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No wonder you all play Empire


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NO join the galactic republic,what did master youn par said to us...that one day there will be a chosen jedi to save the galaxy,take that meanie siths oh and pebbles are way cooler than purple lightning that is the same thing over and over.


I was really hoping you were joking about the pebbles being cooler than lightning but probably not. And its not like the pebbles aren't the same thing over and over either


and pebbles cooler than lightning = BLASPHEMY! XD

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I love how the Empire thinks the Republic is dead, sucks, and isn't as fun. Especially since it's an opinion.


I play both, because I think faction exclusivity and hating a faction is totally retarded, but I do think the Republic is better than Empire. Mainly because I see the Trooper and Jedi classes as more heroic, and having the better choices, and the Smuggler has a neat theme (and Tara Strong voices one of the companions *squee*). As for the Empire, it seems like even the Lightside options are fairly evil, and the Darkside options are oftentimes what I'd define as stupid-evil.


By that, I mean the villain that's perfectly sane and wants to blow up the world, but is seen as clever and brilliant. However, the mother****er is ON THE PLANET HE'S TRYING TO BLOW UP. He gains no benefit from the evil, and is just doing it for ***** and giggles that really aren't there.


Whereas most of the Darkside options for Republic are beneficial to the character, are neutral, or are even heroic. The Lightside are just straight-up heroic, at least to me.


So, while I could see people enjoying playing as Empire, I really think it's a bit overboard on the evil. A totalitarian government that supports racism, classism, slavery, senseless slaughter, and dictatorship is bad enough. Add on top of it that they revere an Order that is mostly homicidal maniacs that shoot lightning, and the Republic looks JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUST FIIIIIIIIIIINE.

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I play both, because I think faction exclusivity and hating a faction is totally retarded, but I do think the Republic is better than Empire. Mainly because I see the Trooper and Jedi classes as more heroic, and having the better choices, and the Smuggler has a neat theme (and Tara Strong voices one of the companions *squee*). As for the Empire, it seems like even the Lightside options are fairly evil, and the Darkside options are oftentimes what I'd define as stupid-evil.

Umm most the options go like this LS Leave the person alone DS Kill him

Don't see your point on how a you think its "stupid evil"


By that, I mean the villain that's perfectly sane and wants to blow up the world, but is seen as clever and brilliant. However, the mother****er is ON THE PLANET HE'S TRYING TO BLOW UP. He gains no benefit from the evil, and is just doing it for ***** and giggles that really aren't there.

That's probably because he's not a sane person, because your right it doesn't make sense and no sane person would make that decision. But who knows, people do a lot for ***** and giggles.


Whereas most of the Darkside options for Republic are beneficial to the character, are neutral, or are even heroic. The Lightside are just straight-up heroic, at least to me.

I think you mean DS points are negative XD


So, while I could see people enjoying playing as Empire, I really think it's a bit overboard on the evil. A totalitarian government that supports racism, classism, slavery, senseless slaughter, and dictatorship is bad enough. Add on top of it that they revere an Order that is mostly homicidal maniacs that shoot lightning, and the Republic looks JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUST FIIIIIIIIIIINE.

I dont know about you but I do not know anyone who thinks this seriously when choosing their faction. Unless they like any of the things listed above. I think perhaps you take this way to seriously, its a game

Edited by TheImprovonist
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I got fed up of Republic and rolled an Operative on Empire and all I can say is Easymode but am loving it, this will be my new main.


Am not trolling here am serious, the Empire are light years better than Republic. I have plenty of groups, flashpoints, getting gear is easy, we win most pvp games. The quests are better, more polished, it's almost as if Republic was an after thought.


Am sold on it.


Tell that to all the Imperials who suffer from a burned colon after I play the PvP mini-game "see if both lightsabers fit up there." :)

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I got fed up of Republic and rolled an Operative on Empire and all I can say is Easymode but am loving it, this will be my new main.


Am not trolling here am serious, the Empire are light years better than Republic. I have plenty of groups, flashpoints, getting gear is easy, we win most pvp games. The quests are better, more polished, it's almost as if Republic was an after thought.


Am sold on it.


Heh. I have a level 50 op...and just rolled a gunslinger...NOW THAT'S A FUN TOON! Great character great ship....lvl 20. LOVE it so far.


As for the rest, bigger population has it's benefits of course.

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Eh on my server at least, empire is the least desirable side. General chat (especially in the first few planets) is full of trolls and morons arguing their points of view that sometimes last a few hours. It got to the point where i just left and only joined general to find a heroic group.


