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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can you really Blame us?


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Because they viewed it as launch is why. The servers will not go back down outside of maintenance, or replacement from this point on.


Can you log on right now? Do you have a subscription? Could you go into a game store right now and pick up a copy of the game and set up a subscription and start playing?


Unless you're in early access the answer to the first question is no. The answer to the rest is no. You know why? Because despite the fact that the servers are up, the game has not actually launched yet. If you want to argue the semantics of the word Launch then I'll say it's not released yet or it's not live yet. You're completely missing the point.

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Likely because they'd been mishandling their codes.


There are a lot of other people in the same boat as you because retailers mishandled their codes. Not Biowares fault.


Bioware should have helped me out as soon as I told them.

They should have helped EVERYONE that told them, and they should have figured out why so many retailers "mishandled" the codes. This wasn't an isolated incident.


Instead we got ran around in circles, and deflected for a month, and now a bunch of us are locked out.

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I said people are considering this launch because they're NOT deleting your toons. This is a fallacy since this is Early Access and not launch. When Launch comes anyone will be able to log in whenever they want.


The Launch party for EUROPE was on the 13th. Not sure why but the official release date and the Launch Party for North America is on the 20th.


I seriously doubt that the sales would have varied much one way or another without early access and they have been extremely transparent that a large reason that they're doing early access is to relieve some server load at launch.


You keep bandying that word about like you know what it means. Bottom line:




Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk consider the game "launched"; your opinion on the matter is noted, and completely irrelevant.


/not raging, just tired of hearing this.

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Bioware should have helped me out as soon as I told them.

They should have helped EVERYONE that told them, and they should have figured out why so many retailers "mishandled" the codes. This wasn't an isolated incident.


Instead we got ran around in circles, and deflected for a month, and now a bunch of us are locked out.


I'm not really sure what ran around in circles entails so I'm not going to comment on that but once again they likely had to make some kind of verifciation that you just weren't trying to get extra codes to hand out (Likely what happened to the gamestop codes)

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Amazon orders will be at doorsteps the 16th. Yeah most likely there are stores one could go into to purchase the game now. Don't kid yourself. The notion of pre-order early access is not new. It is to generate extra revenue from people that may be on the fence. Not to mention stagger when people log in for the first time.


Can you log on right now? Do you have a subscription? Could you go into a game store right now and pick up a copy of the game and set up a subscription and start playing?


Unless you're in early access the answer to the first question is no. The answer to the rest is no. You know why? Because despite the fact that the servers are up, the game has not actually launched yet. If you want to argue the semantics of the word Launch then I'll say it's not released yet or it's not live yet. You're completely missing the point.

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Amazon orders will be at doorsteps the 16th. Yeah most likely there are stores one could go into to purchase the game now. Don't kid yourself. The notion of pre-order early access is not new. It is to generate extra revenue from people that may be on the fence. Not to mention stagger when people log in for the first time.


And you will not be able to log on without early access until after the 20th....because the game hasn't been released yet. Gebus you people are dense. I'm done.

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They aren't offering early access out of the kindness of their hearts, to be honest.


There are 2 very clear purposes for early access.


1) It's a promotion that gets more people to hurry up and buy the game for a chance to play 'early' when in effect it's not truly early because the dates they set are pretty much arbitrary anyway once the game is 'finished' and ready for release... which it was... on the 13th.


2) It allows them to control server populations to some extent and monitor stability to ensure a smooth launch (whether they are doing it right is another topic all-together lol).


It's sort of like buying your wife some new kitchen appliances for her birthday, lol. You might say it's for her, but really... it's for you.


Why are you different and special?


Because the button I got in kindergarten said so.... it had balloons on it as well.

Edited by Shuk
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No one should be forced to wait this long. From what I have read server queues are still there. Quest areas are instanced like guild wars 2. This should have been a fairly painless launch over 2-3 days max. Not 4+


In reply to your thread title...




I ordered the firsy available day. I did not enter my pre-access code till 13th December. Therefre I expect to wait.


