my Commando together at the same time, and even going so far as to make one of them an Armormech and the other one an Armstech.


That way, I make enough gear for the both crews.


In hindsight, if I could do things differently, I'd probably have bought a 2nd account and just two-boxed them side-by-side.

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My main character is a commando which hit 50 last week, I am taking a break from him (since level 50 bracket warzones makes it really hard to rack up the commendations for champ gear :rolleyes:).


I spent my time with a Mercenary for my imperial main. I am still thinking about trying out a vanguard just to know how they feel, either that or I make my first Jedi character :D.

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How do you choose?


You need to stop and think about what you would like to be doing most of the time and then what you can settle for doing part time.


For me this means making sure you find the class suits you from a "coolness" factor first and foremost. For me, really looking at the classes I realized that I prefer Commando, Vanguard and Juggernaut.


After that you should try each exclusively until at least level 20 to get a feel for the mechanics of the AC'S various specs. You can see with Commando Assault for example you are going to be doing a lot of Charge Bolt>Incend>HIB combos. For Vanguard Tactics you will be doing Sticky>Ion Pulse>Stock quite a bit. Juggernauts, Charge>Smash>Force Yell etc. etc. All should be fun, but you can look out for which mechanic is the one that feels the most comfortable and satisfying.


For me that was Commando. On top of that I love the big gun, love the big ranged nukes, and the gear. So I decided to level the Commando as my main, and level the Vanguard and Juggernaut as alts, at a pace that takes advantage of dailies and uses up their rested state. At any point I feel like it, I also don't worry about jumping on an alt - I'm here to have fun, not work a second job.


Also, the idea of using the mirror class is good in theory, but having tried it, I find I don't like the animations of the BH AC's at all. IMHO better to just space bar through the same quests for your alts and level faster.



TL;DR? Pick the one who's mechanic you feel the most satisfied with and level the others on dailies and rested state.

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I'm feeling a little torn as well. Really want a Vanguard alt, but Commando makes more sense (since I main a Shadow, don't like scoundrel, have no ranged damage classes and want a healer). But honestly, I'm probably one of the only who thinks assault cannons look stupid.
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I'm feeling a little torn as well. Really want a Vanguard alt, but Commando makes more sense (since I main a Shadow, don't like scoundrel, have no ranged damage classes and want a healer). But honestly, I'm probably one of the only who thinks assault cannons look stupid.


You're note


That's why I'm going the mirror. Even though I like the trooper's story (Chapter 1, at least)

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