They are more populated but are losing ilum atm and in pre-50 wz would fall short on the majority of matches bar a day or 2 here and there where they get a good run. Communication difference in warzones between the factions is light and day, and empire typically employ uber tactics ranging from a group zerg to a lemmings 1 at a time zerg. They're easily pulled away from nodes and doors to cap ando tend to give up a lot more than republic do.


They even had some retard "battlemaster" sorc ganking 30's in alderaan spaceport - who challenged any size group to even get close to killing him and died multiple times before 50's got there to hammer him properly.


Initially i hated the republic gear and how clean some of the stories were, so i played empire for a bit. Maybe it was the servers empire community that tarnished it, but i ended up finding it a bit try-hard. One thing i enjoy about the game is i can still make a evil character without changing factions.


What i think would be good is more variations in the gear. Maybe a bit less brown and white for republic and less red black and purple for empire, but still remaining appropriate for each faction.

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Umm most the options go like this LS Leave the person alone DS Kill him

Don't see your point on how a you think its "stupid evil"



That's probably because he's not a sane person, because your right it doesn't make sense and no sane person would make that decision. But who knows, people do a lot for ***** and giggles.



I think you mean DS points are negative XD



I dont know about you but I do not know anyone who thinks this seriously when choosing their faction. Unless they like any of the things listed above. I think perhaps you take this way to seriously, its a game


For Empire, there are many stupidly evil Darkside choices. Like giving the special food to the Abyssin, so he begins eating initiates. Or using the suffering-inducing poison, which would prolong the rebellion, benefiting nobody. Stupid evil is when you do evil for the sake of being evil, not for power, money, or any benefit.


As for the person being sane, most of the people that try to destroy the planet are said to be brilliant, evil scientists, that are smarter than average. And, surprisingly, there's no brand of insanity that makes somebody want to destroy the entire planet, and everything on it, including themselves. So, yes, those morons are sane, and are only used as a good antagonist.


I meant the DS points were beneficial TO THE CHARACTER. Like DS options should be. I really haven't seen many Darkside options that weren't A) obeying orders, B) out for credits, C) out for power, D) dealing out street justice, or E) beneficial for the greater good in the long run. As opposed to the many Darkside options that are plainly meant to be stupidly evil.


Well, I RP, and tend to get into the story and character even with characters I don't RP with. I also tend to look beyond "oh, these guys shoot lightning, I'll play as them", especially in a Bioware RPG, where the story, lore, faction, and player are major. So, while many players would think differently, and are entitled too, I don't really want to throw my weight behind what the Empire stands for.

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I personally think this "Empire players are stupid and act like little kids <insert anecdotal evidence here>" isn't really convincing the likes of me. People can be stupid on both sides, I have had my first revival of WoW grudges on Republic side even making me log off for the same reasons. But I realized it's more or less a PVP server phenomenon, that's why my Republic character is now on the same PVE server like my Empire main characters are. People are generally more mature there and don't feel like acting like twits in chat.


As for having no fun as Light side character on Empire, play Imperial Agent and you may find yourself disagreeing with yourself eventually. Light side as Empire has some interesting options later on. I guess most people just go by what they see in starter zone and extrapolate it to the entire storyline. It's more a matter of being honourable, honest and upright out of convictions rather than because a doctrine is telling you. I have had in-party discussions about Light side choices as well but it was rather interesting to see sometimes how people blinded by stereotypes sometimes failed to miss the real interesting option. And you are not always alone with that :)


As for Republic being more boring, it depends I guess, one thing I have noticed is that at least the Jedi characters feel a bit too dry, emotion-less and without passion. But that's to be expected when playing a Light-side Jedi. Other than that it feels alot like Empire has alot more grip in their stories. I don't know why BW chose it to be that way, my guess is that they feared that Empire would be underpopulated when the opposite happened or they are as usual not very good to out the other side on equal footing making it more attractive to be evil.


I am not an evil or good person IRL, but I do like playing antagonizing themes and I usually roleplay my characters. Hence why I don't necessarily play purely evil characters because the faction as a whole is supposed to be evil. Which in Empire's case is a pre-mature judgement, both factions in general suffer from the dominance of the non-secular sub-factions (Jedi Order/Sith Order). You can see this perfectly when playing an IA, possibly the only class in the game where LS choices are fun and make alot of sense within the story's context.

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