Why are you different and special?

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I'm not really sure what ran around in circles entails so I'm not going to comment on that but once again they likely had to make some kind of verifciation that you just weren't trying to get extra codes to hand out (Likely what happened to the gamestop codes)


I emailed them, explained my problem.

They said "Ask your local retailer, they'll give you a code."

So I went back, asked my local retailer AGAIN, they said the same thing.

I come back to customer support, and they say "Well, make sure you ask all your local retailers."

So I do. They're all out.

Customer support tells me "We'll help you out, we're going to give out codes individually, and you'll be first in line when we do." This never happened.


So I wait a while, thinking Bioware has my back, and then nothing happens, so I email customer support again early december. They repeat everything "Ask your retailer, make sure you asked all of them" until I snapped and told them I just want my freaking code.


THEN they finally allowed me to give them my receipt so I could get my code.


How is any of that Gamestop's fault, I mean.


Come on.

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Why are you different and special?


To be fair, I think the argument is that everyone should have been invited by now. I understand that there are technical limitations, and I personally have no dog in this fight... that said, implying that anyone is asking for special treatment is, I believe, a bit of a straw man.


My concern, seeing this entire fiasco go tango uniform, is how they intend to handle the influx of users on the 20th. People with box-in-hand aren't going to put up with this. Are we just going to have incredibly long queues? Are they going to be standing by with extra servers?



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They said, very clearly, right from the start, what their plan was- you ignore what they say, you don't get free time. It's the same as anything else.


There's a deal on, but you arrive on the final day and they're out of product? Too bad.


There's Black Friday door crashers, and you arrive the moment the store opens, but people have been there 8 hours overnight and get them first- too bad.



You don't have 5 dollars to preorder a game in July?... Sorry son, but if your financial situation is that bad, I don't think games should be your prime concern.

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Some of us paid for early access. Aka origin was making more off us than you. So that was included in the deal.


They said, very clearly, right from the start, what their plan was- you ignore what they say, you don't get free time. It's the same as anything else.


There's a deal on, but you arrive on the final day and they're out of product? Too bad.


There's Black Friday door crashers, and you arrive the moment the store opens, but people have been there 8 hours overnight and get them first- too bad.



You don't have 5 dollars to preorder a game in July?... Sorry son, but if your financial situation is that bad, I don't think games should be your prime concern.

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When Tuesday comes there will be no limits. /boggles


To be fair, I think the argument is that everyone should have been invited by now. I understand that there are technical limitations, and I personally have no dog in this fight... that said, implying that anyone is asking for special treatment is, I believe, a bit of a straw man.


My concern, seeing this entire fiasco go tango uniform, is how they intend to handle the influx of users on the 20th. People with box-in-hand aren't going to put up with this. Are we just going to have incredibly long queues? Are they going to be standing by with extra servers?



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Are they going to be standing by with extra servers?


^^^^ This. Yes they are. They added 2 new PvE servers just in the last hour to deal with some of the congestion.


They obviously seem to have servers standing by.


They already said that part of the reason for staggering was to somewhat control population of servers to ensure that there isn't too much dispersal over too many servers early on....


Unfortunately it seems they underestimated the load after all the waves they did today, and likely part of the reason for this hangup is that the 'A-team' won't come back to work until tomorrow morning.

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And finally we want to emphasize that this is just the beginning of a very long journey together. The game is launched, but it’s not done; it will probably never be done as we’re committed to working on Star Wars: The Old Republic in order to keep improving it and delivering exemplary service to you, the customer. It’s going to be a great ride.



Edited by TheCrippler
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General press release published on 12/9 versus letter from the CEO on 12/13. Which one wins?


Considering that some people still can't log in and no one can purchase a subscription? The General Press Release published on 12/9. This really depends on your definition of launch though. My definition and the definition of the press release I quoted is when the game is live and you can purchase a subscription and anyone can log in. Apparently the Dr.'s have a different opinion. In the context of this discussion my definition is the one that applies.

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