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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Enrage: The Real Problem with the Mechanic

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Enrages are fine... but you absolutely need combat logging/parsing if that's the main difficulty of a majority of the ops/flashpoints.


We definitely need a combat log...but it's not like it's needed to beat any of the enrages in the game right now. People just need to dps better. It's not tuned that tightly to require a mod/log to figure out how to do it either.

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As a dps, I don't feel like I should have any real responsibility in raids. That sort of thing should be left exclusively to the tank/s and healers. It's not even really creative mechanics, but also hard interrupts, waves of adds spawning that you'd have to kite/cc along with fighting the main boss, or even any mechanic where a mob does anything the least bit threatening outside of AoE the healers keep yelling at me to get out of or his countdown to his "I-keel-you" buff.


Please rethink the need for these types of mechanics. As a dps, should I really be required to do anything other than mindlessly mash my optimal damage rotation/priority? I can just ignore contributing anything to the group outside of "moar deeps" and it should be good enough as long as the party/ops leader checks my gear before we start and the healers remember to yell at me to get out of the fire. If a fight is going to be tuned hard enough that I actually have to think outside of A leads to B if C procs and if not go to D until A is off cooldown, we should at least have some visual clue like flashy rainbow colored text or some special UI meter that tells us what we should be doing to contribute to the group.


Having to figure out how to contribute to a group outside of big numbers is asking a lot when I also have to worry about all of these other skills that people now want me to drag onto my hotbars, and then I have to find where to click them when the big flashy rainbow text tells me to, all the while the healers are yelling at me to get out of a big color circle.

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I dont agree %99 of your worlds but I also think enrage timers should be revised, some bosses should have it but more importantly fights should be more tactical, enrage timers are easy way to make a easy fight look like hard. Developers should work on making more tactical fun fights to deliver us instead of giving a tight enrage timer and make it look like hard. Enrage timers are a gear-check method, at some bosses it should be implamented to see whether is your team ready for upcoming encounters or not, but if you add it to every stupid boss it is not fun.
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I dont agree %99 of your worlds but I also think enrage timers should be revised, some bosses should have it but more importantly fights should be more tactical, enrage timers are easy way to make a easy fight look like hard. Developers should work on making more tactical fun fights to deliver us instead of giving a tight enrage timer and make it look like hard. Enrage timers are a gear-check method, at some bosses it should be implamented to see whether is your team ready for upcoming encounters or not, but if you add it to every stupid boss it is not fun.


If you dont see the point in having enrage timers i would consult a mental doctor.

Please remove all enrage timers so the DPS classes become absolutly USELESS, because i just use 3 tanks and 5 healers or some variation of that. Fights may take a bit longer but oh well you sure take the boss down. In SW:TOR where its soooooooooo ez to gear up ppl still having problems with enrage timers? wow.

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If you dont see the point in having enrage timers i would consult a mental doctor.

Please remove all enrage timers so the DPS classes become absolutly USELESS, because i just use 3 tanks and 5 healers or some variation of that. Fights may take a bit longer but oh well you sure take the boss down. In SW:TOR where its soooooooooo ez to gear up ppl still having problems with enrage timers? wow.


dear wow player, there is many ways to make a fight challanging other than enrage timers, you can spawn adds which debuffs you if you dont kill them, you can give players debuffs if they dont kill bosses fast, you can design a arena for boss which fills up with various harmful enviroment if you dont kill him fast enough... these comes to my mind atm, thinking these are not my job, developers should... I dont say dps should slack, you should just bring 3-4 healers, what I say is there is many ways to make a fight fun other than enrage times, you can test your group's dps with many other ways

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I'm a playing a DPS (Gunslinger), and I couldn't agree with the OP less. Knowing how to maximize your attacks makes you more valuable to the rest of the group. All due respect, but if you want a mindless game, go play a shooter.


I'd like to see more DPS's actually follow the Tank's kill order rather than either shooting at whomever is closest to them, or jumping around between targets just so they can force leap. Turns out, working together has benefits (like a whole lot fewer TPK's).


Also, that guy with the most HP's that's C/C'd? AoE's will wake him up, so stop chucking grenades.

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As a dps, I don't feel like I should have any real responsibility in raids. That sort of thing should be left exclusively to the tank/s and healers. It's not even really hard enrages, but also soft enrages, waves of adds spawning that you'd have to kill along with the main boss, or even any mechanic where a mob heals over time and you have to do enough damage to overcome its regen rate.


Please rethink the need for these types of mechanics. As a dps, should I really be required to do anything other than survive? I can just use my abilities in any order really and it should be good enough as long as I'm not dying and still doing some sort of damage. If a fight is going to be tuned hard enough that how us dpsers do our damage is going to matter that much, we should have at least some sort of visual cue like flashing buttons for which abilities we should be using at certain times.


Having to figure out myself how to do better damage is asking a lot when I also need to watch out for a big color circle to move my character a few inches across a screen to get out of so I don't die.


+10 to My Morale.


You made me lol so hard xD

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I'm a playing a DPS (Gunslinger), and I couldn't agree with the OP less. Knowing how to maximize your attacks makes you more valuable to the rest of the group. All due respect, but if you want a mindless game, go play a shooter.




If we had combat logs/meters/parsers, it would be trivial to write computer scripts that "know(ing) how to maximize your attacks".


But that's for another thread...

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dear wow player, there is many ways to make a fight challanging other than enrage timers, you can spawn adds which debuffs you if you dont kill them, you can give players debuffs if they dont kill bosses fast, you can design a arena for boss which fills up with various harmful enviroment if you dont kill him fast enough... these comes to my mind atm, thinking these are not my job, developers should... I dont say dps should slack, you should just bring 3-4 healers, what I say is there is many ways to make a fight fun other than enrage times, you can test your group's dps with many other ways




the examples of "no enrage mechanics" you gave are all soft enrages. so you changed the sources of the damage of the enrage (not the boss, but the adds) but the problem "you have to kill it fast" stays there.



l2p dude.

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The irony is how many people didn't recognize the clear troll value in this after reading the original post. +10 to everyone who did immediately. Unreal how this is still going.



the debate is going on because this is not a hot topic, but at least an half-hot topic. i think OP is clearly a bad troll, but his post is worthy to being discussed.

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Enrage is the sort of unavoidable evil. Devs haven't figured out how to make dungeons require all the classes capabilities without a simple enraging mechanic. Literrally there is nothing to be done here. If for anything, as a sniper, i am starting to be happy that enrage exists, otherwise all the stupid guilds would only be recruiting sorcs and powertechs.
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